Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

Chapter 4 Using the Front Panel

The Front Panel is your "dashboard" or control area for the CDE desktop. It gives you point-and-click and drag-and-drop access to the majority of applications on your system; it allows you to switch workspaces; and it displays information such as time and date, printer status, and so on. You can customize your Front Panel to include your favorite applications, and you can move or minimize the Front Panel.

Before using the Front Panel, you should be aware of the following features:

Front Panel Elements

The Front Panel comprises the Main Panel (displayed by default) and several subpanels that roll-up when you click their tab on the main panel.

Figure 4-1 Main Panel and an Open Subpanel


Main Panel

The central area of the Main Panel, called the workspace switch, enables you to display other workspaces, run actions, lock the display and log out.


Above each control on the main panel is a tab marked with a triangle. Clicking this tab displays the subpanel, whose name is indicated on its title bar.

Subpanels contain:

The Workspace Switch

The workspace switch contains the buttons you use to change from one workspace to another, and other controls. You can rename a workspace by clicking its button and editing the name text.


Each workspace occupies the entire display, as though your display has several layers. Workspaces effectively expand the amount of display area available on your desktop.

Basic Front Panel Skills

This section covers basic skills for using Front Panel controls and subpanels.

To Activate a Front Panel Control

    Click or double-click the control.

To Open a Subpanel

Controls that have subpanels have an arrow button on top of the control.

    Click the tab above the control.


To Close a Subpanel

The subpanel closes automatically when you choose a control unless you have moved the subpanel from its original location.

Front Panel Pop-Up Menus

Each control in the Front Panel has a pop-up menu. The menu is different for each control.

To Display a Front Panel Pop-Up Menu

    Press mouse button 3 over the control.

    The control's pop-up menu is displayed.

Contents of the Pop-Up Menus

The contents of the pop-up menu depend on the behavior of the control and its location.

Main Panel Controls

If the control starts an application, the first entry in the menu is a command that starts the application. Choosing the menu item has the same effect as clicking the control.


In addition, the pop-up menu may contain the following items:

Switch Area

The switch area is the portion of the workspace switch not occupied by other controls or workspace buttons.


The switch area pop-up menu contains the following items:

Workspace Buttons

Use the workspace buttons to change workspaces. Each button has its own menu.


The workspace button pop-up menu includes the following items:

Subpanel Controls

The pop-up menus for subpanels include a command for making the control the current Main Panel control.


The pop-up menu for subpanel controls includes the following items:

Front Panel Drop Zones

The Front Panel contains the following controls that act as drop zones:

Front Panel Help

You can get help on:

To Get On Item Help on a Front Panel Control

    Choose Help from the control's pop-up menu.


  1. Display the Help subpanel.

  2. Click the On Item Help control.

    The pointer changes shape.

  3. Click the control on which you want help.

To Get Help on Using and Configuring the Front Panel

  1. Display the Help subpanel.

  2. Click the Front Panel Help control.

    This displays the Help Viewer and Front Panel help volume.

To Move the Front Panel or a Subpanel

Subpanels are moved like other windows--by dragging the title bar.

The Main Panel is moved using its move handles.


To Minimize the Front Panel

Minimizing the Front Panel turns it into an icon.

    Click the Front Panel's minimize button.


The Front Panel window icon is labeled with the workspace name.

Tour of the Front Panel

This section introduces the contents of the Main Panel and the subpanels. Your Front Panel may be customized with different or additional controls.

Main Panel

The following table describes the controls on the Main Panel.

Table 4-1 Main Panel Controls



Click Behavior 

Drop Behavior 

Indicator Behavior 

GraphicClock (Links)  Opens the default browser


Current time 


Calendar (Cards)

Starts the Calendar application 

Dropping an appointment file adds the appointment to the calendar 

Current date 


File Manager (Files)

Opens a File Manager view of your home folder 

Dropping a folder opens a File Manager view of that folder 


GraphicText Note (Applications)

Starts the desktop Text Editor application 

Puts the dropped file or text on the workspace 


GraphicGraphicMailer (Mail)

Starts the desktop Mailer application 

Attaches dropped item to a New Message window 

Changes appearance when you have new mail 



Locks the display and keyboard. You must type your password to unlock the system. 




Workspace switch

Changes workspaces 


Indicates current workspace 

GraphicActivity Indicator Displays a Go action dialog box

Runs action (for example, a browser) registered for data type dropped 

Spins when the system is running an action 



Begins logout from the current session 





(Personal Printers)

Displays the status of the default printer 

Prints the file on the printer 


Graphic Style Manager (Tools)

Opens the desktop Style Manager application 



GraphicPerformance Meter (Hosts

Opens Performance Meter 

Opens Performance Meter for the hostname dropped 

Once activated, indicates CPU and disk activity for future sessions 

GraphicHelp Manager (Help)

Opens a Help Viewer window displaying the top level of help information 

Dropping a master volume file (*.sdl) opens a Help Viewer window with that help volume


GraphicTrash (Trash)

Opens the Trash Can window 


Different appearance when not empty 

Links Subpanel

Use the Links subpanel to open a web browser, display the Sun Microsystems web search site (, and manage your personal bookmarks.

GraphicTable 4-2 Links Subpanel Controls
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Clock Opens default browser Opens default browser for URL
Graphic Web Browser Opens default browser Opens default browser for URL
Graphic Personal Bookmarks Opens File Manager view of personal bookmarks Opens default browser for URL
Graphic Find Web Page Opens default browser for the Sun Microsystems search site None

Cards Subpanel

Use the Cards subpanel to open Calendar and search for address cards, host cards, and mail alias cards.


Table 4-3 Controls on the Cards Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Calendar Opens Calendar for the current date and user Sets up the dropped appointment
Graphic Find Card Opens Address Manager with default search options Opens a dropped card, or opens Address Manager with default options and searches for dropped text

Files Subpanel

Use the Files subpanel to:


Table 4-4 Controls on the Files Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Home FolderOpens File Manager view of $HOME Opens File Manager view of dropped folder
Graphic Open Floppy Loads a diskette in drive and displays File Manager view of it. None
Graphic Open CD-ROM Loads a CD-ROM volume in drive and displays a File Manager view of it None
Graphic Properties Opens Properties dialog box with no file selected Opens Properties dialog box for file or folder dropped
Graphic Encryption Prompts for the file to be encrypted and the encryption key Encrypts and replaces an unencrypted file; decrypts and replaces an encrypted file
Graphic Compress File Prompts for file to be compressed Compresses and replaces an uncompressed file; decompresses and replaces a compressed file
Graphic Archive Prompts for file or folder to be archived Archives and replaces dropped file or folder
Graphic Find File Opens File Finder in default mode Searches for dropped text as file or folder name

Applications Subpanel

Use the Applications subpanel to post text and voice notes on the workspace, to run Text Editor, and to open Application Manager.


Table 4-5 Controls on the Applications Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Text Note Opens Text Editor in note mode Puts the dropped file on the workspace
Graphic Text Editor Opens Text Editor Opens the dropped file in Text Editor
Graphic Voice Note Opens Audio in note mode None
Graphic Applications Opens Application Manager None

Mail Subpanel

Use the Mail subpanel for to access Mailer or to connect to the Solaris suggestion box mail alias.

GraphicTable 4-6 Controls on the Mail Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Mail Opens Mailer Displays New Message dialog box and attaches dropped file
Graphic Suggestion Box Opens New Message dialog box to sent to the default suggestion box mail alias for Solaris at Sun Microsystems Displays New Message dialog box for suggestion box mail alias and appends dropped file

Personal Printers Subpanel

Use the Personal Printers subpanel to view print jobs on your printer or to work with all the printers on your system.


Table 4-7 Controls on the Personal Printers Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Printer Jobs Opens Printer Jobs for your default printer Prints the dropped file on the default printer
Graphic Print Manager Opens Print Manager for all printers available on your network Prints the dropped file on the selected printer. This is a useful method of printing to a printer other than your default printer.

Tools Subpanel

Use the Tools subpanel to setup your preferences for the desktop and workspace, to run Process Manager, and to view errors in CDE.


Table 4-8 Controls on the Tools Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Desktop Style Opens Style Manager None
Graphic CDE Error LogDisplays the file $HOME/.dt/errolog which contains CDE errors after xsession startup None
Graphic Customize Workspace Menu Warns you to update the workspace and opens a File Manager view of the Workspace menu None
Graphic Add Item To Menu Opens the Add Item to Workspace Menu dialog box None
Graphic Find Process Opens Process Manager for your workstation Opens Processs Manager in default mode

Hosts Subpanel

Use the Hosts subpanel to view system information, to monitor host performance, to open terminal and console sessions on hosts, and to find hosts.


Table 4-9 Controls on the Hosts Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Performance Opens Performance Meter for your workstation Opens Performance Meter in default mode
Graphic This Host Opens Terminal window for your workstation None
Graphic System Info Opens Workstation Information for your workstation Displays Workstation Information for dropped host name
Graphic Console Opens Console for your workstation None
Graphic Find Host Opens Address Manager to search for host cards Searches for dropped host name

Help Subpanel

The Help subpanel enables you to access AnswerBook2TM documentation, the master help volume (Help Manager), and other online help volumes such as Front Panel Help.


First-time CDE Users

If you are upgrading from a previous version of CDE and want to read about the current features of the CDE desktop, see:

If you are transitioning from OpenWindows, see:

If you are transitioning from another windowing system such as Microsoft Windows, see:

Help with Procedures

If you need to know how to carry out a procedure or task in CDE, see:

Technical Issues and Support

System administrators will find Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide (available via the AnswerBook2 viewer) useful for resolving configuration and administration issues.

System administrators investigating possible bugs should register with SunSolveTM, the Sun Microsystems online information, FAQ, and patch service; click SunSolve Online for more details. For help with specific problems that may require interaction with technical support, click on Solaris Support.

The following table describes the Help subpanel controls.

Table 4-10 Help Subpanel Controls



Click Behavior 

Drop Behavior 



Help Manager (duplicate of Main Panel control)

Opens a Help Viewer window displaying the top level of help information  

Dropping a master volume file (*.sdl) opens that help volume

Graphic SunSolve Online Opens a browser for the Sun Microsystems documentation and FAQ web site None
Graphic Solaris Support Opens a browser for the Sun Microsystems download site for patches, and technical support None
Graphic Information Opens the Information folder in Application Manager None
Graphic Desktop Introduction Displays the Introducing the Desktop help volume None



Front Panel Help

Displays the Front Panel help volume 




On Item Help

Provides on-item help for the Front Panel. Click this control, then click the control on which you want help. 





Displays the AnswerBook2 viewer if you have AnswerBook2 installed. 


Trash Subpanel

Use the Trash subpanel to trash and recover files, and to remove (shred) files from the system.


Table 4-11 Controls on the Trash Subpanel
 Icon Name Click Behavior Drop Behavior
Graphic Trash Opens Trash Can window Moves dropped files to the Trash Can window
Graphic Empty Trash Can Shreds (removes) contents of Trash Can window Moves dropped files to Trash Can window

Front Panel Applications

This section describes selected applications available on the default Front Panel. Other applications are described in their respective chapters, or in their online help or man pages.

Changing the Default Web Browser

The Links subpanel of the Front Panel contains a Web Browser control. When you click the control, the default browser is launched.

Your PATH environment is searched for the netscape command (for the Netscape browser) or hotjava command (for the HotJavaTM browser).

If the netscape command is found first, the Netscape browser is launched. If the hotjava command is found first, the HotJava browser is launched. If neither is found, an error dialog box appears reporting the failure to find a browser.

The SdtWebClient action is used to launch your system's default web browser. If you want to ensure that the default is always Netscape, change the MAP_ACTION setting in your user-prefs.dt file to

If you want to ensure that the default is always the HotJava browser, change the MAP_ACTION setting in your user-prefs.dt file to
The user-prefs.dt file belongs in your $HOME/.dt/types directory. To create a user-prefs.dt file, copy the /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/user-prefs.dt file and save it in your $HOME/.dt/types directory as user-prefs.dt.

To Display a Different Clock

The Links subpanel of the Front Panel contains a Clock control. When you click the control, the default browser is launched. You can remove this control and display a digital clock on the desktop as follows:

  1. Open the Links Subpanel.

  2. Click mouse button 3 on the Web Browser control.

    A pop-up menu is displayed.

  3. Choose Promote to Front Panel.

    The Web Browser control is displayed on the Main Panel and the Clock control is displayed on the subpanel.

  4. Click mouse button 3 on the Clock control.

    A pop-up menu is displayed.

  5. Choose Delete.

    The Clock control is removed from the subpanel.

  6. Open the Desktop Tools folder in Application Manager.

  7. Double-click Digital Clock.

    The Digital Clock application displays the time and date. This application can be left on your Workspace permanently. Ensure that it is saved with your session defaults using Style Manager.

Working With Bookmarks

A bookmark is a file containing a web URL, or a folder or attachment containing bookmarks. Clicking on a bookmark's icon displays the web page in your default browser.

CDE uses a file extension of .url to identify bookmarks. Double click the index.html icon in the Sample Bookmarks folder to read more about bookmarks in CDE.

Personal Bookmarks

The Folders subpanel of the Front Panel contains a Personal Bookmarks control. When you click the control, a File Manager view appears on the desktop. It is initially empty. You can create bookmarks to put in this folder. These URLs are then easily accessible through the Front Panel.

Creating Bookmarks

You can create bookmarks in any of the following ways:

You can create a bookmark using any URL that is normally available, such as URLs with http addresses.

Sharing Bookmarks

If you drop URL text or a bookmark file or folder onto the Front Panel mail icon, a Mailer Compose window appears with the corresponding bookmark as an attachment.

Using Find Web Page

The Find Web Page control on the Links subpanel enables you to display a Sun Microsystems search site, This site enables you to search selected sites at Sun Microsystems or to search the Internet.

You may find this search site more useful than standard commercial sites when you are searching for information relating to Sun Microsystems and its products.

Using Encryption

The Encryption control on the Files subpanel enables you to encrypt and decrypt files using the default encryption application. The encryption application shipped with Solaris is crypt, as described in the crypt man page.

To Encrypt a File

You can encrypt a file by doing one of the following:

    Click Encrypt in the Desktop_Tools folder of Application Manager, and specify the file and encryption key in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, click the Encryption icon on the Files subpanel, and specify the file and encryption key in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, drop the file on the Encryption icon on the Files subpanel and specify the encryption key in the dialog box displayed.

The file is encrypted, uuencoded, and replaced in its original location.

To Decrypt a File

You can decrypt a file by doing one of the following:

    Click Decrypt in the Desktop_Tools folder of Application Manager, and specify the file and encryption key in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, drop the file on the Encryption icon on the Files subpanel and specify the encryption key in the dialog box displayed.

    The file is uudecoded, decrypted, and replaced in its original location.

Tip -

You can decrypt a file by double-clicking on it in a File Manager window.

Using Compression

The Compression control on the Files subpanel enables you to compress (or zip) and decompress (or unzip) files using the default compression application. Compression and Decompression is also available via the Compress File and Uncompress File icons in Application Manager.

The encryption application shipped with the Solaris software is compress which, as described in the crypt man page, uses adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding. Compressed files are given the extension .z.

To Compress a File

    Click Compress File in the Desktop_Tools folder of Application Manager and specify the file in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, click the Compression icon on the Files subpanel and specify the file in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, drop the file on the Compression icon on the Files subpanel.

    The file is compressed, given a .z extension, and replaced in its original location.

To Decompress or Restore a File

    Click Uncompress File in the Desktop_Tools folder of Application Manager, and specify the file in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, drop the file on the Compression icon on the Files subpanel.

    The file is decompressed, has its .z extension removed, and is replaced in its original location.

    Tip -

    You can decompress a file by double-clicking on it in a File Manager window.

Using Archiving

The Archive control on the Files subpanel enables you to archive (tar) and unpack files. tar commands are also available via the Archive, Archive Unpack, and Archive List Contents icons in Application Manager.

The archiving application shipped with Solaris is tar which is described in the tar man page. By default, archived files are given the extension .tar.

To Archive a File

    Click Archive in the Desktop_Tools folder of Application Manager and specify the relevant file and folder names in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, click the Archive icon on the Files subpanel and specify the relevant file and folder names in the dialog box displayed.

    Or, drop the file on the Archive icon on the Files subpanel.

    The file is compressed, given a .tar extension, and replaced in its original location.

To Unpack an Archived File

    Click Archive Unpack in the Desktop_Tools folder of Application Manager, and specify the file in the dialog box displayed.

    Drop the file on the Archive icon on the Files subpanel.

    The file is decompressed, has its .tar extension removed, and is replaced in its original location.

    Tip -

    You can unpack a file by double-clicking on it in a File Manager window.

Using Suggestion Box

The Suggestion Box control on the Mail subpanel enables you to send an email to a product improvement proposals mailbox at Sun Microsystems.

Your suggestions should do one of the following:

Caution - Caution -

The suggestion box facility does not provide any guaranteed level of service to you. For issues or bugs that you need to be resolved, use the normal bug reporting process, which is conducted through the distributor network.

Using Workstation Information

When you click System Info on the Hosts subpanel, the Workstation Information dialog box is displayed. The information in this dialog box is typically of interest to system administrators and technical support agents. It includes:

Tip -

You cannot change the amount of physical memory allocated using Workstation Information. For information on setting the swap space, see the swap(1M) man page.

Customizing the Front Panel

You can change the layout and contents of the subpanels and change the contents of the main panel by:

Other customization options require that you create or edit a Front Panel configuration file. These are explained in Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide.

To Put a Subpanel Control in the Main Panel

  1. Click mouse button 3 on the subpanel control you want to put in the Main Panel.

  2. Choose Promote to Main Panel from the control's pop-up menu.


To Add an Application or Other Icon to a Subpanel

You can add any type of File Manager or Application Manager icon to the Front Panel. However, the most convenient use for this feature is adding application icons.

  1. Display the object's icon in File Manager or Application Manager.

  2. Display the subpanel to which the object is to be added.

  3. Drag the object to the Install Icon control and drop it on the control.

How Installed Icons Work

The behavior of controls added to the Front Panel using the Install Icon control depend on the type of icon that was dropped.

Adding and Removing Subpanels

Any control in the Main Panel can have a subpanel.

To Add a Subpanel

  1. Click mouse button 3 on a control in the Main Panel that does not have a subpanel.

  2. Choose Add Subpanel from the control's pop-up menu.

To Remove a Subpanel

  1. Click mouse button 3 on the control whose subpanel you want to remove.

  2. Choose Delete Subpanel from the control's pop-up menu.

To Replace a Control in the Main Panel

The easiest way to replace a control in the Main Panel is to exchange it with a subpanel control. If the control does not have a subpanel, you can create one temporarily or permanently.

  1. If the control you want to replace does not have a subpanel, create one by choosing Add Subpanel from the control's pop-up menu.

  2. Display the new subpanel.

  3. If the control you want to put in the Main Panel is not already in the subpanel, add it to the subpanel.

    See "To Add an Application or Other Icon to a Subpanel".

  4. Choose Copy to Main Panel from the subpanel control's pop-up menu.

To Remove All User Customizations

Note -

This procedure does not affect advanced customizations made by manually editing Front Panel configuration files.

  1. Open Application Manager and double-click the Desktop_Controls application group icon.

  2. Double-click Restore Front Panel.

    The screen will go blank for several seconds while the Workspace Manager is restarted.

    The Restore Front Panel action removes all customization made using:

    • The Install Icon control

    • The Front Panel's pop-up menus

Customizing Workspaces

You can use the Front Panel workspace switch to rename workspaces and change the number of workspaces.

To Rename a Workspace

  1. Point to the workspace button of the workspace you want to rename.

  2. Choose Rename from the button's pop-up menu (displayed by pressing Shift+F10 or mouse button 3).

    The workspace button turns into a text field.

  3. Edit the text field.

  4. Press Return.

To Add Workspaces

  1. Point to any area in the workspace switch and press mouse button 3 to display the pop-up menu.

  2. Choose Add Workspace from the pop-up menu.

    The new workspace, named New, is placed at the end of the set of workspaces.

  3. Rename the workspace (see "To Rename a Workspace").

To Remove Workspaces

If you remove a workspace that contains windows, those windows are moved to the next workspace.

  1. Point to the workspace button of the workspace you want to remove.

  2. Choose Delete from the button's pop-up menu (displayed by pressing Shift+F10 or mouse button 3).

To Customize the Controls in the Workspace Switch

This is an advanced task that requires you to create a Front Panel configuration file. Advanced customization is covered in Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide.

Initially, the workspace switch has the four positions shown below.


Use this procedure to replace one of these controls. (Blank is also a control.)

  1. Install the application you want placed in the switch into the Applications subpanel.

    For example, if you want to add a Display System Load control to the switch, drag it from the Desktop_Tools application group to the Applications subpanel.

  2. Locate the Front Panel configuration file created automatically when you installed the control in the Applications subpanel. The definition is located in the directory $HOME/.dt/types/fp_dynamic.

    For example, when Display System Load is added to the Applications subpanel, it creates the file Xload1.fp.

  3. Move the file from the $HOME/.dt/types/fp_dynamic directory to the $HOME/.dt/types directory.

  4. Open the file in the $HOME/.dt/types directory for editing.

    Edit the lines that define the CONTAINER_TYPE and CONTAINER_NAME to the following:


  5. Edit the line that defines the position (POSITION_HINTS). For example, to put the control in the Blank location, set:


  6. Save the configuration file.

  7. Create another file in the $HOME/.dt/types directory.

    The file name must end with .fp. For example. you might create a new file $HOME/.dt/types/DeleteBlank.fp.

  8. Open the file for editing.

  9. Open the file /usr/dt/appconfig/types/language/dtwm.fp in another editor window.

    This file is read-only. You will not have to write to it.

  10. In /usr/dt/appconfig/types/language/dtwm.fp, find the definition for the switch control you are replacing.

    For example, this is the definition for the Blank control:

    CONTROL Blank
     	TYPE					blank
     	CONTAINER_NAME					Switch
     	POSITION_HINTS					3
     	ICON					FpblnkS
     	HELP_TOPIC					FPOnItemSwitch
     	HELP_VOLUME					FPanel

  11. Copy the definition for the control you are replacing from /usr/dt/appconfig/types/language/dtwm.fp to the new configuration file.

    For example, you would copy the definition for the Blank control to the new file $HOME/.dt/types/DeleteBlank.fp.

  12. Add the line DELETE True to the end of the definition, within the curly braces:

    CONTROL Blank
     	... 	HELP_VOLUME					FPanel
     	DELETE					True

  13. Save the file.

  14. Choose Restart Workspace Manager from the Workspace menu.

Front Panels and Multiple Screens

CDE for Solaris supports multi-headed systems, or multiple screens on the same workstation. This effectively adds space to your CDE desktop. By default, each screen on your system has its own Front Panel.

Each Front Panel is handled separately by CDE, so changes made to one Front Panel will not affect others. See "Miscellaneous Configurations" and "Advanced Front Panel Configuration" in Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide.