System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Configuring a Virtual Network

Virtual networks consist of a group of standalone computers, each in an isolated location, that can connect to each other through PPP multipoint links. "Virtual Networks" introduces virtual network concepts. This section explains how to configure a virtual network.

Figure 24-1 Sample Virtual Network


The network shown in the sample consists of three isolated computers. Each member of the network connects to the other members of the network through a multipoint PPP link. Therefore, to create such a network, you (and perhaps other network administrators at the remote location) have to configure a multipoint PPP link on each participating host.

You use the same generic process for configuring multipoint links as you do for configuring a multipoint dial-in server link, as described in "Overview of the Configuration Process". However, the virtual network has its own set of issues and requires you to configure each host in the network accordingly.

Addressing Issues for Virtual Networks

You must add host information to the /etc/hosts file for each machine in the virtual network. When typing the IP addresses used for the PPP endpoints:

Updating hosts and networks Databases

The first step in the configuration process involves updating the hosts and networks databases with information about your virtual network.

/etc/inet/hosts File for the Virtual Network

The /etc/inet/hosts file on each machine must contain the addressing information for every member of the network that this host has permission to access. For example, each host in the network in Figure 24-1 would have this information:

# Internet host table
#           localhost	loghost        nomada        nomadb        nomadc

/etc/inet/networks File for the Virtual Network

Because the virtual network requires a unique IP address, you must type this address in the networks database. For example, the network shown in Figure 24-1 has the number 192.41.47. Moreover, if the hosts on the network need to communicate with other networks, you should register the network with the InterNIC addressing authority. See "networks database" for information on editing the networks database.

Each host on the virtual network must have an entry with the network's address in the /etc/inet/networks file. For example, each host on network 192.41.47 might have the following in /etc/inet/networks:

# Internet networks
# arpanet   10          arpa
# ucb-ether 46          ucbether
# local networks
loopback    127
ppp         192.41.47   #remote sales offices

Considerations for Other Files

The next steps in the configuration process involve editing the UUCP databases, the /etc/passwd file, and the /etc/shadow file. You edit these files for the machines in the virtual network just as you would for the multipoint dial-in server configuration. Refer to "Editing UUCP Databases" for UUCP-related information and "Modifying the /etc/passwd File" for information regarding the passwd file. Configuration File for a Virtual Network

The configuration file for a local machine on a virtual network must contain information about all remote hosts on the network that the local host can access. Moreover, each machine on the virtual network must be configured for both dial-in and dial-out functions. After the local machine boots, its link manager reads the file to establish communications.

The following example shows a configuration file such as you would set up for nomada on a virtual network 192.41.47.

Example 24-5 Configuration File for nomada

# /etc/ for hosta

ifconfig ipd0 plumb nomada netmask + up
   interface ipd0
   peer_ip_address  nomadb
   peer_system_name lawrence	   	# name machine logs in with
   peer_ip_address nomadc
   peer_system_name azziz

The following example shows a configuration file such as you would set up for nomadb on virtual network 192.41.47.

Example 24-6 Configuration File for nomadb

# /etc/ for nomadb

ifconfig ipd0 plumb nomadb netmask + up
   interface ipd0
   peer_ip_address   nomada
   peer_system_name  tamerlane  # name the machine logs in with
   peer_ip_address   nomadc
   peer_system_name  azziz