Using Power Management

Abnormal Conditions

If an abnormal condition occurs, a Suspend Failed pop-up window is displayed that includes the following message:

Abnormal condition during suspend.

Perform the following procedure in response to this message.

To Respond to an Abnormal Condition
  1. Select Cancel.

    You'll need to take corrective action before you can try to suspend again.

    If you have not already saved your work, do so now.

  2. Check for more information in the Console window in the Workspace.

    You may be able to take further corrective action by checking the console error messages.

  3. Try Suspend again.

    • If Suspend succeeds, the system saves your activities and the system powers off.

    • If Suspend does not succeed, the alert pop-up window is displayed again. In this case, continue with the next step.

    Caution - Caution -

    Save your work if you have not already done so.

  4. Select Power Off.

    Remember, your data won't be saved unless you have done so manually.

    When you power on again, your system automatically reboots.