man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions
 abort - terminate the process abnormally ( Index Term Link )
 abs -- return absolute value of integer ( Index Term Link )
 accounting, time accounting for current process - times ( Index Term Link )
 acquire and release stream lock -- flockfile ( Index Term Link )
  funlockfile ( Index Term Link )
 additional severities, define - addsev ( Index Term Link )
 address of symbol, get address in shared object or executable - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
 addsev - define additional severities ( Index Term Link )
 addseverity - build a list of severity levels for an application for use with fmtmsg ( Index Term Link )
 alarm, schedule signal after interval in microseconds - ualarm ( Index Term Link )
 alphasort -- scan a directory ( Index Term Link )
  build a list of severity levels for use with fmtmsg - addseverity ( Index Term Link )
  display a message on stderr or system console - fmtmsg ( Index Term Link )
  get entries from symbol table - nlist ( Index Term Link )
 arithmetic, compute the quotient and remainder -- div ( Index Term Link )
 arithmetic, 48-bit integer, generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers -- drand48 ( Index Term Link )
 ascftime -- convert date and time to string ( Index Term Link )
 assert - verify program assertion ( Index Term Link )
 associate a stream with a file descriptor - fdopen ( Index Term Link )
 atexit - register a function to run at process termination or object unloading ( Index Term Link )
 atof -- convert string to double-precision number ( Index Term Link )
 atoi -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 atol -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 atoll -- string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )