ONC+ Developer's Guide


In C it is often convenient to put pointers to another structure within a structure. The xdr_reference() primitive makes it easy to serialize, deserialize, and free these referenced structures.

xdr_reference(xdrs, pp, size, proc)
   XDR *xdrs;
   char **pp;
   u_int ssize;
   bool_t (*proc)();

Parameter pp is the address of the pointer to the structure; parameter ssize is the size in bytes of the structure (use the C function sizeof() to obtain this value); and proc() is the XDR routine that describes the structure. When decoding data, storage is allocated if *pp is NULL.

There is no need for a primitive xdr_struct() to describe structures within structures, because pointers are always sufficient.


Implement xdr_reference() using xdr_array().

Caution - Caution -

xdr_reference() and xdr_array() are NOT interchangeable external representations of data.

Pointer Example

Suppose there is a structure containing a person's name and a pointer to a gnumbers structure containing the person's gross assets and liabilities. The construct is:

struct pgn {
   char *name;
   struct gnumbers *gnp;

The corresponding XDR routine for this structure is:

xdr_pgn(xdrs, pp)
   XDR *xdrs;
   struct pgn *pp;
   return(xdr_string(xdrs, &pp->name, NLEN) &&
      xdr_reference(xdrs, &pp->gnp, sizeof(struct gnumbers),

Pointer Semantics

In many applications, C programmers attach double meaning to the values of a pointer. Typically the value NULL (or zero) means data is not needed, yet some application-specific interpretation applies. In essence, the C programmer is encoding a discriminated union efficiently by overloading the interpretation of the value of a pointer. For instance, in example E a NULL pointer value for gnp could indicate that the person's assets and liabilities are unknown. That is, the pointer value encodes two things: whether or not the data is known; and if it is known, where it is located in memory. Linked lists are an extreme example of the use of application-specific pointer interpretation.

The primitive xdr_reference() cannot and does not attach any special meaning to a null-value pointer during serialization. That is, passing an address of a pointer whose value is NULL to xdr_reference() when serializing data will most likely cause a memory fault and, on the UNIX system, a core dump.

xdr_pointer() correctly handles NULL pointers.