System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Examples--Configuring File Systems for Quotas

The following example from /etc/vfstab shows that the /export/home directory from the system pluto is mounted as an NFS file system on the local system with quotas enabled, signified by the rq entry under the mount options column.

#device           device   mount       FS    fsck   mount   mount
#to mount         to fsck  point       type  pass   at boot options
pluto:/export/home -       /export/home nfs    -     yes    rq

The following example line from /etc/vfstab shows that the local /work directory is mounted with quotas enabled, signified by the rq entry under the mount options column.

#device           device            mount  FS   fsck mount   mount
#to mount         to fsck           point  type pass at boot options
/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s0 /work ufs  3    yes     rq