System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Examples--Checking the Status of Printers

In the following example, the command requests the name of the system's default printer.

$ lpstat -d
system default destination: luna

In the following example, the command requests the status of the printer luna.

$ lpstat -p luna
printer luna is idle. enabled since Jul 12 11:17 1999. available.

In the following example, the command requests a description of the printers asteroid and luna.

$ lpstat -p "asteroid luna" -D
printer asteroid faulted. enabled since Jul 12 11:35 1999. available.
unable to print: paper misfeed jam

Description: Printer by break room
printer luna is idle. enabled since Jul 12 11:36 1999. available.
Description: Printer by server room.

In the following example, the command requests the characteristics of the printer luna.

$ lpstat -p luna -l
printer luna is idle. enabled since Mon Jul 12 15:02:32 ...
        Form mounted: 
        Content types: postscript
        Printer types: PS
        Connection: direct
        Interface: /usr/lib/lp/model/standard
        After fault: continue
        Users allowed:
        Forms allowed:
        Banner not required
        Character sets:

        Default pitch:
        Default page size: 80 wide 66 long
        Default port settings: