System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Monitoring IPv6

The following commands were modified to accommodate the Solaris implementation of IPv6.

You can use the new additions to conduct diagnostics. For conceptiual descriptions of these commands, see "IPv6 Extensions to the ifconfig Utility" and "IPv6 Extensions to Existing Utilities".

Monitoring IPv6 Task Map

Table 17-2 Monitoring IPv6 Task Map



For Instructions, Go to 

Display interface address assignments 

Displays all, or just IPv4, or just IPv6 address assignments using ifconfig command.

"How to Display Interface Address Assignments"

Display network status 

Displays all sockets and routing table entries, inet address family for IPv4, inet6 address family for IPv6, and statistics per interface IPv6/ICMPv6 counters using netstat command.

"How to Display Network Status"

Control the display output of IPv6 related commands 

Controls the output of the ping, netstat, ifconfig, and traceroute commands by creating a file named inet_type and setting the DEFAULT_IP variable in it.

"How to Control the Display Output of IPv6 Related Commands"

Monitor only IPv6 network traffic 

Displays all IPv6 packets using the snoop command.

"How to Monitor Only IPv6 Network Traffic"

Probe all multihomed host addresses 

Checks all addresses using the ping command.

"How to Probe All Multihomed Host Addresses"

Trace all routes 

Uses the traceroute command.

"How to Trace All Routes"

How to Display Interface Address Assignments

You can use the ifconfig command to display all address assignments as well as just IPv4 or IPv6 address assignments.

    On the command line, type the following command.

    % ifconfig [option]

For more information on the ifconfig command, see the ifconfig(1M) man page.

Example--Displaying Addressing Information for All Interfaces

% ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=1000849 mtu 8232 index 1
        inet netmask ff000000 
le0: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 8:0:73:56:a8 
lo0: flags=2000849 mtu 8252 index 1
        inet6 ::1/128 
le0: flags=2000841 mtu 1500 index 2
        ether 8:0:20:56:a8 
        inet6 fe80::a00:fe73:56a8/10 
le0:1: flags=2080841 mtu 1500 index 2
        inet6 fec0::56:20ff:fe73:56a8/64 
le0:2: flags=2080841 mtu 1500 index 2
        inet6 2::56:a00:fe73:56a8/64

Example--Displaying Addressing Information for All IPv4 Interfaces

% ifconfig -a4
lo0: flags=1000849 mtu 8232 index 1
        inet netmask ff000000 
le0: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 8:0:20:56:a8

Example--Displaying Addressing Information for All IPv6 Interfaces

% ifconfig -a6
lo0: flags=2000849 mtu 8252 index 1
        inet6 ::1/128 
le0: flags=2000841 mtu 1500 index 2
        ether 8:0:20:56:a8 
        inet6 fe80::a00:fe73:56a8/10 
le0:1: flags=2080841 mtu 1500 index 2
        inet6 fec0::56:20ff:fe73:56a8/64 
le0:2: flags=2080841 mtu 1500 index 2
        inet6 2::56:a00:fe73:56a8/64 

How to Display Network Status

These procedures enable you to display the following network data structure formats using the netstat command:

    On the command line, type the following command.

    % netstat [option] 

For more information on the netstat command, see the netstat(1M) man page.

Example--Displaying All Sockets and Routing Table Entries

% netstat -a
   Local Address         Remote Address     State
-------------------- -------------------- -------
      *.*                                   Unbound
      *.apexrpc                              Idle
      *.*                                   Unbound
   Local Address                     Remote Address                   State
--------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------
      *.*                                                           Unbound
      *.time                                                        Idle
      *.echo                                                        Idle
      *.discard                                                     Idle
      *.daytime                                                     Idle
      *.chargen                                                     Idle

   Local Address        Remote Address    Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q  State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -------
      *.*                  *.*                0      0     0      0 IDLE
      *.apexrpc            *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
      *.*                  *.*                0      0     0      0 IDLE
      *.ftp                *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
localhost.427              *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
      *.telnet             *.*                0      0     0      0 LISTEN
tn.apex.COM.telnet is.Eng.apex.COM         8760      0   8760     0 ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.33528 np.apex.COM.46637        8760      0   8760     0 TIME_WAIT
tn.apex.COM.33529 np.apex.COM.apexrpc      8760      0   8760     0 TIME_WAIT
   Local Address     Remote Address   Swind Send-Q  Rwind Recv-Q   State   If 
----------------- -----------------   ----- ------  ----- ------   -----
      *.*                 *.*             0      0      0      0   IDLE 
      *.ftp               *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN 
      *.telnet            *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN 
      *.shell             *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN 
      *.smtp              *.*             0      0      0      0   LISTEN
 2::56:8.login     something.1023    8640      0   8640      0 ESTABLISHED
 fe80::a:a8.echo   fe80::a:89        8640      0   8640      0 ESTABLISHED
 fe80::a:a8.ftp    fe80::a:90        8640      0   8640      0 ESTABLISHED

Example--Displaying Inet Address Family for IPv4

% netstat -f inet
   Local Address        Remote Address    Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q  State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -------
tn.apex.COM.telnet    is.apex.COM.35388    8760      0  8760   0  ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.1022      alive-v4.nfsd        8760      0  8760   0  ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.1021      sl.apex.COM.nfsd     8760      0  8760   0  ESTABLISHED
tn.apex.COM.33539     np.apex.COM.apexrpc  8760      0  8760   0  TIME_WAIT

Example--Displaying Inet6 Address Family for IPv4

% netstat -f inet6
   Local Address        Remote Address     Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q   State      If 
-------------------- --------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----------- -----
2::56:a8.login        something.1023       8640      0  8640      0 ESTABLISHED      
fe80::a0:a8.echo      fe80::a0:de.35389    8640      0  8640      0 ESTABLISHED      
fe80::a0:a8.ftp-data  fe80::a0:de.35394   25920      0 25920      0 TIME_WAIT      

Example--Displaying Statistics Per Interface: IPv6/ICMPv6 Counters

% netstat -sa
        rawipInDatagrams    =  1407     rawipInErrors       =     0
        rawipInCksumErrs    =     0     rawipOutDatagrams   =     5
        rawipOutErrors      =     0

        udpInDatagrams      =  7900     udpInErrors         =     0
        udpOutDatagrams     =  7725     udpOutErrors        =     0

TCP     tcpRtoAlgorithm     =     4     tcpRtoMin           =   200
        tcpRtoMax           = 60000     tcpMaxConn          =    -1
IPv4    ipForwarding        =     2     ipDefaultTTL        =   255
        ipInReceives        =406345     ipInHdrErrors       =     0
        ipInAddrErrors      =     0     ipInCksumErrs       =     0
IPv6 for lo0
        ipv6Forwarding      =     2     ipv6DefaultHopLimit =     0
        ipv6InReceives      =     0     ipv6InHdrErrors     =     0
IPv6 for le0
        ipv6Forwarding      =     2     ipv6DefaultHopLimit =   255
        ipv6InReceives      =   885     ipv6InHdrErrors     =     0
IPv6    ipv6Forwarding      =     2     ipv6DefaultHopLimit =   255
        ipv6InReceives      =   885     ipv6InHdrErrors     =     0
ICMPv4  icmpInMsgs          =   618     icmpInErrors        =     0
        icmpInCksumErrs     =     0     icmpInUnknowns      =     0
        icmpInDestUnreachs  =     5     icmpInTimeExcds     =     0
ICMPv6 for lo0
        icmp6InMsgs         =     0     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =     0     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
ICMPv6 for le0
        icmp6InMsgs         =   796     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =     0     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
        icmp6InTimeExcds    =     0     icmp6InParmProblems =     0
ICMPv6  icmp6InMsgs         =   796     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =     0     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
       2542 messages received
          0 messages received with too few bytes
          0 messages received with bad checksum
       2542 membership queries received

How to Control the Display Output of IPv6 Related Commands

You can control the output of the netstat and ifconfig commands by creating a file named inet_type in the /etc/default directory and specifying the value of the DEFAULT_IP variable. For more information about the inet_type, see the inet_type(4) man page.

  1. Create the /etc/default/inet_type file.

  2. Make one of the following entries, as needed.

    1. To display IPv4 information only, enter:

    2. To display both IPv4 and IPv6 information, enter:




Note -

The -4 and -6 flags in ifconfig and -f flag in netstat override the value set in the inet_type file (if it exists).

Examples--Controlling Output to Select IPv4 and IPv6 Information

How to Monitor Only IPv6 Network Traffic

In this procedure you use the snoop command to display all IPv6 packets.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. On the command line, type the following command.

    # snoop ip6

For more information on the snoop command, see the snoop(1M) man page.

Example--Displaying Only IPv6 Network Traffic

# snoop ip6
Using device /dev/le (promiscuous mode)
fe80::a0:a1 -> ff02::9     IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a1 D=ff02::9 LEN=892
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=104
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=104
fe80::a0:a1 -> ff02::9     IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a1 D=ff02::9 LEN=892
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=104
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=152
fe80::a0:a1 -> ff02::9     IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a1 D=ff02::9 LEN=892
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=72
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=72
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=72
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=72

How to Probe All Multihomed Host Addresses

In this procedure you use the ping command to check all addresses.

    On the command line, type the following command.

    % ping -a ipng11
    ipng11 (2::102:a00:fe79:19b0) is alive
    ipng11 (fec0::102:a00:fe79:19b0) is alive
    ipng11 ( is alive

For more information on the ping command, see the ping(1M) man page.

How to Trace All Routes

In this procedure you use the traceroute command to trace all routes.

    On the command line, type the following command.

    % traceroute -a <hostname>

For more information on the traceroute command, see the traceroute(1M) man page.

Example--Tracing All Routes

% traceroute -a ipng11
traceroute: Warning: Multiple interfaces found; using 2::56:a0:a8 @ le0:2
traceroute to ipng11 (2::102:a00:fe79:19b0),30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  ipng-rout86 (2::56:a00:fe1f:59a1)  35.534 ms  56.998 ms * 
 2  2::255:0:c0a8:717  32.659 ms  39.444 ms *
 3  ipng61.Eng.apex.COM (2::103:a00:fe9a:ce7b)  401.518 ms  7.143 ms *
 4  ipng12-00 (2::100:a00:fe7c:cf35)  113.034 ms  7.949 ms *
 5  ipng11 (2::102:a00:fe79:19b0)  66.111 ms *  36.965 ms

traceroute: Warning: Multiple interfaces found; using fec0::56:a8 @ le0:1
traceroute to ipng11 (fec0::10:b0), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  ipng-rout86 (fec0::56:a00:fe1f:59a1) 96.342 ms  78.282 ms 88.327 ms
 2  ipng8-tun1 (fec0::25:0:0:c0a8:717)  268.614 ms  508.416 ms  438.774 ms
 3  ipng61.Eng.apex.COM (fec0::103:a00:fe9a:ce7b)  6.356 ms * 713.166 ms
 4  ipng12-00 (fec0::100:a00:fe7c:cf35)  7.409 ms * 122.094 ms
 5  ipng11 (fec0::102:a00:fe79:19b0)  10.620 ms * *

traceroute to (,30 hops max,40 byte packets
 1  rmpj17c-086.Eng.apex.COM (  4.360 ms  3.452 ms  3.479 ms
 2  flrmpj17u.Eng.apex.COM (  4.062 ms  3.848 ms  3.505 ms
 3  ipng8.Eng.apex.COM (  4.773 ms *  4.294 ms
 4  ipng61.Eng.apex.COM (  5.128 ms  5.362 ms *
 5  ipng12-20.Eng.apex.COM (  7.298 ms  5.444 ms *
 6  ipng11.Eng.apex.COM (  8.053 ms  6.394 ms *