Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide


I can't read your attachments. What mailer are you using?


The SunView mailtool(1) and prior 3.3 OpenWindows mailtool(1) produce this message when they cannot cope with an attachment. The attachment is probably in MIME (multipurpose internet mail extensions) format, using base64 encoding.


To read a mail message containing MIME attachments, use mailtool(1) from a system running at least the Solaris 2.3 release. If you are running an earlier version of the Solaris environment, rlogin(1) to a system running a later version, set the DISPLAY environment variable back to the first system, and run mailtool remotely. If those options prove impossible, ask the originator to send the message again using mailtool(1), or using the CDE dtmail compose File->SendAs->SunMailTool option.

Technical Notes

Standard MIME attachments with base64 encoding, for example, produce this message and fail to display in older mailtool(1)s.

See Also

Look into using metamail, available on the Internet, which allows you to send and receive MIME attachments.

Identifier removed


This message indicates an error in a System V IPC facility. Most likely a file associated with messaging, semaphores, or shared memory was deleted from the file system where it had been created.

Technical Notes

This error is returned to processes that resume execution after the removal of an identifier from the file system's name space. See msgctl(2), semctl(2), and shmctl(2) for details.

The symbolic name for this error is EIDRM, errno=36.

ie0: Ethernet jammed


This message can appear on SPARCservers or IA machines with an Intel 82586 Ethernet chip. It indicates that 16 successive transmission attempts failed, causing the driver to give up on the current packet.


If this error occurs sporadically or at busy times, it probably means that the network is saturated. Wait for network traffic to clear. If bottlenecks arise frequently, think about reconfiguring the network or adding subnets.

Another possible cause of this message is a noise source somewhere in the network, such as a loose transceiver connection. Use snoop(1M) or a similar program to isolate the problem area, then check and tighten network connectors as necessary.

ie0: no carrier


This message can appear on SPARCservers or IA machines with an Intel 82586 Ethernet chip. It indicates that the chip has lost input to its carrier detect pin while trying to transmit a packet, causing the packet to be dropped.


Check that the Ethernet connector is not loose or disconnected. Other possible causes include an open circuit somewhere in the network and noise on the carrier detect line from the transceiver. Use snoop(1M) or a similar program to isolate the problem area, then check the network connectors and transceivers, as needed.

If pipe/FIFO, don't sleep in stream head


This is a streams pipe error (not externally visible).

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is ESTRPIPE, errno=92.

ifconfig: bad address


System fails to boot with this error message: ifconfig: bad address. When coming up to multi-user ifconfig -a, it indicates the following:

	inet netmask 0 
Once up, if this command succeeds, then all is well:

# ifconfig le0 inet hostname


Check /etc/hostname.* for a possible bad entry.

/etc/hosts was linked to /var/named/hosts and /var was a separate file system. Until system comes up in multi-user to mount /var, host name could not be resolved to proper IP address.

ifconfig bad address le0


The user installed the recommended 2.5.1 patches. When booting, presented the following errors:

ifconfig bad address le0
le0 arp - revarp failed no rarp replies
bad address hme0
hme0 auto-revarp failed: no rarp replies received.
The IP address of interface is set to

System fails to resolve host IP address from /etc/host and no other RARP servers responded to the system's request for its IP address.


If dns [NOTFOUND=return] appears before files in /etc/nsswitch.conf, ifconfig complains at boot-time about bad address. In some cases this can cause the boot to fail.

ifconfig: host name bad space address


When the system is booted, this error message is displayed. The /etc/nsswitch.conf file had the following entries for the hosts line:

hosts: dns nis [NOTFOUND=return] files


Move files to the first entry in the list. Now, when the system boots, it resolves the interface names from the /etc/hosts file.

ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: hme0: no such interface


If you just installed hme interface and are now manually configuring it, you could receive this error message when running the following:

ifconfig hme0 inet ipaddr netmask + broadcast + -trailers up


If there is no hostname.hme0 file, then the startup scripts do not execute the ifconfig hme0 plumb command. The user can either create the hostname.hme0 file or issue the ifconfig hme0 plumb command manually before attempting to configure the interface.

Illegal Instruction


A process has received a signal indicating that it attempted to execute an instruction that is not allowed by the kernel. This usually results from running programs compiled for a slightly different machine architecture. This message is usually accompanied by a core dump, except on read-only file systems.


If you are booting from a CD-ROM or from the net, check Readme files to make sure you are using an image appropriate for your machine architecture. Run df(1M) to make sure there is enough swap space on the system; too little swap space can cause this error. If you recently upgraded your CPU to a new architecture, replace your operating system with one that supports the new architecture (an operating system upgrade might be required).

Technical Notes

Sometimes this condition results from a programming error, such as when a program attempts to execute data as instructions. This condition can also indicate device file corruption on your system.

Illegal instruction "0xhex" was encountered at PC 0xhex


The machine is trying to boot from a non-boot device, or from a boot device for a different hardware architecture.


If you are booting from the net, check Readme files to make sure you are using a boot image for that architecture. If you are booting from disk, make sure the system is looking at the right disk, which is usually SCSI target 3. If these solutions fail, connect a CD drive to the system and boot from CD-ROM.

Illegal seek


In this instance, using a pipe (|) on the command line does not work.


Rather than using a pipe on the command line, redirect the output of the first program into a file and run the second program on that file.

Technical Notes

A call to lseek(2) was issued to a pipe. This error condition can also be fixed by altering the program to avoid using lseek(2).

The symbolic name for this error is ESPIPE, errno=29.

Image Tool: Unable to open XIL Library.


This message follows multiple multi-line XilDefaultErrorFunc errors, indicating that ImageTool could not locate the X Imaging Library. Many OpenWindows and CDE deskset programs require XIL.


Run pkginfo(1) to determine what packages are installed on the system. If the following packages are not present, install them from the CD-ROM or over the net: SUNWxildg, SUNWxiler, SUNWxilow, and SUNWxilrt.

Inappropriate ioctl for device


This is a programming error.


Ask the program's author to fix this condition. The program needs to be changed so it employs a device driver that can accept special character device controls.

Technical Notes

The ioctl(2) system call was given as an argument for a file that is not a special character device. This message replaces the traditional, but puzzling Not a typewriter message.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOTTY, errno=25.



During phase 1, fsck(1M) determined that the specified inode pointed to a number of bad or duplicate blocks. The block count should be corrected to the actual number shown.


Generally you can answer "yes" to this question without harming the file system.

See Also

For more information on bad blocks, see the section on checking file system integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume 1.

index failed:full:index preceded by saveset name


This is a server that has several clients. It seems that when the backup kicks off, many of the savesets fail with the message listed below:

godzilla                              index failed:full:index 
* godzilla:index 2 retries attempted
* godzilla:index sh: save: not found


Edit the /etc/init.d/networker file and change the nsrexecd startup line to include a -p option to specify this command search path:

(/usr/sbin/nsr/nsrexecd -s masters -p /usr/sbin/nsr )     > /dev/console

inetd[int]: execv /usr/sbin/in.uucpd: No such file or directory


This message indicates that the Internet services daemon, inetd(1M), tried to start up the UUCP service without the UUCP daemon existing on the system.


The SUNWbnuu package must be installed before the machine can run UUCP. Run pkgadd(1M) to install this package from the distribution CD-ROM or over the network.

inetd[int]: string/tcp: unknown service


This message indicates that the Internet services daemon, inetd(1M), could not locate the TCP service specified after the first colon.


Check the current machine's /etc/services file, and the NIS services map, to see if the service is described. To start this service, add an appropriate entry into the /etc/services file and possibly the services map as well. Note that NIS+ does not consult the local /etc/services file unless you put files right after nisplus on the services line of the system's /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

If you do not want to start this service, edit the system's /etc/inetd.conf file and delete the entry that tries to start it up.

See Also

For more information about NIS+, see the NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide.

inetd[int]: string/udp: unknown service


This message indicates that the Internet services daemon, inetd(1M), could not locate the UDP service specified after the first colon.


For a solution, refer to "inetd[int]: string/tcp: unknown service".

inetd: Too many open files


This message can appear when someone runs a command from the shell or uses a third-party application. The sar(1) command does not indicate that the system-wide open file limit has been exceeded.

The probable cause of this message is that the shell limit has been exceeded. The default open file limit is 64, but it can be raised to 256.


For a solution, refer to "Too many open files".

INIT: Cannot create /var/adm/utmpx


This console message indicates that init(1M) cannot write in the /var directory, which is usually part of the / (root) file system. Some other messages follow, and the system usually comes up single-user. The problem is often that / or /var is mounted read-only. Sometimes a brief power outage leaves the system believing that many file systems are still mounted.


If /var is a separate file system on the machine and is not yet mounted, mount it now. If the file system containing /var is mounted read-only, remount it read-write with a command similar to this:

# mount -o rw,remount /
Then type Control-D and try to bring up the system multi-user. If that fails, the root file system is probably corrupted. Run fsck(1M) on the root file system, halt the machine, power cycle the CPU, and wait for the system to reboot. Should this problem still occur, restore the root file system from backup tapes, or re-install the system from net or CD-ROM to replace the root file system.

InitOutput: Error loading module for /dev/fb


This fatal X server error message indicates that /dev/fb, the "dumb frame buffer," is either missing or corrupted. It is usually followed by a giving up message and a few xinit(1) errors.


If other devices on the system are working correctly, the most likely reason for this error is that the SUNWdfb package was removed or never installed. Insert the installation CD-ROM, change to the Solaris_2.* directory, and run the following command to install the packages SUNWdfbh and SUNWdfb (for your machine architecture):

pkgadd -d .

If other devices on the system are not working correctly, the system might have a corrupt /devices directory. Halt the system and boot using the -r (reconfigure) option. The system will run fsck(1M) if the /devices file system is corrupted, most likely fixing the problem.

insertion failed: a problem with the filesystem has been detected: filesystem is probably full


With the use of automounter, ls -l of an automounted directory is giving the above error. This is a pop-up error message that forces you to press continue. However, the ls -l does not work properly.


Do a df -k to see if the /var directory is completely full. Since the /var/statmon directory contains the locks for NFS, the automount fails if the /var is completely full. After the /var directory is reduced to less than 100% of the automount point, ls -l should work properly.

Interrupted system call


The user issued an interrupt signal (usually Control-C) while the system was in the middle of executing a system call. When network service is slow, interrupting cd(1) to a remote-mounted directory can produce this message.


Proceed with your work; this message is strictly informational.

Technical Notes

An asynchronous signal (such as interrupt or quit), which a program was set up to catch, occurred during an internal system call. If execution is resumed after processing the signal, it will appear as if the interrupted programming function returned this error condition, so the program might exit with an incorrect error message.

The symbolic name for this error is EINTR, errno=4.

Invalid argument


An invalid parameter was specified that the system cannot interpret. For example, trying to mount an uncreated file system, printing without sufficient system support, or providing an undefined signal to a signal(3C) library function can all produce this message.


If you see this message when you are trying to mount a file system, make sure that you have run newfs(1M) to create the file system.

If you see this message when you are trying to read a diskette, make sure that the diskette was properly formatted with fdformat(1), either in DOS format, pcfs(7FS), or as a UFS file system.

If you see this message while you are trying to print, make sure that the print service is configured correctly.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is EINVAL, errno=22.

Invalid null command


This C shell message results from a command line with two pipes (|) in a row or from a pipe without a command afterwards.


Change the command line so that each pipe is followed by a command.

Invalid_SS_JWS_HOME:no C:\\lib\


The user was running WinNT 4.0 and received this error message when trying to launch Java WorkshopTM.


Loaded software from marimba company was removed from the user's system. The product was castanet. Afterwards, the JWS worked without problems. Apparently, the product SunTM Tuner came loaded with JDKTM, and this conflicted with JWS.

See for more details on marimba products.

Another possible solution:

Double-click jws.exe within the C:\Java-WorkShop\jws\intel-win32\bin\ folder.

I/O error


Some physical Input/Output error has occurred. If the process was writing a file at the time, data corruption is possible.


First, find out which device is experiencing the I/O error. If the device is a tape drive, make sure a tape is inserted into the drive. When this error occurs with a tape in the drive, it is likely that the tape contains an unrecoverable bad spot.

If the device is a floppy drive, an unformatted or defective diskette could be at fault. Format the diskette, or obtain a replacement.

If the device is a hard disk drive, you might need to run fsck(1M) and possibly even reformat the disk.

Technical Notes

In some cases this error might occur on a call following the one to which it actually applies.

The symbolic name for this error is EIO, errno=5.

IP: Hardware address '08:00:20:xx:xx:xx' trying to be our address!


The above message appears in /var/adm/messages.

This can happen, for example, when the ATM lane device is set to promiscuous mode by running snoop -d lane0.


Do not let the ATM lane device run in promiscuous mode and do not ignore the warning about it.

Technical Notes

A broadcast over ATM LAN Emulation is emulated by the broadcast and the unknown server (BUS) for the emulated LAN. If the Sun command transmits its ARP request, some switch implementations for LANE repeat the ARP request over the bus_forward channel, so that it can be seen on the local interface, again:

----- ATM AAL5 Header -----
Packet 1 arrived at 12:12:30.42
Packet size=66 bytes
LANE Data Frame  Type=0x0806 (ARP)
ARP:  ----- ARP/RARP Frame -----
ARP:  Hardware type = 1
ARP:  Protocol type = 0800 (IP)
ARP:  Length of hardware address = 6 bytes
ARP:  Length of protocol address = 4 bytes
ARP:  Opcode 1 (ARP Request)
ARP:  Sender's hardware address = 8:0:20:82:8f:91
ARP:  Sender's protocol address =, lab054-lane0
ARP:  Target hardware address = ?
ARP:  Target protocol address =, lab050-lane0

----- ATM AAL5 Header -----
Packet 2 arrived at 12:12:30.42
Packet size=66 bytes
LANE Data Frame  Type=0x0806 (ARP)
ARP:  ----- ARP/RARP Frame -----
ARP:  Hardware type = 1
ARP:  Protocol type = 0800 (IP)
ARP:  Length of hardware address = 6 bytes
ARP:  Length of protocol address = 4 bytes
ARP:  Opcode 1 (ARP Request)
ARP:  Sender's hardware address = 8:0:20:82:8f:91
ARP:  Sender's protocol address =, lab054-lane0
ARP:  Target hardware address = ?
ARP:  Target protocol address =, lab050-lane0
Now the request is answered:

----- ATM AAL5 Header -----
Packet 3 arrived at 12:12:30.42
Packet size=66 bytes
LANE Data Frame  Type=0x0806 (ARP)
ARP:  ----- ARP/RARP Frame -----
ARP:  Hardware type = 1
ARP:  Protocol type = 0800 (IP)
ARP:  Length of hardware address = 6 bytes
ARP:  Length of protocol address = 4 bytes
ARP:  Opcode 2 (ARP Reply)
ARP:  Sender's hardware address = 8:0:20:8c:4e:f0
ARP:  Sender's protocol address =, lab050-lane0
ARP:  Target hardware address = 8:0:20:82:8f:91
ARP:  Target protocol address =, lab054-lane0

Normally, the reflected ARP Request is suppressed. If the lane device is set to promiscuous mode, all packets are passed to upper layers, and so the upper instances receive Sun's own packet and raise this message:

Feb 10 12:12:30 sissi unix: IP: Hardware address '08:00:20:82:8f:91' 
trying to be our address!

Is a directory


An attempt was made to read or write a directory as if it were a file.


Look at a listing of all the files in the current directory and try again, specifying a file instead of a directory.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is EISDIR, errno=21.