Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide


X connection to string:0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).


This error means that the client has lost its connection to the X server. The "0.0" represents the display device, which is usually the console. This message can appear when a user is running an X application on a remote system with the DISPLAY set back to the original system and the remote system's X server disappears, perhaps because someone exited X windows or rebooted the machine. It sometimes appears locally when a user exits the window system. Data loss is possible if applications were killed before saving files.


Try to run the application again in a few minutes after the system has rebooted and the window system is running.

xinit: not found


The OpenWindows environment was probably not installed properly, and the openwin(1) program could not find xinit(1) to start the X windows system. If the user is running another version of X windows, such as the MIT X11 distribution, the startx program serves the same function as xinit(1).


Check the PATH environment variable to make sure it contains the appropriate X windows install directory. Verify that xinit(1) is in this directory as an executable program.

XIO: fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) on X server "string:0.0"


This error means that I/O with the X server has been broken. The 0.0 represents the display device, which is usually the console. This message can appear when a user is running Display PostScript applications and the X server disappears or the client is shut down. Data loss is possible, if applications disappeared before saving files.


Try to run the application again in a few minutes after the system has rebooted and the window system is running.

Xlib: connection to "string:0.0" refused by server


This message is immediately followed by the Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server message. These messages indicate that an X windows application tried to run on the X server specified inside double quotes, which did not allow the request. The 0.0 represents the display device, which is usually the console. If no servername appears, the superuser probably tried to run an X application on the current machine in an X session that was owned by somebody else.


To allow this client to connect to the X server, run xhost(1) +clientname on the X server system. Only the owner of the current X session (who is not necessarily the superuser) is allowed to run the xhost(1) command. If somebody else is running X windows on the server, ask them to log out and then start your own X session on that server; remote X connections are usually allowed for the same user ID.

Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "0.0"


Install the OpenGL® 1.0 software and test the configuration by running /usr/openwin/demo/GL/ogl_install_check, which provides the following results:

# ./ogl_install_check
    Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display "0.0".
    Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display "0.0".
    Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display "0.0".
    can't find visual


First check that the installation has worked correctly by running the package check utility on the runtime package: pkgchk SUNWglrt. This should result in an error message like this:

ERROR: /usr/openwin/server/etc/OWconfig
file size <187> expected <5423> actual
file cksum <14394> expected <27045> actual
(The numbers might be different, but there should be only one file.) If other errors occur, re-install OpenGL, especially the SUNWglrt package.

Assuming that is fine, look at the process owner for the Xsun process using the following:

# ps -aef | grep Xsun | grep -v grep
nobody 20022   225  0 11:36:22 ?        0:34 /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0 -nobanner 
If the owner is not root, that is most likely the problem. There is a permissions issue loading the graphic pipelines.

If you are using CDE, ensure that the Xservers file has this form:

:0 Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0 -nobanner 
The Xservers file can be found in /usr/dt/config, if you have not done any customization. Otherwise, it can more than likely be found in /etc/dt/config/. Additional arguments after the -nobanner option are acceptable.

Another way of proving this is to run the OpenWindows environment from the command line as root. It ensures that the Xsun process is owned by root.

Another possibility is that the system is NOT a Creator 3D. You can only run OpenGL 1.0 on an Ultra machine with a Creator 3D graphics card. If you install this application on an Ultra machine with a Creator framebuffer and NOT a Creator 3D, you see these same error messages.

xntpd: clnt_dg_create: out of memory


At boot time, the error occurs after configuring NTP. Except for the error, everything seems to be working properly.


As a workaround, move the script for xntpd from S74xntpd to S77xntpd, so it starts after S76nscd.

xterm: fatal IO error 32 (Broken Pipe) or KillClient on X server "string:0.0"


This error means that xterm(1) has lost its connection to the X server. The 0.0 represents the display device, which is usually the console. This message can appear when a user is running xterm and the X server disappears or the client is shut down. Data loss is possible if applications were killed before saving files.


Try to run the terminal emulator again in a few minutes after the system has rebooted and the window system is running.

XView warning: Cannot load font set 'string' (Font Package)


This message from the XView library warns that a requested font is not installed on the X server. Often multiple warnings are displayed for the same font. The set of available fonts can vary from release to release.


To see which fonts are available on the X server, run the xlsfonts(1) program. Then specify another font name that you see in the output of xlsfonts(1). Sometimes you can locate a similar font from a different vendor.

Technical Notes

Two packages of X windows fonts are: the common but not required fonts (SUNWxwcft), and the optional fonts (SUNWxwoft). Run pkginfo(1) to see if both packages are installed, and add them to the system as you desire.