System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Special listen-Specific Administrative Command: nlsadmin

The listen port monitor's administrative file is updated by sacadm and pmadm, as well as by the nlsadmin command. The nlsadmin command formats listen-specific information and writes it to the standard output, providing a means of presenting formatted listen-specific data to the sacadm and pmadm commands.

Thus, nlsadmin does not administer listen directly; rather, it complements the generic administrative commands, sacadm and pmadm.

Each network can have at least one instance of the network listener process associated with it. Each network is configured separately. The nlsadmin command controls the operational states of listen port monitors.

The nlsadmin command can establish a listen port monitor for a given network, configure the specific attributes of that port monitor, and start and kill the monitor. The nlsadmin command can also report on the listen port monitors on a machine.

See nlsadmin(1M) for more details.