ONC+ Developer's Guide

Authentication Using RPCSEC_GSS

The authentication flavors mentioned previously -- AUTH_SYS, AUTH_DES, and AUTH_KERB -- can be overcome by a determined snoop. For this reason a new networking layer, the Generic Security Standard API, or GSS-API, has been added. The GSS-API framework offers two extra services beyond authentication:

Note -

Currently, the GSS-API is not exposed. Certain GSS-API features, however, are "visible" through RPCSEC_GSS functions -- they can be manipulated in an "opaque" fashion. The programmer need not be directly concerned with their values.


The RPCSEC_GSS security flavor allows ONC RPC applications to take advantage of the features of GSS-API. RPCSEC_GSS sits "on top" of the GSS-API layer as follows:

Figure 4-1 GSS-API and RPCSEC_GSS Security Layers


Using the programming interface for RPCSEC_GSS, ONC RPC applications can specify:


A security paradigm. Each kind of security mechanism offers a different kind of data protection, as well as one or more levels of data protection. In this case, any security mechanism supported by the GSS-API (Kerberos V5, RSA public key, and so forth).

security service

Either privacy or integrity (or neither). The default is integrity The service is mechanism-independent.


Quality of Protection. The QOP specifies the type of cryptographic algorithm to be used to implement privacy or integrity services. Each security mechanism can have one or more QOPs associated with it.

Applications can obtain lists of valid QOPs and mechanisms through functions provided by RPCSEC_GSS. (See "Miscellaneous Functions".) Developers should avoid hard-coding mechanisms and QOPs into their applications, so that the applications will not need to be modified to use new or different mechanisms and QOPs.

Note -

Historically, "security flavor" and "authentication flavor" have meant the same thing. With the introduction of RPCSEC_GSS, "flavor" now has a somewhat different sense. A flavor can now include a service (integrity or privacy) along with authentication, although currently RPCSEC_GSS is the only flavor that does.

Using RPCSEC_GSS, ONC RPC applications establish a security context with a peer, exchange data, and destroy the context, just as they do with other flavors. Once a context is established, the application can change the QOP and service for each data unit sent.

For more information on RPCSEC_GSS, including RPCSEC_GSS data types, see the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page.


Table 4-8 summarizes RPCSEC_GSS commands. It is intended as a general overview of RPCSEC_GSS functions, rather than a specific description of each one. For more information on each function, see its man page, or check the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page for an overview, including a list of RPCSEC_GSS data structures.

Table 4-8 RPCSEC_GSS Functions
 Create a security contextrpc_gss_seccreate() CLIENT handle, principal name, mechanism, QOP, service typeAUTH handle
 Change QOP, service type for contextrpc_gss_set_defaults() Old QOP, service New QOP, service
 Show maximum size for data before security transformationrpc_gss_max_data_length() Maximum data size allowed by transport Maximum pre-transformation data size
 Show maximum size for data before security transformationrpc_gss_svc_max_data_length() Maximum data size allowed by transport Maximum pre-transformation data size
 Set name of principal(s) for server to representrpc_gss_set_svc_name() Principal name, RPC program, version #s TRUE if successful
 Fetch credentials of caller (client)rpc_gss_getcred()Pointer to svc_req structure UNIX credentials, RPCSEC_GSS credentials, cookie
 Specify (user-writen) callback functionrpc_gss_set_callback() Pointer to callback function TRUE if successful
 Create RPCSEC_GSS structure for principal names from unique parametersrpc_gss_get_principal_name() Mechanism, user name, machine name, domain name RPCSEC_GSS principal name structure
 Fetch an error code when an RPCSEC_GSS routine failsrpc_gss_get_error()   RPCSEC_GSS error number, errno if applicable
 Get strings for installed mechanismsrpc_gss_get_mechanisms()    List of valid mechanisms
 Get valid QOP stringsrpc_gss_get_mech_info() Mechanism Valid QOPs for that mechanism
 Get the highest, lowest version numbers of RPCSEC_GSS supportedrpc_gss_get_versions()    Highest, lowest versions
 Check to see if a mechanism is installedrpc_gss_is_installed() Mechanism TRUE if installed
 Convert ASCII mechanism to RPC object identifierrpc_gss_mech_to_oid() Mechanism (as string) Mechanism (as OID)
 Convert ASCII QOP to integerrpc_gss_qop_to_num() QOP (as string) QOP (as integer)

Creating a Context

Contexts are created with the rpc_gss_seccreate() call. This function takes as its arguments:

It returns an AUTH authentication handle. Example 4-29 shows how rpc_gss_seccreate() might be used to create a context using the Kerberos V5 security mechanism and the integrity service:

Example 4-29 rpc_gss_seccreate()

CLIENT *clnt;                    /* client handle */
char server_host[] = "foo";
char service_name[] = "nfs@eng.acme.com";
char mech[] = "kerberos_v5";

clnt = clnt_create(server_host, SERVER_PROG, SERV_VERS, "netpath");
clnt->clnt_auth = rpc_gss_seccreate(clnt, service_name, mech,
                          rpc_gss_svc_integrity, NULL, NULL, NULL);

. . .

A few things to note about Example 4-29 are:

For more information, see the rpc_gss_seccreate(3N) man page.

Changing Values and Destroying a Context

Once a context has been set, the application may need to change QOP and service values for individual data units being transmitted. (For example, you might want a program to encrypt a password but not a login name.) rpc_gss_set_defaults() allows you to do so:

Example 4-30 rpc_gss_set_defaults()

rpc_gss_set_defaults(clnt->clnt_auth, rpc_gss_svc_privacy, qop);

. . .

In this case, the security service is set to privacy (see "Creating a Context"). qop is a pointer to a string naming the new QOP.

Contexts are destroyed in the usual way, with auth_destroy().

For more information on changing service and QOP, see the rpc_gss_set_defaults(3N) man page.

Principal Names

Two types of principal names are needed to establish and maintain a security context:

Setting Server Principal Names

A server needs to be told the names of the principals it will represent when it starts up. (A server may act as more than one principal.) rpc_gss_set_svc_name() sets the name of the principal(s):

Example 4-31 rpc_gss_set_svc_name()

char *principal, *mechanism;
u_int req_time;

principal = "nfs@eng.acme.com";
mechanism = "kerberos_v5";
req_time = 10000;		/* time for which credential should be valid */

rpc_gss_set_svc_name(principal, mechanism, req_time, SERV_PROG, SERV_VERS);

(Kerberos ignores the req_time parameter. Other authentication systems may use it.)

For more information, see the rpc_gss_set_svc_name(3N) man page.

Generating Client Principal Names

Servers need to be able to operate on a client's principal name -- for example, to compare a client's principal name to an access control list, or look up a UNIX credential for that client, if such a credential exists. Such principal names are kept in the form of a rpc_gss_principal_t structure pointer. (See the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page for more on rpc_gss_principal_t.) If a server wants to compare a principal name it has received with the name of a known entity, it needs to be able to generate a principal name in that form.

The rpc_gss_get_principal_name() call takes as input several parameters that uniquely identify an individual on a network, and generates a principal name as a rpc_gss_principal_t structure pointer:

Example 4-32 rpc_gss_get_principal_name()

rpc_gss_principal_t *principal;

rpc_gss_get_principal_name(principal, mechanism, name, node, domain);
. . .

The arguments to rpc_gss_get_principal_name() are as follows:

Each security mechanism requires different identifying parameters. For example, Kerberos V5 requires a user name and, only optionally, qualified node and domain names (in Kerberos terms, host and realm names).

For more information, see the rpc_gss_get_principal_name(3N) man page.

Freeing Up Principal Names

Principal names are freed up using the free() library call.

Receiving Credentials at the Server

A server must be able to fetch the credentials of a client. The rpc_gss_getcred() function, shown in Example 4-33, allows the server to retrieve either UNIX credentials or RPCSEC_GSS credentials (or both, for that matter). It does so through two arguments that are set if the function is successful. One is a pointer to an rpc_gss_ucred_t structure, which contains the caller's UNIX credentials, if such exist:

typedef struct {
    uid_t   uid;          /* user ID */
    gid_t   gid;          /* group ID */
    short   gidlen;       
    git_t   *gidlist;     /* list of groups */
} rpc_gss_ucred_t;

The other argument is a pointer to a rpc_gss_raw_cred_t structure, which looks like this:

typedef struct {
		u_int                  version;               /* RPCSEC_GSS program version */
		char                   *mechanism;
		char                   *qop;
		rpc_gss_principal_t    client_principal;     /* client principal name */
		char                   *svc_principal;        /* server principal name */
		rpc_gss_service_t			service;               /* privacy, integrity enum */
} rpc_gss_rawcred_t;
(See "Generating Client Principal Names" for a description of the rpc_gss_principal_t structure and how it is created.) Because rpc_gss_rawcred_t contains both the client and server principal names, rpc_gss_getcred() can return them both.

Example 4-33 is an example of a simple server-side dispatch procedure, in which the server gets the credentials for the caller. The procedure gets the caller's UNIX credentials and then verifies the user's identity, using the mechanism, QOP, and service type found in the rpc_gss_rcred_t argument.

Example 4-33 Getting Credentials

static void server_prog(struct svc_req *rqstp, SVCXPRT *xprt)
		rpc_gss_ucred_t *ucred;
		rpc_gss_rawcred_t *rcred;

		if (rqst->rq_proq == NULLPROC) {
			svc_sendreply(xprt, xdr_void, NULL);
		 * authenticate all other requests */

		switch (rqstp->rq_cred.oa_flavor) {
		case RPCSEC_GSS:
			 * get credential information
			rpc_gss_getcred(rqstp, &rcred, &ucred, NULL);
			* verify that the user is allowed to access
			* using received security parameters by
			* peeking into my config file
			if (!authenticate_user(ucred->uid, rcred->mechanism,
				rcred->qop, rcred->service)) {
			break; 	/* allow the user in */
		} /* end switch */

		switch (rqstp->rq_proq) {
		case SERV_PROC1:
			. . .

		/* usual request processing; send response ... */



For more information, see the rpc_gss_getcred(3N) man page.


In Example 4-33, the last argument to rpc_gss_getcred() (here, a NULL) is a user-defined cookie, whose value on return will be whatever was specified by the server when the context was created. This cookie, a four-byte value, can be used in any way appropriate for the application -- RPC does not interpret it. For example, the cookie can be a pointer or index to a structure that represents the context initiator; instead of computing this value for every request, the server computes it at context-creation time (thus saving on request-processing time).


Another place where cookies can be used is with callbacks. A server can specify a (user-defined) callback so that it knows when a context first gets used, by using the rpc_gss_set_callback() function. The callback is invoked the first time a context is used for data exchanges, after the context is established for the specified program and version.

The user-defined callback routine takes the following form:

The second and third arguments, deleg and gss_context, are GSS-API data types and are not currently exposed, so the callback function can ignore them. (Briefly, deleg is the identity of any delegated peer, while gss_context is a pointer to the GSS-API context, in case the program wanted to perform GSS-API operations on the context -- that is, to test for acceptance criteria.) The cookie argument we have already seen.

The lock argument is a pointer to a rpc_gss_lock_t structure:

typedef struct {
		bool_t              locked;
		rpc_gss_rawcred_t   *raw_cred;
} rpc_gss_lock_t;
This parameter enables a server to enforce a particular QOP and service for the session. QOP and service are found in the rpc_gss_rawcred_t structure described in Example 4-33. (A server should not change the values for service and QOP.) When the user-defined callback is invoked, the locked field is set to FALSE. If the server sets locked to TRUE, only requests with QOP and service values that match the QOP and service values in the rpc_gss_rawcred_t structure will be accepted.

For more information, see the rpc_gss_set_callback(3N) man page.

Maximum Data Size

Two functions -- rpc_gss_max_data_length() and rpc_gss_svc_max_data_length() -- are useful in determining how large a piece of data can be before it is transformed by security measures and sent "over the wire." That is, a security transformation such as encryption usually changes the size of a piece of transmitted data (most often enlarging it). To make sure that data won't be enlarged past a usable size, these two functions -- the former is the client-side version, the latter the server-side -- return the maximum pre-transformation size for a given transport.

For more information, see the rpc_gss_max_data_length(3N) and rpc_gss_svc_max_data_length(3N) man pages.

Miscellaneous Functions

Several functions are useful for getting information about the installed security system:

Using these functions gives the programmer latitude in avoiding hard-coding security parameters in applications. (See Table 4-8 and the rpcsec_gss(3N) man page for a list of all RPCSEC_GSS functions.)

Associated Files

RPCSEC_GSS makes use of certain files to store information.

The gsscred Table

When a server retrieves the client credentials associated with a request, it can get either the client's principal name (in the form of a rpc_gss_principal_t structure pointer) or local UNIX credentials (UID) for that client. Services such as NFS require a local UNIX credential for access checking, but others might not; they can, for example, store the principal name, as a rpc_gss_principal_t structure, directly in their own access control lists.

Note -

The correspondence between a client's network credential (its principal name) and any local UNIX credential is not automatic -- it must be set up explicitly by the local security administrator.

The gsscred file contains both the client's UNIX and network (for example, Kerberos V5) credentials. (The latter is the Hex-ASCII representation of the rpc_gss_principal_t structure.) It is accessed through XFN; thus, this table can be implemented over files, NIS, or NIS+, or any future name service supported by XFN. In the XFN hierarchy, this table appears as this_org_unit/service/gsscred. The gsscred table is maintained with the use of the gsscred utility, which allows administrators to add and delete users and mechanisms.

/etc/gss/qop and /etc/gss/mech

For convenience, RPCSEC_GSS uses string literals for representing mechanisms and Quality of Protection (QOP) parameters. The underlying mechanisms themselves, however, require mechanisms to be represented as object identifiers and QOPs as 32-bit integers. Additionally, for each mechanism, the shared library that implements the services for that mechanism needs to be specified.

The /etc/gss/mech file stores the following information on all installed mechanisms on a system: the mechanism name, in ASCII; the mechanism's OID; the shared library implementing the services provided by this mechanism; and, optionally, the kernel module implementing the service. A sample line might look like this:

kerberos_v5   1.2.840.113554.1.2.2    gl/mech_krb5.so gl_kmech_krb5

The /etc/gss/qop file stores, for all mechanisms installed, all the QOPs supported by each mechanism, both as an ASCII string as its corresponding 32-bit integer.

Both /etc/gss/mech and /etc/gss/qop are created when security mechanisms are first installed on a given system.

Because many of the in-kernel RPC routines use non-string values to represent mechanism and QOP, applications can use the rpc_gss_mech_to_oid() and rpc_gss_qop_to_num() functions to get the non-string equivalents for these parameters, should they need to take advantage of those in-kernel routines.