System Administration Guide, Volume 3

How to Enable and Disable DHCP Transaction Logging for All Sessions (Command Line)

  1. Become superuser on the DHCP server system.

  2. Type the following to start dhcpconfig:

    # /usr/sbin/dhcpconfig
  3. Select Configure DHCP Service.

  4. Press Return for the following prompts to accept the default values, which may differ from the values shown here:

    Would you like to stop the DHCP service? (recommended) ([Y]/N):
    ###     DHCP Service Configuration      ###
    ###     Configure DHCP Database Type and  Location      ###
    Enter datastore (files or nisplus) [nisplus]: 
    Enter absolute path to datastore directory [dhcp.test.]: 
    Warning: Setting NIS_GROUP to admin.dhcp.test.
  5. Type Y for the following prompts as shown:

    ###     Common daemon option setup      ###
    Would you like to specify nondefault daemon options (Y/[N]):Y
    Do you want to enable transaction logging? (Y/[N]):Y
  6. Type a number from 0 through 7 at the following prompt:

    Which syslog local facility [0-7] do you wish to log to? [0]:

    By default, DHCP transactions are logged to the location where system notices are logged, which depends on how syslogd is configured. If you want the DHCP transactions to be logged to a file separate from other system notices, see "How to Log DHCP Transactions to a Separate Syslog File".

    Message files can quickly become very large when transaction logging is enabled.