Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide


last message repeated int times


This message comes from syslogd(1M), the facility that prints messages on the console and records them in /var/adm/messages. To reduce the log size and minimize buffer usage, syslog collapses any identical messages it sees during a 20 second period, then prints this message with the number of repetitions.


Look above this message to see which message was repeated so often. Then consider the repeated message and take action accordingly. If repeated log entries such as su ... failed appear, consider the possibility of a security breach.

late initialization error


Netscape enterprise server 2.0 receives these error messages from the daemon:


This is a file permission problem caused by someone changing the UID for the httpd user in /etc/passwd.

Change UID in /etc/passwd to the correct UID. fatal: can't set protection on segment


Applications have recently begun to fail with this error, fatal: can't set protection on segment. The failures are random.


This was happening because of the recent introduction of a rogue application that consumed most of the swap space on the system. The other applications, which failed randomly, were doing so because of having insufficient swap space to run. The error from occurred because there was no segment on which to set the protections. string: fatal: string: can't open file: errno=2


This message is produced in releases earlier than Solaris 2.5.1. It is not produced in releases after Solaris 2.5.1.

For more information about the cause, refer to " string: fatal: string: open failed: No such file or directory". It has the same cause.


For the resolution, refer to " string: fatal: string: open failed: No such file or directory". Their resolutions are the same.

See Also

For more information about the Linker, see the Linker and Libraries Guide. string: fatal: string: open failed: No such file or directory


This message is produced in releases after Solaris 2.5.1. It is not produced in releases before Solaris 2.5.1.

This message indicates that the runtime linker,, while running the program specified after the first colon, could not find the shared object specified after the third colon. (A shared object is sometimes called a dynamically linked library.)


As a workaround, set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the location of the shared object in question. For example:

Better yet, if you have access to source code, recompile the program using the -Rpath loader option. Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH slows down performance.

See Also

For more information about the Linker, see the Linker and Libraries Guide. string: fatal: relocation error: string: string: referenced symbol not found


This message is produced in releases after the Solaris 2.5.1. It is not produced in the Solaris 2.5.1 or earlier releases.

The message from the runtime linker indicates that in trying to execute the application given after the first colon, the specified symbol could not be found for relocation. The message goes on to say in what file the symbol was referenced. Because this is a fatal error, the application terminates with this message.


Run the ldd -d command on the application to show its shared object dependencies and symbols that are not found. Probably your system contains an old version of the shared object that should contain this symbol. Contact the library vendor or author for an update.

Technical Notes

This error does not necessarily occur when you first bring up an application. It could take months to develop, if ordinary use of the application seldom references the undefined symbol.

See Also

For more information about the Linker, see the Linker and Libraries Guide. string: fatal: relocation error: symbol not found: string


This message is produced in the Solaris 2.5.1 release and earlier. It is not produced in releases after the Solaris 2.5.1.

Refer to " string: fatal: relocation error: string: string: referenced symbol not found". It has the same cause.


For a resolution, refer to " string: fatal: relocation error: string: string: referenced symbol not found". Their resolutions are the same.

Technical Notes

This error does not necessarily occur when you first bring up an application. It could take months to develop, if ordinary use of the application seldom references the undefined symbol.

See Also

For more information about the Linker, see the Linker and Libraries Guide.

le0: Memory error!


This message indicates that the network interface encountered an access time-out from the CPU's main memory. There is probably nothing wrong except system overload.


If the system is busy with other processes, this error can occur frequently. If possible, try to reduce the system load by quitting applications or killing some processes.

Technical Notes

The Lance Ethernet chip timed out while trying to acquire the bus for a DVMA transfer. Most network applications wait for a transfer to occur, so generally no data gets lost. However, data transfer might fail after too many time-outs.

See Also

For more information about the Lance Ethernet chip, see the le(7D) man page.

le0: No carrier-- cable disconnected or hub link test disabled?


Stand-alone machines with no Ethernet port connection get this error when the system tries to access the network. If the Ethernet cable is connected, this message could result from a mismatch between the machine's NVRAM settings and the Ethernet hub settings.


If this message is continuous, try to save any work to a local disk.

When a machine is configured as a networked system, it must be plugged into the Ethernet with a twisted pair J45 connector.

If the Ethernet cable is plugged in, find out whether or not the Ethernet hub does a link integrity test. Then become superuser to check and possibly set the machine's NVRAM. If the hub's link integrity test is disabled, set this variable to false.

# eeprom | grep tpe
# eeprom 'tpe-link-test?=false'
The default setting is true. If for some reason tpe-link-test? was set to false, and the hub's link integrity test is enabled, reset this variable to true.

le0: No carrier-- transceiver cable problem?


Stand-alone machines with no Ethernet port connection get this error when the system tries to access the network.


If this message is continuous, try to save any work to a local disk.

When a machine is configured as a networked system, it must be plugged into the Ethernet with either a twisted pair J45 connector or thicknet 10Base-T connector (depending on the building's Ethernet cable type).

Technical Notes

Older workstations have a thicknet connection on the back, instead of a twisted pair Ethernet connection; therefore, they require a thicknet to the twisted pair transceiver to translate between cabling types.

level 15 interrupt


This error occurred on an SS20.

.lib section in a.out corrupted


This occurred while trying to exec(2) an a.out(4), which requires that a static shared library be linked in. Also, there was erroneous data in the .lib section of the a.out(4). The .lib section tells exec(2) which static shared libraries are needed. The a.out(4) is probably corrupted.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is ELIBSCN, errno=85.



During phase 4, fsck(1M) determined that the inode's link count for the specified file is wrong and asks if you want to adjust it to the value given.


Generally you can answer "yes" to this question without harming the file system.

See Also

For more information on fsck(1M), see the section on checking file system integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume 1.

Link has been severed


This error occurs when the connection to a remote machine is gone, for example after a remote procedure call is interrupted.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is ENOLINK, errno=67.

LL105W: Protocol error detected.


This error message comes from LifelineTM Mail, an unbundled PC compatibility application.

Most likely, someone set up a user account without a password.


To solve this problem, assign the user a password.

ln: cannot create /dev/fb: Read-only filesystem


During device reconfiguration at boot time, the system cannot link to the frame buffer because /dev is on a read-only file system.


Check that /dev/fb is a symbolic link to the hardware frame buffer, such as cgsix(7D) or tcx(7D). Ensure that the file system containing /dev is mounted read-write.

lockd[int]: create_client: no name for inet address 0xhex


This lock daemon message usually indicates that the NIS hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr maps are not coordinated.


Wait a short time for the maps to synchronize. If they do not, take steps to coordinate them.

See Also

For information on updating NIS data, see the section on NIS maps in the NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide. If you are using AnswerBook online documentation, "hosts.byaddr" is a good search string.

log_get: len is not a multiple of 4 from FW-1


The Firewall-1TM log contains this message. It is logged when one of the log files is somehow damaged, usually after a power outage or violent reboot of the system.


Try the following workaround:

# fwstop
# rename fw.log, fw.alog, fw.vlog
# fwstart

Login incorrect


This message from the login(1) program indicates an incorrect combination of login name and password. There is no way to tell whether the problem comes from the login name, the password, or both. Other programs such as ftp(1), rexecd(1M), sulogin(1M), and uucp(1C) also give this error under similar conditions.


Check the /etc/passwd file and the NIS or NIS+ passwd map on the local system to see if an entry exists for this user. If a user has simply forgotten the password, su(1M) and set a new one with the passwd(1) username command. This command automatically updates the NIS+ passwd map, but with NIS you will need to coordinate the update with the passwd map.

The Login incorrect problem can also occur with older versions of NIS when the user name has more than eight characters. If this is the case, edit the NIS password file, change the user name to have eight or fewer characters, and then remake the NIS passwd map.

If you cannot log in to the system as root, despite knowing the proper password, it is possible that the /etc/passwd file is corrupted. Try to log in as a regular user and su(1M) to root.

If that does not work, see the message su: No shell and follow most of the instructions given there. Instead of changing the default shell, make the password field blank in /etc/shadow.

lp hang


On a print server, the queue continues to grow but nothing comes out of the printer. The printer daemon is hung.


Below is a simple procedure for flushing a hung printing queue:

  1. Login or switch user to root.

  2. Issue the reject(1M) printername command to make sure no one sends any job to the printer.

  3. Turn the power off to the printer.

  4. If the active job appears to be causing the hang, remove it from the print queue with the cancel(1) jobnumber command and ask the owner to requeue that print job.

  5. Shut down the print queue with the /usr/lib/lpshut command.

  6. Remove the lock file /var/spool/lp/SCHEDLOCK and the temporary files /var/spool/lp/tmp/*/*.

  7. Turn the printer back on.

  8. Restart the print queue with the /usr/lib/lpsched command.

See Also

For more information on print queuing, see the System Administration Guide, Volume 2. If you are using AnswerBook online documentation, "print server" is a good search string.