System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Obtaining a Credential for the Ticket-Granting Service

  1. To start the authentication process, the client sends a request to the authentication server for a specific user principal. This request is sent without encryption. There is no secure information included in the request, so it is not necessary to use encryption.

  2. When the request is received by the authentication service, the principal name of the user is looked up in the KDC database. If a principal matches, the authentication service obtains the private key for that principal. The authentication service then generates a session key to be used by the client and the ticket-granting service (call it session key 1) and a ticket for the ticket-granting service (ticket 1). This ticket is also known as the ticket-granting ticket (TGT). Both the session key and the ticket are encrypted using the user's private key, and the information is sent back to the client.

  3. The client uses this information to decrypt session key 1 and ticket 1, using the private key for the user principal. Since the private key should only be known by the user and the KDC database, the information in the packet should be safe. The client stores the information in the credentials cache.

Normally during this process, a user is prompted for a password. If the password entered is the same as the one used to build the private key stored in the KDC database, then the client can successfully decrypt the information sent by the authentication service. Now the client has a credential to be used with the ticket-granting service. The client is ready to request a credential for a server.

Figure 23-2 Obtaining a Credential for the Ticket-Granting Service
