Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

To Change File or Folder Ownership

Note -

If you do not have permission to change the properties, some of the controls in the Permissions dialog box are unavailable.

  1. In File Manager, select the icon of the file or folder whose ownership you want to modify.

  2. Choose Properties from the File Manager Selected menu or from the icon's pop-up menu (displayed by pressing Shift+F10 or mouse button 3).

    The Permissions dialog box appears.

  3. To change the owner, type the new owner name into the Owner text field. To change the owning group, type the new group name into the Group text field.

    You can specify a different owning group only if you are also a member of another group, even if you are not the file or folder owner.

  4. Click OK to apply the current settings and dismiss the dialog box. Click Apply to apply the settings without dismissing the Permissions dialog box.