ONC+ Developer's Guide

Discriminated Unions

The XDR library supports discriminated unions. A discriminated union is a C union and an enum_t value that selects an "arm" of the union.

struct xdr_discrim {
  	enum_t value;
  	bool_t (*proc)();

 xdr_union(xdrs, dscmp, unp, arms, defaultarm)
   XDR *xdrs;
   enum_t *dscmp;
   char *unp;
   struct xdr_discrim *arms;
  	bool_t (*defaultarm)(); /* may equal NULL */

First the routine translates the discriminant of the union located at *dscmp. The discriminant is always an enum_t. Next the union located at *unp is translated. The parameter arms is a pointer to an array of xdr_discrim structures. Each structure contains an ordered pair of [value,proc]. If the union's discriminant is equal to the associated value, then the proc is called to translate the union. The end of the xdr_discrim structure array is denoted by a routine of value NULL (0). If the discriminant is not found in the arms array, then the defaultarm() procedure is called if it is nonnull; otherwise the routine returns FALSE.

Discriminated Union Example

Suppose the type of a union may be integer, character pointer (a string), or a gnumbers structure. Also, assume the union and its current type are declared in a structure. The declaration is:

enum utype {INTEGER=1, STRING=2, GNUMBERS=3};
struct u_tag {
   enum utype utype;	/* the union's discriminant */
   union {
      int ival;
      char *pval;
      struct gnumbers gn;
   } uval;

Example A-12 constructs and XDR procedure (de)serialize the discriminated union.

Example A-12 XDR Discriminated Union

struct xdr_discrim u_tag_arms[4] = {
 	{INTEGER, xdr_int},
 	{GNUMBERS, xdr_gnumbers}
 	{STRING, xdr_wrapstring},
 	{__dontcare__, NULL}
 	/* always terminate arms with a NULL xdr_proc */

xdr_u_tag(xdrs, utp)
 	XDR *xdrs;
 	struct u_tag *utp;
 	return(xdr_union(xdrs, &utp->utype, &utp->uval,
	       u_tag_arms, NULL));

The routine xdr_gnumbers() was presented above in the XDR Library section. xdr_wrapstring() was presented in example C. The default arm parameter to xdr_union() (the last parameter) is NULL in this example. Therefore the value of the union's discriminant may legally take on only values listed in the u_tag_arms array. This example also demonstrates that the elements of the arm's array do not need to be sorted.

It is worth pointing out that the values of the discriminant may be sparse, though in this example they are not. It is always good practice to assign explicitly integer values to each element of the discriminant's type. This practice both documents the external representation of the discriminant and guarantees that different C compilers emit identical discriminant values.


Implement xdr_union() using the other primitives in this section.