C H A P T E R  5


Staging is the process of copying file data from nearline or offline storage back to online storage.

This chapter describes the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file staging capabilities. It contains the following sections:

About the stager.cmd File

You can use the stager.cmd file to specify the stager's behavior. The full path name to this file is /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager.cmd. The default behavior of the stager is as follows:

The stager.cmd file enables you to specify directives to override the default behaviors. You can configure the stager to stage files immediately, to never stage files, to specify partial staging, and to specify other staging actions. The never-stage capability can be used, for example, by applications that randomly access small records from large files; when this is enabled, the data is accessed directly from the archive media without staging the file online.

The rest of this section describes the stager directives. For additional information on stager directives, see the stager.cmd(4) man page.

The Example stager.cmd File shows the completed stager.cmd file after all possible directives have been set.

Note - If you are using the File System Manager software, you can control staging from the File System Summary or File System Details page. You can browse the file system and see the status of individual files, use filters to view certain files, and select specific files to stage. You can select which copy to stage from or let the system choose the copy.

To set stager directives, you use vi(1) or another editor to edit the /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager.cmd file. You then use the samd(1M) command with its config option to propagate the file changes and restart the system:

# samd config

For information on the directives you can include in this file, see the following subsections:

The drives Directive: Specifying the Number of Drives

By default, the stager uses all available drives when staging files. If the stager keeps all the drives busy, this can interfere with the archiver's activities. The drives directive specifies the number of drives available to the stager. This directive has the following format:

drives = library count

TABLE 5-1 Arguments for the drives Directive




The family set name of a library as it appears in the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS mcf file.


The maximum number of drives to be used. By default, this is the number of drives configured in the mcf file for this library.


For example, the following directive line specifies that only one drive from the dog family set's library be used for staging files:

drives = dog 1

For more information on the mcf file, see the mcf(4) man page.

You can also specify this directive by using the File System Manager software. For more information, see the File System Manager online help.

Setting the Stage Buffer Size

By default, a file being staged is read into memory in a buffer before being restored from the archive media back to online disk cache. You can use the bufsize directive to specify a nondefault buffer size and, optionally, to lock the buffer. These actions can improve performance, and you can experiment with various buffer-size values. This directive has the following format:

bufsize = media buffer-size [lock]

TABLE 5-2 Arguments for the bufsize Directive




Specify the archive media type from the list on the mcf(4) man page.


A number from 2 through 32. The default is 4. This value is multiplied by the dev_blksize value for the media type, and the resulting buffer size is used. The dev_blksize value is specified in the defaults.conf file. The higher the number specified for buffer_size, the more memory is used. For more information on this file, see the defaults.conf(4) man page.


The lock argument indicates that the stager should use locked buffers when staging archive copies. If lock is specified, the stager sets file locks on the stage buffer in memory for the duration of the copy operation. This avoids the overhead associated with locking and unlocking the buffer for each I/O request and can thereby result in a reduction in system CPU time.

The lock argument should be specified only on large systems with large amounts of memory. Insufficient memory can cause an out-of-memory condition.

The lock argument is effective only if direct I/O is enabled for the file being staged. By default, lock is not specified, and the file system sets the locks on all direct I/O buffers, including those for staging. For more information on enabling direct I/O, see the setfa(1) man page, the sam_setfa(3) library routine man page, or the -O forcedirectio option on the mount_samfs(1M) man page.


You can also specify this directive by using the File System Manager software. For more information, see the File System Manager online help.

Specifying a Log File

You can request that the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software collect file-staging event information and write it to a log file. The logfile directive specifies a log file to which the stager can write logging information. This directive has the following format:

logfile=filename [ event ]

For filename, specify a full path name.

For event, specify one or more staging events. If you specify more than one event, use spaces to separate each them. Possible event specifications are listed in TABLE 5-3.

TABLE 5-3 Values for the event Argument




Logs all staging events.


Logs when staging begins for a file.


Logs when staging ends for a file. Enabled by default.


Logs when the operator cancels a stage. Enabled by default.


Logs staging errors. Enabled by default.

When a log file is specified, the stager writes one or more lines to the log file for each file staged. This line includes information such as the name of the file, the date and time of the stage, and the volume serial number (VSN).

The following directive line specifies file /var/adm/stage.log:


CODE EXAMPLE 5-1 shows an example of a stager log file.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-1 Stager Log File Example
S 2003/12/16 14:06:27 dk disk01 e.76d 2557.1759 1743132 /sam1/testdir0/filebu 1 root other root 0
F 2003/12/16 14:06:27 dk disk01 e.76d 2557.1759 1743132 /sam1/testdir0/filebu 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:06:27 dk disk02 4.a68 1218.1387 519464 /sam1/testdir1/fileaq 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:06:43 dk disk01 13.ba5 3179.41 750880 /sam1/testdir0/filecl 1 root other root 0
F 2003/12/16 14:06:43 dk disk01 13.ba5 3179.41 750880 /sam1/testdir0/filecl 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:06:59 dk disk01 17.167b 1155.1677 1354160 /sam1/testdir0/filedb 1 root other root 0
F 2003/12/16 14:06:59 dk disk01 17.167b 1155.1677 1354160 /sam1/testdir0/filedb 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:06:59 dk disk02 f.f82 3501.115 1458848 /sam1/testdir1/filecb 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:07:15 dk disk01 1f.473 1368.1419 636473 /sam1/testdir0/fileed 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:07:15 dk disk02 16.f15 3362.45 1065457 /sam1/testdir1/filecz 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:07:31 dk disk01 23.201d 3005.1381 556807 /sam1/testdir0/fileeq 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:07:47 dk disk01 26.c4d 2831.1113 1428718 /sam1/testdir0/fileez 1 root other root 0
S 2003/12/16 14:07:47 dk disk02 1b.835 3736.59 1787855 /sam1/testdir1/filedp 1 root other root 0

As CODE EXAMPLE 5-1 shows, the stager log file consists of lines of information divided into nine fields. TABLE 5-4 describes the content of the stager log file fields.

TABLE 5-4 Stager Log File Fields


Example Value

Content Description



Stage activity. S for start. C for canceled. E for error. F for finished.



Date of the stage action, in yyyy/mm/dd format.



Time of the stage action, in hh:mm:ss format.



Archive media type. For information on media types, see the mcf(4) man page.






Physical position of the start of the archive file on media (tar(1) file) and file offset on the archive file, in hexadecimal format.



Inode number and generation number. The generation number is used in addition to the inode number for uniqueness, since inode numbers are reused.



Length of the file.



Name of the file.



Archive copy number.



User ID of the file.



Group ID of the file.



Group ID of the requestor.



Equipment ordinal of the drive from which the file was staged.

You can also specify this directive by using the File System Manager software. For more information, see the File System Manager online help.

Specifying the Number of Stage Requests

The maxactive directive enables you to specify the number of stage requests that can be active at any one time.

This directive has the following format:


By default, number is 4000. The minimum number allowed is 1. The maximum allowed is 500,000.

For example, the following directive line specifies that no more than 500 stage requests can be in the queue simultaneously:


Example stager.cmd File

CODE EXAMPLE 5-2 shows an example stager.cmd file.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-2 Example stager.cmd File
# This is stager.cmd file /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager.cmd
drives=dog 1
bufsize=od 8 lock

Specifying Stage Attributes for All Files in an Archive Set

Most directives in the archiver.cmd file affect archiving, but the archive set assignment directive allows you to specify stage attributes that apply to all files in an archive set.

Chapter 3 describes the archive set assignment directive and its arguments completely. TABLE 5-5 shows the staging directives that can appear in an archive set assignment directive.

TABLE 5-5 Staging Directives That can Appear in the archiver.cmd File



-stage a

Specifies that the files in the archive set should be associatively staged.

-stage d

Reset to default.

-stage n

Specifies that the files in the archive set should never be staged.

For more information on these and the other archiver.cmd directives, see Archiving.

Prioritizing Preview Requests

The archiver and stager processes both can request that media be loaded and unloaded. If the number of requests exceeds the number of drives available for media loads, the excess number of requests is sent to the preview queue.

Archive and stage requests in the preview queue are those that cannot be immediately satisfied. By default, preview requests are satisfied in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order.

The number of entries that can be in the preview queue is determined by the previews= directive in the defaults.conf file. For information on changing the value of this directive, see the defaults.conf(4) man page.

You can assign different priorities to preview requests. You can override the FIFO default by entering directives in the preview command file, which is written to /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/preview.cmd.

This file schedules a preview request according to whether the request is for file staging or archiving. You can also increase the priority for specific VSNs. Further, settings in the preview.cmd file can also reprioritize preview requests for all or for specific file systems based on the high water mark (HWM) or low water mark (LWM) settings.

The sam-amld daemon reads the preview directives at startup. You must specify the directives one per line. If you change this file while the sam-amld daemon is running, you have to restart the sam-amld daemon to have them take effect. Comment lines begin with a pound sign (#) and extend through the end of the line. For more information on this file, see the preview.cmd(4) man page.

The following types of directives can appear in the preview.cmd file:

File system directives begin with fs = file-system-name. This directive names the file system to which all subsequent directives pertain. More than one block of file directives can appear in a file. File system directives apply until the next fs = line is encountered or until the end of file is encountered.

Note - When multiple directives affect a file system, the directives that are specific to that file system override the global directives.

Global VSN and Age Directives

The VSN and age priority directives are global directives, so they come before any file-system-specific directives in the preview.cmd file.

The VSN priority directive has the following format:

vsn_priority = value

This directive is a static priority factor that indicates the value by which the total priority increases for a VSN flagged as a high-priority VSN. The default value for vsn_priority is 1000.0. A VSN must have its priority flag set when it is scheduled as a preview request to gain this value. Use the chmed(1M) command to set the priority flag with the p option (for example, chmed +p lt.AAA123). This flag takes effect for all submitted requests for the VSN that are not already preview requests.

The age priority directive has the following format:

age_priority = factor

This directive is also a static priority factor, although its overall effect is dynamic. The age_priority factor is multiplied by the number of seconds for which a request is a preview request. The result is then added to the overall priority of the request. The longer a request waits to be satisfied, the larger the age factor becomes. Setting this factor helps to ensure that older requests are not indefinitely superseded by newer requests with other higher-priority factors.

If this factor is more than 1.0, it increases the importance of the time factor in calculation of the total priority. If it is less than 1.0, it decreases the importance of the time factor. Setting the factor to 0.0 eliminates the time factor from the overall priority calculation.

A VSN whose priority flag is not set increases in priority based on the time it remains in the queue. Its priority can become higher than a VSN that comes into the queue later with the priority flag already set.

Global or File-System-Specific Water Mark Directives

The water mark preview request directives can be used as either global or file-system-specific directives. The water mark priority directives determine the water mark priority of the preview requests, as shown in the following equation.

lwm_priority +
lhwm_priority +
hlwm_priority +
= water mark priority

When the water mark priority factor is a positive number, the result on the overall calculated priorities increases archiving requests over staging requests. In contrast, when the water mark priority factor is a negative number, the overall priority for archiving requests is reduced, which tends to favor staging requests over archival requests. A water mark priority factor of 0.0 (or no specified command at all) indicates that no special action occurs. For more information, see the example in Example 1: Enforcing Stage Requests.

TABLE 5-6 shows the four water mark priority directives and their arguments.

TABLE 5-6 Water Mark Priority Directives

Priority Directive


lwm_priority = value

For value, specify the amount by which you want the water mark priority factor to change for archiving requests when the file system is below the LWM level. The default is 0.0.

lhwm_priority = value

For value, specify the amount by which you want the water mark priority factor to change for archiving requests when the file system crosses from below to above the LWM but remains below the HWM level. This generally indicates that the file system is filling up. The default is 0.0.

hlwm_priority = value

For value, specify the amount by which you want the water mark priority factor to change for archiving requests when the file system has crossed from above to below the HWM but remains above the LWM level. This generally indicates that the releaser was not able to free enough disk space to leave the file system below the LWM. The default is 0.0.

hwm_priority = value

For value, specify the amount by which you want the water mark priority factor to change for archiving requests when the file system is above the HWM level. The default is 0.0.

Together, the four water mark settings create a dynamic priority factor that includes a percentage value indicating how full the file system is and the levels at which the HWM and LWM are set. The value assigned to a preview request is determined by whether a factor is global, specific to a file system, or not set.

When a file system crosses from one condition to another, the priority of each VSN associated with that file system is recalculated based on the appropriate water mark priority setting, with or without the chmed(1M) command's p option.

The water mark priorities are used only to calculate media requests for archiving. They are not used to calculate media requests for staging.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-3 shows the settings to use to enable the releaser to free enough disk space so that the file system goes below the LWM.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-3 Settings for Going Below the LWM
lhwm_priority = -200.0
hlwm_priority = 100.0

Calculating Total Preview Request Priority

The numeric priority of preview requests is determined by the combination of static and dynamic factors. Higher numbers correspond to higher priority. A static priority factor is set when the request is generated. Its effect does not change the overall priority after the request is generated and is waiting to be satisfied. A dynamic priority factor can increase or decrease the overall priority of a request while the request is waiting to be satisfied.

The total priority for a preview request is the sum of all priority factors. It is calculated as follows:

total priority = vsn_priority + wm_priority + (age_priority * time_in_sec_as_preview_request)

Setting Up a Preview Request Priority Scheme

Change the default preview request FIFO scheme only if there are compelling reasons to do so, such as the following:

CODE EXAMPLE 5-4 shows an example preview.cmd file that addresses these three conditions.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-4 Example preview.cmd File
# condition 1
lwm_priority = -200.0
lhwm_priority = -200.0
hlwm_priority = -200.0
# condition 2
hwm_priority = 500.0
# condition 3
age_priority = 1.0

For environments in which user access to data is of paramount importance, the VSN drives are limited, or file archival is performed as a background function, you can use the preview.cmd file to influence how the storage system resources service the staging requests. You can customize the settings in the preview.cmd file to support any of the preceding scenarios and influence the configured Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment.

Because data is not affected by the settings in this file, you are encouraged to experiment and adjust the directive settings to achieve the proper balance between archiving and staging requests when weighed against the priorities of each preview request.

Example 1: Enforcing Stage Requests

The following example calculations show how you can use a negative value for wm_priority to ensure that stage requests have priority over archive requests. This example assumes the following:

TABLE 5-7 shows how the total request priorities are calculated.

TABLE 5-7 Request Priority Example



Archive VSN with priority, LWM:

1000 + (-200) + (1 x 100) = 900

Stage VSN with priority, LWM:

1000 + 0 + (1 x 100) = 1100

Stage VSN without priority, LWM:

0 + 0 + (1 x 100) = 100

Example 2: Enforcing Archive Requests

When the environment is balanced between the importance of staging a file back to the user and the importance of getting new files archived to media, the biggest concern is exceeding the HWM. In this situation, if there are not enough files that have met their archive requirements to lower the percentage of the file system that is full, meeting the pending archive requests is the best way to keep the file system from filling up.

In this situation, the preview.cmd file can be as simple as the following:

hwm_priority = 500.0

Example 3: Prioritizing Requests by Media

Suppose you have a project-oriented environment in which specific users are working on groups of files that use specific VSNs and are segregated from other users. In this environment, certain projects might have higher priorities at certain times; hence, greater priority might be required from the available system storage resources. You can configure the preview.cmd file with the following directive to give users and their media the appropriate priority for media drives:

hwm_priority = 5000.0

Then, for every VSN in the priority user's group, enter the following information:

# chmed +p lt. VSN

Thereafter, every request that requires the specified VSN is placed above other pending mount requests in the preview queue.

Later, to deprioritize the user's media, enter the following reverse command for every VSN:

# chmed -p lt. media-type

Note - A request for a select group of VSNs always takes precedence in the preview request queue if the chmed(1M) command's p flag is set.

Example 4: Complex Prioritization

Assume that there are two Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file systems with the following requirements:

CODE EXAMPLE 5-5 shows the affected directives.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-5 Directives
lwm_priority =  -200.0
lhwm_priority = 0.0
hlwm_priority = 0.0

The other directives remain unchanged.

When one of the file system goes over the HWM, archive requests take priority.

Suppose that both file systems are over the HWM and it is more important to prevent the second file system (for example, samfs2) from filling up. This might occur if, for example, samfs1 is a user working file system and samfs2 is the critical-system file system.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-6 shows a preview.cmd file that prioritizes requests according to the requirements in the preceding list.

CODE EXAMPLE 5-6 A preview.cmd File Showing Complex Prioritization
age_priority = 100.0
vsn_priority = 20000.0
lhwm_priority = -200.0
hlwm_priority = -200.0
fs = samfs1
hwm_priority = 1000.0
fs = samfs2
hwm_priority = 5000.0