System Administration Guide, Volume 2

How to Limit User Access to a Printer

  1. Log in as superuser or lp on the print server.

  2. Allow or deny users access to a printer by using the lpadmin command.

    # lpadmin -p printer-name -u allow:user-list [ deny:user-list]

    -p printer-name

    Name of the printer to which the allow or deny user access list applies. 

    -u allow:user-list

    User names to be added to the allow user access list. You can specify multiple user names with this command. Use a space or a comma to separate names. If you use spaces, enclose the list of names in quotes. 

    Table 5-5 provides the valid values for user-list.

    -u deny:user-list

    User names to be added to the deny user access list. You can specify multiple user names with this command. Use a space or a comma to separate names. If you use spaces, enclose the list of names in quotes. 

    Table 5-5 provides the valid values for user-list.

    The specified users are added to the allow or deny user access list for the printer in one of the following files on the print server:



    Note -

    If you specify none as the value for user-list in the allow user access list, the following files are not created for the print server:





  3. Check the information following the Users allowed or Users denied heading in the output of the following command.

    $ lpstat -p printer-name -l

Examples--Limiting User Access to a Printer

In the following example, the command allows only the users nathan and george access to the printer luna.

# lpadmin -p luna -u allow:nathan,george

In the next example, the command denies the users nathan and george access to the printer asteroid.

# lpadmin -p asteroid -u deny:"nathan george"