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Sun Server Management Agents 2.0 User's Guide

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Introduction to Sun Server Management Agents

Sun Server Management Agents Features

Sun Server Hardware Management Agent

Sun Server Hardware SNMP Plugins

Sun Server Storage Management Agent

Installing Components

Getting Started


Getting the Software

Sun SSM Component Manager Overview

Upgrading from Previous Versions

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager in Interactive Mode

(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Interactively Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) How to Uninstall Interactively Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Linux and Solaris) How to Uninstall Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Windows) Using Component Manager

(Windows) Using the Component Manager Graphic Interface

(Windows) How to Install Using Component Manager Graphic Interface

(Windows) How to Uninstall using Component Manager Graphic Interface

(Windows) Using Component Manager Command-line Interface

(Windows) How to Install Using Component Manager Command-line Interface

(Windows) How to Uninstall Using the Component Manager Command-line Interface

Configuring Hardware Management Agent and Hardware SNMP Plugins

Hardware Management Agent Configuration File

Configuring the Hardware Management Agent Logging Level

How to Configure the Hardware Management Agent Logging Level:

(Solaris and Linux) Hardware Management Agent Runtime Options

Configuring your Host Operating System's SNMP

(Solaris and Linux ) Configuring Net-SNMP/SMA

(Windows) Configuring SNMP

Sun Server Hardware SNMP Plugins

Overview of Sun HW Monitoring MIB

Sun Server Product and Chassis

Sun Server Service Processor

Sun Server Hardware Monitoring MIB

Sun Server Hardware Management Agent

Sun Server Hardware Inventory

Sun Server Hardware Monitor Sensor Group



Overview of Sun HW Trap MIB

Working With Management Agents

Retrieving and Setting Information Through SNMP







Generating SNMP Traps

Troubleshooting Management Agents

General Management Agents Troubleshooting

Solaris Operating System Troubleshooting

Linux Troubleshooting


(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

When using the Component Manager in unattended mode, you can install components separately, or you can install all components. Component Manager can provide a list of available components found in the Packages subdirectory. You can also configure whether Component Manager automatically starts the services associated with components.

Note - If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading from Previous Versions.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Within the directory where you uncompressed the Hardware Management Pack download, navigate to the Packages subdirectory in the SOFTWARE subdirectory.

    Tip - Use the -d directory option to pass Component Manager an alternative directory to use for the component packages instead of navigating to the Packages subdirectory.

  3. List the available components by typing the following command:

    /usr/sbin/sunssmcompmgr -C

    The list of available components is displayed in the terminal. The exact name of the component to use in the next step is shown in square brackets, for example [component name].

  4. Choose one of the following options:
    • To install selected components in unattended mode, type the following command:

      sunssmcompmgr -I COMPONENT1:COMPONENT2

      where COMPONENT1:COMPONENT2 is the list of components to install, separated by colons (:).

    • To install all available components in unattended mode, type the following command:

      sunssmcompmgr -I ALL

      The selected components are installed.