WebNFS Developer's Guide


This demo is based on the JFileChooser demo of the JDK1.2. This XFileChooserDemo has been modified to support the XFileChooser object. The source JFileChooserDemo.java has been changed by replacing references to JFileChooser objects with XFileChooser objects and File with XFile. This program is described in detail in "The XFileChooserDemo Sample Program".

FileChooserDemo demonstrates some of the capabilities of the Swing JFileChooser object. It brings up a window displaying several configuration controls that allow you to play with the JFileChooser options dynamically.

To compile the FileChooserDemo demo on 1.2 on Solaris:

% javac -classpath ../../xfilechooser.jar  \
         ExampleFileFilter.java FileChooserDemo.java ExampleFileView.java
To run the compiled bytecode:

% java -classpath ../../xfilechooser.jar:. FileChooserDemo
If compiling or running on Windows, use backslashes in the path, and semicolon as separator, e.g.:

% java -classpath ..\..\xfilechooser.jar;. FileChooserDemo

Note -

You must be using the java in JDK1.2, thus set your path accordingly. If you are using a Java2 release prior to JDK 1.2.1 you may need the JFileChooser patch to fix bug 4169763. The XFileChooser release notes describe how to use the the Xbootclasspath to include the patch.