System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Chapter 39 Managing System Crash Information

This section contains information about managing system crash information.

This is a list of the step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

System Crashes

System crashes can occur due to hardware malfunctions, I/O problems, and software errors. If the system crashes, it will display an error message on the console, and then write a copy of its physical memory to the dump device. The system will then reboot automatically. When the system reboots, the savecore command is executed to retrieve the data from the dump device and write the saved crash dump to your savecore directory. The saved crash dump files provide invaluable information to your support provider to aid in diagnosing the problem.

System Crash Files and Core Files

The savecore command runs automatically after a system crash to retrieve the crash dump information from the dump device and writes a pair of files called unix.X and vmcore.X, where X identifies the dump sequence number. Together, these files represent the saved system crash dump information.

Crash dump files are sometimes confused with core files, which are images of user applications that are written when the application terminates abnormally.

Crash dump files are saved in a predetermined directory, which by default, is /var/crash/hostname. In previous Solaris releases, crash dump files were overwritten when a system rebooted--unless you manually enabled the system to save the images of physical memory in a crash dump file. Now the saving of crash dump files is enabled by default.

System crash information is managed with the dumpadm command. See "Managing System Crash Dump Information (dumpadm)" for more information.

Core files are managed with the coreadm command. See "Managing Core Files (coreadm)" for more information.

Managing Core Files (coreadm)

The coreadm command enables you to manage core files. For example, you can use the coreadm command to configure a system so that all process core files are placed in a single system directory. This means it is easier to track problems by examining the core files in a specific directory whenever a Solaris process or daemon terminates abnormally.

Limitations of the previous Solaris process core dump features are:

Configurable Core File Paths

Two new configurable core file paths that can be enabled or disabled independently of each other are:

When a process terminates abnormally, it produces a core file in the current directory as in previous Solaris releases. But if the global core file path is enabled and set to /corefiles/core, for example, then each process that expires produce two core files: one in the current working directory and one in the /corefiles directory.

By default, the Solaris core paths and core file retention remain the same:

Expanded Core File Names

If a global core file directory is enabled, core files can be distinguished from one another by using the variables described in the following table.

Variable Name 

Variable Definition 


Process ID 


Effective user ID 


Effective group ID 


Executable file name 


System node name, equivalent to the uname -n output


Machine name, equivalent to the uname -m output


Decimal value of time(2) system call 


Literal % 

For example, if the global core file path is set to:


and a sendmail process with PID 12345 terminates abnormally, it produces the following core file:


Setting the Core File Name Pattern

You can set a core file name pattern on a global basis or a per-process basis, and you can specify whether you want these settings saved across a system reboot.

For example, the following coreadm command sets the global core file pattern for all processes started by the init process. This pattern will persist across system reboots.

$ coreadm -i /var/core/core.%f.%p

Global core values are stored in the /etc/coreadm.conf file, which means these settings are saved across a system reboot.

This coreadm command sets the per-process core file name pattern for all processes:

$ coreadm -p /var/core/core.%f.%p $$

The $$ symbols represent a placeholder for the process ID of the currently running shell. The per-process core file name pattern is inherited by all child processes.

Once a global or per-process core file name pattern is set, it must be enabled with the coreadm -e command. See the procedures below for more information.

You can set the core file name pattern for all processes run during a user's login session by putting the command in a user's $HOME/.profile or .login file.

Enabling setuid Programs to Produce Core Files

You can use the coreadm command to enable or disable setuid programs to produce core files for all system processes or on a per-process basis by setting the following paths:

By default, both flags are disabled. For security reasons, the global core file path must be a full pathname, starting with a leading /. If superuser disables per-process core files, individual users cannot obtain core files.

The setuid core files are owned by superuser with read/write permissions for superuser only. Ordinary users cannot access them even if the process that produced the setuid core file was owned by an ordinary user.

See coreadm(1M) for more information.

How to Display the Current Core Dump Configuration

Use the coreadm command without any options to display the current core dump configuration.

$ coreadm
               global core file pattern: /var/core/core.%f.%p
                 init core file pattern: core
                      global core dumps: enabled
                 per-process core dumps: enabled
                global setid core dumps: enabled
           per-process setid core dumps: disabled
               global core dump logging: disabled

How to Set a Core File Name Pattern

  1. Determine whether you want to set a per-process or global core file and select one of the following:

    1. Set a per-process file name pattern.

      # coreadm -p $HOME/corefiles/%f.%p $$
    2. Set a global file name pattern.

      Become superuser first.

      # coreadm -g /var/corefiles/%f.%p

How to Display a Core File Name Pattern

Use the following coreadm command to inquire about the core file settings of the current process. The $$ symbols represent a placeholder for the process ID of the running shell.

$ coreadm $$
278:    core.%f.%p

Superuser can inquire about any user's core file settings by using coreadm process ID. Ordinary users can only inquire about the core file settings of their own processes.

How to Enable a Per-Process Core File Path

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enable a per-process core file path.

    # coreadm -e process
  3. Display the current process core file path to verify the configuration.

    $ coreadm $$
    1180:   /home/kryten/corefiles/%f.%p

How to Enable a Global Core File Path

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enable a global core file path.

    # coreadm -e global -g /var/core/core.%f.%p
  3. Display the current process core file path to verify the configuration.

    # coreadm
          global core file pattern: /var/core/core.%f.%p
            init core file pattern: core
                 global core dumps: enabled
            per-process core dumps: enabled
           global setid core dumps: disabled
      per-process setid core dumps: disabled
          global core dump logging: disabled

Troubleshooting Core File Problems

Error Message

NOTICE: 'set allow_setid_core = 1' in /etc/system is obsolete
NOTICE: Use the coreadm command instead of 'allow_setid_core'

You have an obsolete parameter that allows setuid core files in your /etc/system file.


Remove allow_setid_core=1 from the /etc/system file. Then use the coreadm command to enable global setuid core file paths.

Managing System Crash Dump Information (dumpadm)

This section describes how to manage system crash information in the Solaris environment.

System Crash Dump Features

This section describes how to manage system crash dump information in the Solaris environment.

The dumpadm Command

The /usr/sbin/dumpadm command manages a system's crash dump configuration parameters. The following table describes dumpadm's configuration parameters.

Dump Parameter 


dump device 

The device that stores dump data temporarily as the system crashes. When the dump device is not the swap area, savecore runs in the background, which speeds up the boot process.

savecore directory 

The directory that stores system crash dump files. 

dump content 

Type of data, kernel memory or all of memory, to dump.  

minimum free space 

Minimum amount of free space required in the savecore directory after saving crash dump files. If no minimum free space has been configured, the default is one megabyte.

See dumpadm(1M) for more information.

The dump configuration parameters managed by the dumpadm command are stored in the /etc/dumpadm.conf file.

Note -

Do not /etc/dumpadm.conf edit manually. This could result in an inconsistent system dump configuration.

How the dumpadm Command Works

During system startup, the dumpadm command is invoked by the /etc/init.d/savecore script to configure crash dumps parameters based on information in the /etc/dumpadm.conf file.

Specifically, it initializes the dump device and the dump content through the /dev/dump interface.

After the dump configuration is complete, the savecore script looks for the location of the crash dump file directory by parsing the content of /etc/dumpadm.conf file. Then, savecore is invoked to check for crash dumps. It will also check the content of the minfree file in the crash dump directory.

Saving Crash Dumps

You can examine the control structures, active tables, memory images of a live or crashed system kernel, and other information about the operation of the kernel by using the crash or adb utilities. Using crash or adb to its full potential requires a detailed knowledge of the kernel, and is beyond the scope of this manual. See crash(1M) or adb(1)for more details on using these utilities.

Additionally, crash dumps saved by savecore can be useful to send to a customer service representative for analysis of why the system is crashing. If you will be sending crash dump files to a customer service representative, perform the first two tasks listed in "Managing System Crash Information Task Map".

The next section describes how to manage system crash information with the dumpadm command.

Managing System Crash Information Task Map

Table 39-1 Managing System Crash Information Task Map



For Instructions, Go To 

1. Display the Current Crash Dump Configuration 

Display the current crash dump configuration by using the dumpadmcommand.

"How to Display the Current Crash Dump Configuration"

2. Modify the Crash Dump Configuration 

Use the dumpadm command to specify the type of data to dump, whether or not the system will use a dedicated dump device, the directory for saving crash dump files, and the amount of space that must remain available after crash dump files are written.

"How to Modify a Crash Dump Configuration"

3. Examine a Crash Dump File 

Use the crash command to view crash dump files.

"How to Examine a Crash Dump"

4. Recover From a Full Crash Dump Directory 

Optional. The system crashes but there is no room in the savecore directory, and you want to save some critical system crash dump information.

"How to Recover From a Full Crash Dump Directory (Optional)"

4. Disable or Enable the Saving of Crash Dump Files 

Optional. Use the dumpadm command to disable or enable the saving the crash dump files. Saving crash dump files is enabled by default.

"How to Disable or Enable Saving Crash Dumps (Optional)"

How to Display the Current Crash Dump Configuration

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Display the current crash dump configuration by using the dumpadm command without any options.

    # dumpadm
          Dump content: kernel pages
           Dump device: /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 (swap)
    Savecore directory: /var/pluto
      Savecore enabled: yes

    The above example output means:

    • The dump content is kernel memory pages.

    • Kernel memory will be dumped on a swap device, /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1. You can identify all your swap areas with the swap -l command.

    • System crash dump files will be written in the /var/crash/venus directory.

    • Saving crash dump files is enabled.

How to Modify a Crash Dump Configuration

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Identify the current crash dump configuration by using the dumpadm command.

    # dumpadm
          Dump content: kernel pages
           Dump device: /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 (swap)
    Savecore directory: /var/crash/pluto
      Savecore enabled: yes

    This the default dump configuration for a system running the Solaris 8 release.

  3. Modify the crash dump configuration by using the dumpadm command.

    # dumpadm -c content -d dump-device -m nnnk | nnnm | nnn% -n -s savecore-dir

    -c content

    Specifies the type of data to dump: kernel memory or all of memory. The default dump content is kernel memory. 

    -d dump-device

    Specifies the device that stores dump data temporarily as the system crashes. The primary swap device is the default dump device.  

    -m nnnk | nnnm | nnn%

    Specifies the minimum free disk space for saving crash dump files by creating a minfree file in the current savecore directory. This parameter can be specified in kilobytes (nnnk) , megabytes (nnnm) or file system size percentage (nnn%). The savecore command consults this file prior to writing the crash dump files. If writing the crash dump files, based on their size, would decrease the amount of free space below the minfree threshold, the dump files are not written and an error message is logged. See "How to Recover From a Full Crash Dump Directory (Optional)" for recovering from this scenario.


    Specifies that savecore should not be run when the system reboots. This dump configuration is not recommended. If system crash information is written to the swap device, and savecore is not enabled, the crash dump information is overwritten when the system begins to swap.


    Specifies an alternate directory for storing crash dump files. The default directory is /var/crash/hostname where hostname is the output of the uname -n command.

Example--Modifying a Crash Dump Configuration

In this example, all of memory is dumped to the dedicated dump device, /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1, and the minimum free space that must be available after the crash dump files are saved is 10% of the file system space.

# dumpadm
      Dump content: kernel pages
       Dump device: /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 (swap)
Savecore directory: /var/crash/pluto
  Savecore enabled: yes
 # dumpadm -c all -d /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1 -m 10%
      Dump content: all pages
       Dump device: /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1 (dedicated)
Savecore directory: /var/crash/pluto (minfree = 77071KB)
  Savecore enabled: yes

How to Examine a Crash Dump

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Examine a crash dump by using the crash utility.

    # /usr/sbin/crash [-d crashdump-file] [-n name-list] [-w output-file]

    -d crashdump-file

    Specifies a file to contain the system memory image. The default crash dump file is /dev/mem.

    -n name-list

    Specifies a text file to contain symbol table information if you want to examine symbolic access to the system memory image. The default file name is /dev/ksyms.

    -w output-file

    Specifies a file to contain output from a crash session. The default is standard output. 

  3. Display crash status information.

    # /usr/sbin/crash
    dumpfile = /dev/mem, namelist = /dev/ksyms, outfile = stdout
    > status
    > size buf proc queue

Example--Examining a Crash Dump

The following example shows sample output from the crash utility. Information about status, and about the buffer, process, and queue size is displayed.

# /usr/sbin/crash
dumpfile = /dev/mem, namelist = /dev/ksyms, outfile = stdout
> status
system name:	SunOS
release:	5.8
node name:	earth
version:	s28_25
machine name:	sun4m
time of crash:	Wed Jun 30 16:02:31 1999
age of system:	18 min.
panic registers:
	pc: 0      sp: 0
> size buf proc queue

How to Recover From a Full Crash Dump Directory (Optional)

In this scenario, the system crashes but there is no room in the savecore directory, and you want to save some critical system crash dump information.

  1. Log in as superuser after the system reboots.

  2. Clear out the savecore directory, usually /var/crash/hostname, by removing existing crash dump files that have already been sent to your service provider. Or, run the savecore command and specify an alternate directory that has sufficient disk space. (See the next step.)

  3. Manually run the savecore command and if necessary, specify an alternate savecore directory.

    # savecore [ directory ]

How to Disable or Enable Saving Crash Dumps (Optional)

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Disable or enable the saving of crash dumps on your system by using the dumpadm command.

Example--Disabling the Saving of Crash Dumps

This example illustrates how to disable the saving of crash dumps on your system.

# dumpadm -n
      Dump content: all pages
       Dump device: /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1 (dedicated)
Savecore directory: /var/crash/pluto (minfree = 77071KB)
  Savecore enabled: no

Example--Enabling the Saving of Crash Dumps

This example illustrates how to enable the saving of crash dump on your system.

# dumpadm -y
      Dump content: all pages
       Dump device: /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1 (dedicated)
Savecore directory: /var/crash/pluto (minfree = 77071KB)
  Savecore enabled: yes