Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.3 2006Q2 Release Notes


The following table lists the known issues related to monitoring.

Table 11 Known Issues in Migration




When a proxy instance is migrated from proxy server 3.6 to proxy server 4.0, the migration tool doesn't modify the setting for Client IP Address Forwarding. In the 4.0 version the Client IP Address Forwarding is set to "Blocked" by default. In the 3.6 version the Client IP Address Forwarding is not set to “Blocked” by default. As a result, the behavior changes because the default value of this feature changes between 3.6 and 4.0.  


If the migration tool does not find an entry in the obj.conf file of the migrated instance for the block-ip ObjectType, then add the following line in the obj.conf file.

ObjectType fn="block-ip"