C H A P T E R  1

Preparing for Installation

This chapter includes information about the following topics:

Software Installation Overview

The following steps outline the general process you follow to install the Sun Studio 11 software, product serial number, and supporting software. See the references provided in each step for specific procedures.



For Instructions

1. Verify that the system on which you are installing the Sun Studio 11 software meets the minimum requirements for this release.

Using a system that meets the system requirements is recommended for proper performance.

See System Requirements.

2. Determine whether you are going to display the installer locally or remotely.

You can install the Sun Studio software using a remote display or local display.

Refer to Choosing Local Display or Remote Display of the Installer for more details.

3. Verify that your system has access to the Javatrademark 2 Platform, Standard Edition technology.

The Sun Studio 11 software supports the Javatrademark 2 Platform, Standard Edition technology.

See Installing the J2SE Platform for J2SE installation instructions, if necessary.

4. Choose an installation method.

There are three ways to install the Sun Studio software.

See Choosing an Installation Method for more information.

5. Install the Sun Studio 11 software and serial number.

Step through the installation information.

See Installing the Sun Studio 11 Software for installation instructions.

System Requirements

Sun Studio 11 software software supports the system requirements shown in TABLE 1-1.

Note - For further disk space requirements and important last minute information about this release, see the release notes for the Sun Studio 11 software on Linux platforms on the product web site at http://wwws.sun.com/software/products/studio/index.html.

TABLE 1-1 System Requirements

Operating system

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (en locale only, not supported in ja and zh locales)
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4


x86 architecture (32 bit):

Intel Pentium III 500 MHz Workstation

x64 architecture (64 bit):


Sun Java Workstation W2100z or better (two 2.6 GHz 200 series AMD Opteron processors)

Sun Fire V20z Server


Recommended: 1 Gbyte
Minimum: 512 Mbytes

Swap Space*

Recommended: 2 Gbytes
Minimum: 1 Gbyte

Disk Space

556 Mbytes

J2SE Technology

J2SE 1.4.2_08 technology or J2SE 5.0 Update 3 technology


GCC 3.3 family on Sun Java Desktop System, Release 3 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9

GCC 3.4 family on RedHat Enterprise Linux 4

(gcc compiler and g++ compiler only, g77 compiler is not supported)

*Use the swapon -s command to display the existing swap space.

Adding Swap Space

If you want to add swap space, do the following:

1. Become a superuser (root) by typing:

% su
Password: root-password

2. Create a file in a selected directory to add swap space by typing:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dir/myswapfile bs=1024 count=number_blocks_needed

where dir is a directory in which you have permission to add swap space. The myswapfile is the name of the swap file you are creating. The number_blocks_needed is an amount of 1024-byte blocks you want to create.

See the dd(1) man page for more information.

3. Verify that the file was created by typing:

# ls -l /dir/myswapfile

The new file appears in the directory.

4. Initialize the new swap area by typing:

# mkswap /dir/myswapfile

See the mkswap(8) man page for more detailed information.

5. Run the swapon command to enable the new swap space for paging and swapping by typing the following:

# swapon -a /dir/myswapfile

6. Verify that the extra swap space was added by typing:

# swapon -s

The output shows the allocated swap space.

Choosing Local Display or Remote Display of the Installer

You can display the installer either locally or remotely while you are installing the Sun Studio 11 software with the graphical user interface installer or the command-line installer:

Preparing to Install Using a Remote Display

To prepare for installation using a remote display, follow these steps:

1. On the display computer, enable client access to the X server by typing the following at a command line:

% xhost + source-computer-name

Replace source-computer-name with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command entered on the source computer, which is the computer that contains the product CD-ROM or downloaded files.

2. Log in to the source computer and become a superuser (root) by typing:

% rlogin source-computer-name -l rootname
Password: root-password

3. On the source computer, set the display to the monitor that is attached to the display computer.

If you use the C shell, type:

# setenv DISPLAY display-computer-name:0.0

If you use the GNU Bourne-Again shell, type:

# export DISPLAY=display-computer-name:0.0

If you use the Korn shell, type:

# export DISPLAY=display-computer-name:0.0

Replace display-computer-name with the output of the /bin/hostname command entered on the display computer.

Installing to an NFS-mounted Filesystem

To install the Sun Studio software on an NFS-mounted filesystem, you must run the installer on a supported system regardless of where the NFS partition is mounted. In the following procedure, the server is the machine with the physical disk on which the installed software will reside, and the client is the machine on which you run the installer and which NFS-mounts the filesystem from the server.

Note - The best way to share the product image as an NFS-mounted filesystem is to export it from a supported system. Run the installer on the server and share the directory in which the software is installed. Use the following NFS install procedure only if your NFS server is not a supported platform for the product.

To prepare for installing the Sun Studio software on an NFS-mounted filesystem:

1. On the server machine, share the filesystem with the appropriate options. It is essential that root on the client machine on which the installer will be run have full access to the NFS filesystem:

# /usr/sbin/exportfs -o no_root_squash,rw client-machine:filesystem

2. On the client machine, mount the shared filesystem with read/write access:

# mount server-machine:filesystem installation-directory

For example, you might mount the filesystem on installation directory /mnt on client machine foo.

You can then install the Sun Studio product on the server by running the graphical user interface installer, command-line installer, or batch installer on client machine foo. For the graphical user interface installer or the command-line installer, you would select /mnt as the installation directory. For the batch installer, you would specify /mnt as the installation directory using the -d option.

After you have installed the software, any machine that is running a supported version of the Linux operating system can mount the filesystem from the server on which you installed the software, and run the software..

To uninstall Sun Studio software installed on an NFS-mounted filesystem, you must run the uninstaller on the same client machine you used to install the software, and you must mount the filesystem prior to running the uninstaller.

Installation Features Included in This Release

This Sun Studio 11 software software release includes the following installation features:

This document includes instructions for using each of the features.