Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide
 Accredited Standards Committee ( Index Term Link )
 acknowledgement types ( Index Term Link )
  as part of EDI logic ( Index Term Link )
  Functional Acknowledgment (997) ( Index Term Link )
  Interchange Acknowledgment (TA1) ( Index Term Link )
 adding application server instances ( Index Term Link )
 adding new user to ePM and Message Tracking ( Index Term Link )
 American National Standards Institute ( Index Term Link )
 ANSI ( Index Term Link )
 application acknowledgements ( Index Term Link )
 application server instances, adding ( Index Term Link )
 ASC ( Index Term Link )
 ASC X12 parameters, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 ASC X12 PM overview
  ASC X12 OTD Library ( Index Term Link )
  basic operation ( Index Term Link )
  EDI processing ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  message information levels ( Index Term Link )
  messaging ( Index Term Link )
  OTD structures ( Index Term Link )
  PM and eXchange ( Index Term Link )
  translations, enveloping, and acknowledgments ( Index Term Link )
  version support ( Index Term Link )
 ASC X12 protocol, about
  components ( Index Term Link )
  control numbers ( Index Term Link )
  data elements ( Index Term Link )
  envelope structure ( Index Term Link )
  Functional Groups ( Index Term Link )
  Interchange Envelopes ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  loops ( Index Term Link )
  message body ( Index Term Link )
  message structure ( Index Term Link )
  schematic structure ( Index Term Link )
  segments ( Index Term Link )
  Transaction Sets ( Index Term Link )
  what is it? ( Index Term Link )
 ASC X12 Protocol Manager ( Index Term Link )