man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions
 data base subroutines -- dbm ( Index Term Link )
  dbmclose ( Index Term Link )
  dbminit ( Index Term Link )
  delete ( Index Term Link )
  fetch ( Index Term Link )
  firstkey ( Index Term Link )
  nextkey ( Index Term Link )
  store ( Index Term Link )
 database functions
  -- dbm_clearerr ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_close ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_delete ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_error ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_fetch ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_firstkey ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_nextkey ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_open ( Index Term Link )
  -- dbm_store ( Index Term Link )
 date and time
  convert to string -- asctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- asctime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- ctime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- ctime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- gmtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- gmtime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- localtime ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- localtime_r ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- tzset ( Index Term Link )
  convert to string -- tzsetwall ( Index Term Link )
  convert user format date and time - getdate ( Index Term Link )
  -- gettimeofday ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 date and time conversion - strptime ( Index Term Link )
 dbm -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_clearerr -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_close -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_delete -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_error -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_fetch -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_firstkey -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_nextkey -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_open -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbm_store -- database functions ( Index Term Link )
 dbmclose -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 dbminit -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 debugging memory allocator
  -- calloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- cfree ( Index Term Link )
  -- free ( Index Term Link )
  -- mallinfo ( Index Term Link )
  -- malloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- mallopt ( Index Term Link )
  -- memalign ( Index Term Link )
  -- realloc ( Index Term Link )
  -- valloc ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from double-precision floating -- double_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from extended-precision floating -- extended_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from quadruple-precision floating -- quadruple_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record from single-precision floating -- single_to_decimal ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to double-precision floating -- decimal_to_double ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to extended-precision floating -- decimal_to_extended ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to quadruple-precision floating -- decimal_to_quadruple ( Index Term Link )
 decimal record to single-precision floating -- decimal_to_single ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_double -- decimal record to double-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_extended -- decimal record to extended-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_quadruple -- decimal record to quadruple-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decimal_to_single -- decimal record to single-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 decompose floating-point number
  -- modf ( Index Term Link )
  -- modff ( Index Term Link )
 define character class - wctype ( Index Term Link )
 define character mapping - wctrans ( Index Term Link )
 define default catalog - setcat ( Index Term Link )
 define the label for pfmt() and lfmt(). - setlabel ( Index Term Link )
 delete -- data base subroutines ( Index Term Link )
 detach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor - fdetach ( Index Term Link )
 determine conversion object status - mbsinit ( Index Term Link )
 device number, manage -- makedev, major, minor ( Index Term Link )
 dgettext -- message handling function ( Index Term Link )
 difftime - computes the difference between two calendar times ( Index Term Link )
 directio - provide advice to file system ( Index Term Link )
  get current working directory pathname - getwd ( Index Term Link )
  get pathname of current working directory - getcwd ( Index Term Link )
 directory operations
  -- alphasort ( Index Term Link )
  -- scandir ( Index Term Link )
 dirname - report parent directory name of file path name ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format - pfmt ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services - lfmt ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services - vlfmt ( Index Term Link )
 display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services - vpfmt ( Index Term Link )
 div -- compute quotient and remainder ( Index Term Link )
 division and remainder operations
  -- div ( Index Term Link )
  -- ldiv ( Index Term Link )
 dladdr - translate address to symbolic information ( Index Term Link )
 dlclose - close a shared object ( Index Term Link )
 dldump - create new file from dynamic object component of calling process ( Index Term Link )
 dlerror - get diagnostic information ( Index Term Link )
 dlinfo - dynamic load information ( Index Term Link )
 dlopen -- open a shared object ( Index Term Link )
 dlsym - get address of symbol in shared object or executable ( Index Term Link )
 double_to_decimal -- decimal record from double-precision floating ( Index Term Link )
 dup2 - duplicate an open file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 duplicate an open file descriptor - dup2 ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic linking
  close a shared object - dlclose ( Index Term Link )
  create new file from dynamic object component - dldump ( Index Term Link )
  get address of symbol in shared object or executable - dlsym ( Index Term Link )
  get diagnostic information - dlerror ( Index Term Link )
  open a shared object -- dlopen ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic load information - dlinfo ( Index Term Link )