System Administration Guide, Volume 3

/etc/ Configuration File

The /etc/ configuration file provides the PPP link manager on one endpoint machine with information about the machine on the other end of the link--or the machines on the other end of a multipoint (or dynamic point-to-point) link. When the machine boots, the link manager uses this information to establish and maintain communication with a remote endpoint.

Parts of Basic Configuration File

The basic configuration file must contain at least two main sections: an ifconfig line and at least one path section. It can also contain a defaults section, which you use when you want to set the default values for an endpoint. (Refer to "Configuration Keywords" for a description of keywords used in the defaults section.)

The following example shows a basic configuration file such as you would create for a remote host to establish a point-to-point link with a dial-in server.

Example 24-1 Basic Configuration File

ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb nomada nubian-ppp up
      interface ipdptp0
      peer_system_name nubian-ppp      # The name in the /etc/uucp/Systems file
      inactivity_timeout 300           # Allow five minutes before timing out

ifconfig Section of the File

The file must contain an ifconfig section with this syntax:

ifconfig interface-number plumb local-machine remote-machine up

Here is a description of the fields:

The link manager first runs the ifconfig command on the local machine to configure the ipdptp0 point-to-point interface. The zero in ipdptp0 gives the device number of the interface. The plumb option performs various activities necessary for IP to recognize the ipdptp0 interface. nomada is the name of the local host. nubian-ppp is the name of the dial-in server to which nomada connects through the point-to-point link. The ifconfig option up marks the ipdptp0 interface as up.

Note -

For more information about ifconfig, see "How to Check Interface Status" and the ifconfig(1M) man page.

path Section of the File

The path section of the configuration file tells the link manager the name of the remote endpoint and the name of the interface linking the endpoint machines. At a minimum the path section should contain the following lines:

   interface interface-number
   peer_system_name endpoint-name

interface Keyword

This keyword defines the PPP interface (either ipdptpn or ipdn). In Example 24-1, the following information appears in the path section:

interface ipdptp0	  
peer_system_name nubian-ppp

The interface keyword identifies ipdptp0 as the point-to-point interface that local endpoint nomada uses to communicate with the remote endpoint in the manner described in this path section. It associates the peer_system_name with the interface.

peer_system_name Keyword

On a dial-out machine such as a remote host, the peer_system_name keyword takes the host name of the remote endpoint as its argument. This is the name of the remote endpoint given in /etc/uucp/Systems. The name need not be the same as the host name on the corresponding ifconfig line.

Note -

The argument to the peer_system_name keyword for a dial-in server has a different value. See Example 24-1 for details.

In Example 24-1, peer_system_name identifies dial-in server nubian-ppp as the remote endpoint at the other end of this link. When the link manager reads the file, it then looks for the entry for nubian-ppp in the /etc/uucp/Systems file. (Recall that the Systems file contains information about how to set up communications with the remote endpoint, including that machine's telephone number. Refer to "Updating /etc/uucp/Systems for PPP".)

inactivity_timeout Keyword

The inactivity_timeout keyword is optional. It tells the link manager that the link can remain inactive for the interval designated. When that interval is passed, the link manager knows to automatically disconnect the link. The default interval is two minutes; you do not have to use inactivity_timeout unless you require a different inactivity interval.

Additional Keywords

You can supply other keywords in the file to define how endpoint machines should communicate. "Configuration Keywords" has complete information about these keywords.

Configuration File for Multipoint Dial-in Server

The configuration file for a multipoint dial-in server contains the same basic sections as that for a point-to-point link: an ifconfig section, at least one path section, and, if desired, a defaults section.

The following example shows a configuration file for the dial-in server nubian introduced in Example 24-1.

Example 24-2 Configuration File for a Multipoint Dial-in Server

ifconfig ipd0 plumb nubian-ppp up

   interface ipd0
   peer_system_name tamerlane  # The user name this remote
                               # machine logs in with when it
                               # dials this server
   	peer_ip_address nomada
                               # nomada is a remote machine that
                               # dials in to this server

# nomadb is another remote machine that dials in to nubian

   interface ipd0
   peer_system_name lawrence
   peer_ip_address nomadb

# nomadc is another remote machine that dials in to nubian

   interface ipd0
   peer_system_name azziz
   peer_ip_address nomadc

ifconfig Section for Multipoint Dial-in Server

The ifconfig section for a multipoint dial-in server has a slightly different syntax than that for a point-to-point link. This syntax is:

ifconfig ipdn plumb server-name up

The major difference is that no destination endpoints are listed as arguments to ifconfig. Instead, the link manager obtains this information from the path section of the file.

In Example 24-2, the link manager first runs the ifconfig command on the dial-in server to configure multipoint interface ipd0. The zero in ipd0 gives the device number of the interface. The option plumb performs various activities necessary for IP to recognize the ipd0 interface. The ifconfig option up marks interface ipd0 as up.

Note -

You might have to supply a netmask + parameter on the ifconfig line if you use subnetting.

path Section for Multipoint Dial-in Server

The path section of the file tells the link manager the name of the remote endpoint and the name of the interface linking the endpoint machines. However, on a multipoint dial-in server, you can include more than one path section. Additionally, some of the arguments to the keywords are used differently with multipoint links.

    interface interface-number
    peer_system_name endpoint-username
    peer_ip_address endpoint-hostname

You need to define a path section for each nomadic endpoint with which the dial-in server can establish connections.

interface Keyword

For a multipoint dial-in server, the interface keyword defines the PPP interface ipdn. You must specify the same PPP interface in the path section for every endpoint that communicates with the server through this interface.

peer_system_name Keyword

The peer_system_name keyword takes a slightly different argument for a dial-in machine than a dial-out machine. For a dial-in server, this argument is the login name used by the remote host when it tries to establish communications with the server. This user name must already be present in the server's /etc/passwd file. When the login service reads this name, it verifies the user name in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files enabling communications.

In this excerpt from Example 24-2:

    interface ipd0
    peer_system_name scarlett
    peer_ip_address nomadc

the argument to peer_system_name is scarlett, indicating that when nomadc logs in to nubian-ppp, it uses the login name scarlett.

peer_ip_address Keyword

The peer_ip_address keyword is required for multipoint links. It takes the host name or IP address of the remote endpoint as its argument. The previous example uses the host name nomads as the argument to keyword peer_ip_address.

Additional Keywords

You can supply other keywords in the file to define how endpoint machines should communicate. Refer to "Configuration Keywords" for a complete list of keywords.