System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Phase 3: Check Connectivity Messages

This phase checks the directories examined in phase 2 and reports error conditions resulting from:

These messages (in alphabetical order) may occur in phase 3:


An internal error has caused an impossible state state-number to be passed to the routine that descends the file system directory structure. fsck exits.


If this occurs, contact your local service provider or another qualified person.

DIR I=inode-number1 CONNECTED. PARENT WAS I=inode-number2

This is an advisory message indicating a directory inode inode-number1 was successfully connected to the lost+found directory. The parent inode inode-number2 of the directory inode inode-number1 is replaced by the inode number of the lost+found directory.



DIRECTORY filename LENGTH file-size NOT MULTIPLE OF block-number (ADJUST)

A directory filename has been found with size file-size that is not a multiple of the directory block size B. (This condition can recur in phase 3 if it is not adjusted in phase 2.)


To round up the length to the appropriate block size, type y at the ADJUST prompt. When preening, fsck displays a warning and adjusts the directory. To ignore this error condition, type n.


The entry for lost+found is not a directory.


To allocate a directory inode and change the lost+found directory to reference it, type y at the REALLOCATE prompt. The previous inode reference by the lost+found directory is not cleared and it will either be reclaimed as an unreferenced inode or have its link count adjusted later in this phase. Inability to create a lost+found directory displays the message: SORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the attempt to link up the lost inode, which generates the UNREF error message in phase 4. To abort the attempt to link up the lost inode, which generates the UNREF error message in phase 4, type n.


There is no lost+found directory in the root directory of the file system. When preening, fsck tries to create a lost+found directory.


To create a lost+found directory in the root of the file system, type y at the CREATE prompt. This may lead to the message NO SPACE LEFT IN / (EXPAND). If the lost+found directory cannot be created, fsck displays the message: SORRY. CANNOT CREATE lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the attempt to link up the lost inode. This in turn generates the UNREF error message later in phase 4. To abort the attempt to link up the lost inode, type n.


Another entry cannot be added to the lost+found directory in the root directory of the file system because no space is available. When preening, fsck expands the lost+found directory.


To expand the lost+found directory to make room for the new entry, type y at the EXPAND prompt. If the attempted expansion fails, fsck displays: SORRY. NO SPACE IN lost+found DIRECTORY and aborts the request to link a file to the lost+found directory. This error generates the UNREF error message later in phase 4. Delete any unnecessary entries in the lost+found directory. This error terminates fsck when preening is in effect. To abort the attempt to link up the lost inode, type n.

UNREF DIR I=inode-number OWNER=UID MODE=file-mode SIZE=file-size 
MTIME=modification-time (RECONNECT)

The directory inode inode-number was not connected to a directory entry when the file system was traversed. The owner UID, mode file-mode, size file-size, and modification time modification-time of directory inode inode-number are displayed. When preening, fsck reconnects the non-empty directory inode if the directory size is non-zero. Otherwise, fsck clears the directory inode.


To reconnect the directory inode inode-number into the lost+found directory, type y at the RECONNECT prompt. If the directory is successfully reconnected, a CONNECTED message is displayed. Otherwise, one of the lost+found error messages is displayed. To ignore this error condition, type n. This error causes the UNREF error condition in phase 4.