Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create and Configure the Additional External Systems

  1. In Enterprise Designer, on the Environment Explorer tree, right-click envA (envB for Berlin) and, on the context menu, click New Batch Local File System.

  2. Name the new external system esBLF, and click OK.

    These operations create, for the Environment, an external system for the Batch eWay in local file mode.

  3. In the new external systems’ Properties dialog boxes and accept the defaults.

    Note –

    When you are finished with each Properties dialog box, click OK.

  4. Create an HTTP eWay (client mode) external system under envA (envB for Berlin) and name it esHTTP.

  5. Open the Properties dialog boxes for esHTTP and accept the defaults.

  6. Create an HTTP eWay (server mode) external system under envA (envB for Berlin) and name it esHTTPserver.

  7. Open the Properties dialog boxes for esHTTPserver and accept the defaults.

    Note –

    When you build a B2B Host Deployment Profile, eXchange automatically creates another external system on the chosen Environment. This external system is called an eXchange service. For more information on this service, see the eXchange Integrator User’s Guide. Also, see Constructing the B2B Host Project.