Solaris Naming Administration Guide

Setting an Expiration Date

Password privilege expiration dates only take effect when the user logs in. If a user is already logged in, the expiration date has no affect until the user logs out or tries to use rlogin or telnet to connect to another machine at which time the user will not be able to log in again. Thus, if you are going to implement password privilege expiration dates, you should require your users to log out at the end of each day's work session.

Note -

If you have Solstice AdminSuiteTM tools available, do not use nistbladm to set an expiration date. Use Solstice AdminSuiteTM tools because they are easier to use and provide less chance for error.

To set an expiration date with the nistbladm command:

nistbladm -m `shadow=n:n:n:n:n:n6:n' [name=login],passwd.org_dir


For example, to specify an expiration date for the user pete of December 31, 1995 you would type:

station1% nistbladm -m `shadow=n:n:n:n:n:9493:n' [name=pete],passwd.org_dir

Caution - Caution -

All of the fields must be filled in with valid values.