KCMS Application Developer's Guide

Attribute Types

The following data structures are used only with attributes and are defined in the icc.h header file. All other KCMS framework API data structures are defined in Chapter 3, Data Structures and in the kcstypes.h header file.

All icc.h header file entries below are prefixed with "ic" to help avoid name space collisions. Signatures are prefixed with "icSig." Many of the structures contain variable-length arrays. This is represented by the convention

type data [icAny]


#define icMagicNumber 0x61637370L /* 'acsp' */
#define icVersionNumber 0x02000000L /* 2.0, BCD */

Screen Encodings

#define icPrtrDefaultScreensFalse									0x00000000L /* Bit position 0 */
#define icPrtrDefaultScreensTrue									0x00000001L /* Bit position 0 */
#define icLinesPerInch 									0x00000002L /* Bit position 1 */
#define icLinesPerCm 									0x00000000L /* Bit position 1 */

Device Attributes

The defined values correspond to the low 4 bytes of the 8-byte attribute quantity. See icc.h for their location.

#define icReflective 									0x00000000L /* Bit position 0 */
#define icTransparency 									0x00000001L /* Bit position 0 */
#define icGlossy 									0x00000000L /* Bit position 1 */
#define icMatte 									0x00000002L /* Bit position 1 */

Profile Header Flags

The low 16 bits are reserved for the ICC.

#define icEmbeddedProfileFalse 									0x00000000L /* Bit position 0 */
#define icEmbeddedProfileTrue 									0x00000001L /* Bit position 0 */
#define icUseAnywhere 									0x00000000L /* Bit position 1 */
#define icUseWithEmbeddedDataOnly									0x00000002L /* Bit position 1 */

ASCII or Binary Data

#define icAsciiData 									0x00000000L /* Used in dataType */
#define icBinaryData 									0x00000001L

Variable-Length Array

The following is used to indicate that this is a variable-length array.

#define icAny	 								1


Signatures are 4-byte identifiers used to translate platform definitions to ic* form and to differentiate between attributes and other items in the profile format. Set icSignature as appropriate for your operating system.


This icSignature is for the Solaris operating environment. Note the number definitions.

#if defined(sun) || defined(__sun)										/* 32-bit Solaris, SunOS */

 typedef long				icSignature;

  * Number definitions

 /* Unsigned Integer Numbers */
 typedef unsigned char						icUInt8Number;
 typedef unsigned short						icUInt16Number;
 typedef unsigned long						icUInt32Number;
 typedef unsigned long						icUInt64Number[2];

 /* Signed Integer Numbers */
 typedef char						icInt8Number;
 typedef short						icInt16Number;
 typedef long						icInt32Number;
 typedef long						icInt64Number[2];

 /* Fixed Numbers */
 typedef long						icS15Fixed16Number;
 typedef		unsigned long					icU16Fixed16Number;
 #endif /* 32-bit Solaris, SunOS */


The icTagSignature lists the public attributes and sizes in the ICC specification. The attribute icSigProfileSequenceTag is read only and is valid for device link (complete color) profiles only.

typedef enum {
 	icSigAToB0Tag								= 0x41324230L,	/* 'A2B0' */
 	icSigAToB1Tag								= 0x41324231L,	/* 'A2B1' */
 	icSigAToB2Tag								= 0x41324232L,	/* 'A2B2' */
 	icSigBlueColorantTag								= 0x6258595AL,	/* 'bXYZ' */
 	icSigBlueTRCTag								= 0x62545243L,	/* 'bTRC' */
 	icSigBToA0Tag								= 0x42324130L,	/* 'B2A0' */
 	icSigBToA1Tag								= 0x42324131L,	/* 'B2A1' */
 	icSigBToA2Tag								= 0x42324132L,	/* 'B2A2' */
 	icSigCalibrationDateTimeTag								= 0x63616C74L,	/* 'calt' */
 	icSigCharTargetTag								= 0x74617267L,	/* 'targ' */
 	icSigCopyrightTag								= 0x63707274L,	/* 'cprt' */
 	icSigDeviceMfgDescTag								= 0x646D6E64L,	/* 'dmnd' */
 	icSigDeviceModelDescTag								= 0x646D6464L,	/* 'dmdd' */
 	icSigGamutTag								= 0x676d7420L,	/* 'gmt ' */
 	icSigGrayTRCTag								= 0x6b545243L,	/* 'kTRC' */
 	icSigGreenColorantTag								= 0x6758595AL,	/* 'gXYZ' */
 	icSigGreenTRCTag								= 0x67545243L,	/* 'gTRC' */
 	icSigLuminanceTag								= 0x6C756d69L,	/* 'lumi' */
 	icSigMeasurementTag								= 0x6D656173L,	/* 'meas' */
 	icSigMediaBlackPointTag								= 0x626B7074L,	/* 'bkpt' */
 	icSigMediaWhitePointTag								= 0x77747074L,	/* 'wtpt' */
 	icSigNamedColorTag								= 0x6E636f6CL,			/* `ncol'
 													* obsolete, use `ncl2' */
 	icSigPreview0Tag								= 0x70726530L,	/* 'pre0' */
 	icSigPreview1Tag								= 0x70726531L,	/* 'pre1' */
 	icSigPreview2Tag								= 0x70726532L,	/* 'pre2' */
 	icSigProfileDescriptionTag								= 0x64657363L,	/* 'desc' */
 	icSigProfileSequenceDescTag								= 0x70736571L,	/* 'pseq' */
 	icSigPs2CRD0Tag								= 0x70736430L,	/* 'psd0' */					
 	icSigPs2CRD1Tag								= 0x70736431L,	/* 'psd1' */
 	icSigPs2CRD2Tag								= 0x70736432L,	/* 'psd2' */
 	icSigPs2CRD3Tag								= 0x70736433L,	/* 'psd3' */
 	icSigPs2CSATag								= 0x70733273L,	/* 'ps2s' */
 	icSigPs2RenderingIntentTag								= 0x70733269L,	/* 'ps2i' */
 	icSigRedColorantTag								= 0x7258595AL,	/* 'rXYZ' */
 	icSigRedTRCTag								= 0x72545243L,	/* 'rTRC' */
 	icSigScreeningDescTag								= 0x73637264L,	/* 'scrd' */
 	icSigScreeningTag								= 0x7363726EL,	/* 'scrn' */
 	icSigTechnologyTag								= 0x74656368L,	/* 'tech' */
 	icSigUcrBgTag								= 0x62666420L,	/* 'bfd ' */
 	icSigViewingCondDescTag								= 0x76756564L,	/* 'vued' */
 	icSigViewingConditionsTag								= 0x76696577L,	/* 'view' */
 	icSigNamedColor2Tag								= 0x6E636C32L,	/* 'ncl2' */
 	icSigCrdInfoTag								= 0x63726469L,	/* 'crdi' */
 	icMaxEnumTag					= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icTagSignature;


typedef enum {
 	icSigCurveType						= 0x63757276L,	/* 'curv' */
 	icSigDataType						= 0x64617461L,	/* 'data' */
 	icSigDateTimeType						= 0x6474696DL,	/* 'dtim' */
 	icSigLut16Type						= 0x6d667432L,	/* 'mft2' */
 	icSigLut8Type						= 0x6d667431L,	/* 'mft1' */
 	icSigMeasurementType						= 0x6D656173L,	/* 'meas' */
 	icSigNamedColorType						= 0x6E636f6CL,			/* `ncol' , obsolete, use `ncl2' */
 	icSigProfileSequenceDescType	= 0x70736571L,	/* 'pseq' */
 	icSigS15Fixed16ArrayType							= 0x73663332L,	/* 'sf32' */
 	icSigScreeningType						= 0x7363726EL,	/* 'scrn' */
 	icSigSignatureType						= 0x73696720L,	/* 'sig ' */
 	icSigTextType						= 0x74657874L,	/* 'text' */
 	icSigTextDescriptionType							= 0x64657363L,	/* 'desc' */
 	icSigU16Fixed16ArrayType							= 0x75663332L,	/* 'uf32' */
 	icSigUcrBgType						= 0x62666420L,	/* 'bfd ' */
 	icSigUInt16ArrayType						= 0x75693136L,	/* 'ui16' */
 	icSigUInt32ArrayType						= 0x75693332L,	/* 'ui32' */
 	icSigUInt64ArrayType						= 0x75693634L,	/* 'ui64' */
 	icSigUInt8ArrayType						= 0x75693038L,	/* 'ui08' */
 	icSigViewingConditionsType							= 0x76696577L,	/* 'view' */
 	icSigXYZType						= 0x58595A20L,	/* 'XYZ ' */
 	icSigXYZArrayType						= 0x58595A20L,	/* 'XYZ ' */
 	icSigNamedColor2Type						= 0x6E636C32L,	/* 'ncl2' */
 	icMaxEnumType						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icTagTypeSignature;


typedef enum {
 	icSigDigitalCamera						=0x6463616DL,					/* 'dcam' */
 	icSigFilmScanner						= 0x6673636EL,					/* 'fscn' */
 	icSigReflectiveScanner						= 0x7273636EL,					/* 'rscn' */
 	icSigInkJetPrinter						= 0x696A6574L,					/* 'ijet' */
 	icSigThermalWaxPrinter						= 0x74776178L,					/* 'twax' */
 	icSigElectrophotographicPrinter	= 0x6570686FL,												/* 'epho' */
 	icSigElectrostaticPrinter								= 0x65737461L,					/* 'esta' */
 	icSigDyeSublimationPrinter								= 0x64737562L,					/* 'dsub' */
 	icSigPhotographicPaperPrinter								= 0x7270686FL,					/* 'rpho' */
 	icSigFilmWriter						= 0x6670726EL,					/* 'fprn' */
 	icSigVideoMonitor						= 0x7669646DL,					/* 'vidm' */
 	icSigVideoCamera						= 0x76696463L,					/* 'vidc' */
 	icSigProjectionTelevision								= 0x706A7476L,					/* 'pjtv' */
 	icSigCRTDisplay						= 0x43525420L,					/* 'CRT ' */
 	icSigPMDisplay						= 0x504D4420L,					/* 'PMD ' */
 	icSigAMDisplay						= 0x414D4420L,					/* 'AMD ' */
 	icSigPhotoCD						= 0x4B504344L,					/* 'KPCD' */
 	icSigPhotoImageSetter						= 0x696D6773L,					/* 'imgs' */
 	icSigGravure						= 0x67726176L,					/* 'grav' */
 	icSigOffsetLithography						= 0x6F666673L,					/* 'offs' */
 	icSigSilkscreen						= 0x73696C6BL, 					/* 'silk' */
 	icSigFlexography						= 0x666C6578L,					/* 'flex' */
 	icMaxEnumTechnology						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icTechnologySignature;				

Color Space Signature


typedef enum {
 	icSigXYZData				= 0x58595A20L,	/* 'XYZ ' */
 	icSigLabData				= 0x4C616220L,	/* 'Lab ' */
 	icSigLuvData				= 0x4C757620L,	/* 'Luv ' */
 	icSigYCbCrData				= 0x59436272L,	/* 'YCbr' */
 	icSigYxyData				= 0x59787920L,	/* 'Yxy ' */
 	icSigRgbData				= 0x52474220L,	/* 'RGB ' */
 	icSigGrayData				= 0x47524159L,	/* 'GRAY' */
 	icSigHsvData				= 0x48535620L,	/* 'HSV ' */
 	icSigHlsData				= 0x484C5320L,	/* 'HLS ' */
 	icSigCmykData				= 0x434D594BL,	/* 'CMYK' */
 	icSigCmyData				= 0x434D5920L,	/* 'CMY ' */
 	icMaxEnumData				= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icColorSpaceSignature;

Note -

Currently, only icSigXYZData and icSigLabData are valid profile connection spaces (PCSs).


/* profileClass enumerations */
 typedef enum {
 	icSigInputClass					= 0x73636E72L,	/* 'scnr' */
 	icSigDisplayClass					= 0x6D6E7472L,	/* 'mntr' */
 	icSigOutputClass					= 0x70727472L,	/* 'prtr' */
 	icSigLinkClass					= 0x6C696E6BL,	/* 'link' */
 	icSigAbstractClass					= 0x61627374L,	/* 'abst' */
 	icSigColorSpaceClass						= 0x73706163L,	/* 'spac' */
 	icSigNamedColorClass						= 0x6E6D636CL,	/* 'nmcl' */
 	icMaxEnumClass					= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icProfileClassSignature;


/* Platform Signatures */
 typedef enum {
 	icSigMacintosh					= 0x4150504CL,	/* 'APPL' */
 	icSigMicrosoft					= 0x4D534654L,	/* 'MSFT' */
 	icSigSolaris					= 0x53554E57L,	/* 'SUNW' */
 	icSigSGI					= 0x53474920L,	/* 'SGI ' */
 	icSigTaligent					= 0x54474E54L,	/* 'TGNT' */
 	icMaxEnumPlatform					= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icPlatformSignature;

Other Enums


icIlluminant is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Pre-defined illuminants, used in measurement and viewing
  * conditions type */
 typedef enum {
 	icIlluminantUnknown						= 0x00000000L,
 	icIlluminantD50						= 0x00000001L,
 	icIlluminantD65						= 0x00000002L,
 	icIlluminantD93						= 0x00000003L,
 	icIlluminantF2						= 0x00000004L,
 	icIlluminantD55						= 0x00000005L,
 	icIlluminantA						= 0x00000006L,
 	icIlluminantEquiPowerE		= 0x00000007L,	/* Equi-Power (E) */
 	icIlluminantF8						= 0x00000008L,	
 	icMaxEnumIluminant						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icIlluminant;


icMeasurementFlare is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Measurement Flare, used in the measurmentType tag */
 typedef enum {
 	icFlare0				= 0x00000000L,					/* 0% flare */
 	icFlare100				= 0x00000001L,					/* 100% flare */
 	icMaxFlare				= 0xFFFFFFFFL					/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icMeasurementFlare;


icMeasurementGeometry is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Measurement Geometry, used in the measurmentType tag */
 typedef enum {
 	icGeometryUnknown						= 0x00000000L,	/* Unknown geometry */
 	icGeometry045or450						= 0x00000001L,	/* 0/45 or 45/0 */
 	icGeometry0dord0						= 0x00000002L,	/* 0/d or d/0 */
 	icMaxGeometry						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icMeasurementGeometry;


icRenderingIntent is used in the icHeader structure.

/* Rendering Intents, used in the profile header */
 typedef enum {
 	icPerceptual						= 0,
 	icRelativeColorimetric						= 1,
 	icSaturation						= 2,
 	icAbsoluteColorimetric						= 3,
 	icMaxEnumIntent						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icRenderingIntent;


/* Different Spot Shapes currently defined, used for screeningType */
 typedef enum {
 	icSpotShapeUnknown							= 0,
 	icSpotShapePrinterDefault							= 1,
 	icSpotShapeRound							= 2,
 	icSpotShapeDiamond							= 3,
 	icSpotShapeEllipse							= 4,
 	icSpotShapeLine							= 5,
 	icSpotShapeSquare							= 6,
 	icSpotShapeCross							= 7,
 	icMaxEnumSpot						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
} icSpotShape;

icSpotShape is used in the icScreening structure.


icStandardObserver is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Standard Observer, used in the measurementType tag */
 typedef enum {
     icStdObsUnknown							= 0x00000000L,				/* Unknown observer */
     icStdObs1931TwoDegrees		= 0x00000001L,									/* 1931 two degrees */
     icStdObs1964TenDegrees		= 0x00000002L,									/* 1961 ten degrees */
     icMaxStdObs							= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icStandardObserver;

Arrays of Numbers

These arrays are variable in length and type. They are implemented with the icAny constant instead of pointers. The icAny constant is a single-byte array that allows you to extend the data structure by allocating more data.


typedef struct {
 	icInt8Number							data[icAny];
 } icInt8Array;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt8Number							data[icAny];
 } icUInt8Array;


typedef struct {
 	icInt16Number							data[icAny];
 } icInt16Array;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt16Number								data[icAny];
 } icUInt16Array;


typedef struct {
 	icInt32Number							data[icAny];
 } icInt32Array;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt32Number								data[icAny];
 } icUInt32Array;


typedef struct {
 	icInt64Number							data[icAny];
 } icInt64Array;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt64Number								data[icAny];
 } icUInt64Array;


typedef struct {
 	icS15Fixed16Number 	data[icAny];
 } icS15Fixed16Array;


typedef struct {
 	icU16Fixed16Number 	data[icAny];
 } icU16Fixed16Array;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt32Number				count;				/* Char count includes NULL */
 	icInt8Number				desc[icAny];				/* NULL terminated string */
 } icCrdInfo;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt32Number					count;				/* Number of entries */
 	icUInt16Number					data[icAny];				/* The actual table data, real
 										* number is determined by count
 										* Interpretation depends on data
 										* use with a given tag */
 } icCurve;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt32Number				dataFlag;				/* 0 = ascii, 1 = binary */
 	icInt8Number				data[icAny];				/* Data,size determined from tag */
 } icData;


/* The base date time number */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt16Number						year;
     icUInt16Number						month;
     icUInt16Number						day;
     icUInt16Number						hours;
     icUInt16Number						minutes;
     icUInt16Number						seconds;
 } icDateTimeNumber;


typedef struct {
 	icSignature					deviceMfg;				/* Device Manufacturer */
 	icSignature					deviceModel;				/* Decvice Model */
 	icUInt64Number					attributes;				/* Device attributes */
 	icTechnologySignature						technology;	/* Technology signature */
 	icInt8Number				data[icAny];				/* Descriptions text follows */

 /*  Data that follows is of this form, this is an icInt8Number
  *  to avoid problems with a compiler generating  bad code as
  *  these arrays are variable in length.
  * icTextDescription						deviceMfgDesc;				* Manufacturer text
  * icTextDescription						modelDesc;				* Model text */

 } icDescStruct;


/* lut8, input & output tables are always 256 bytes in length */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt8Number	inputChan;	/* Number of input channels */
     icUInt8Number	outputChan;	/* Number of output channels */
     icUInt8Number	clutPoints;	/* Number of clutTable grid points */
     icInt8Number	pad;
     icS15Fixed16Number	e00;		/* e00 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e01;		/* e01 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number	e02;		/* e02 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e10;		/* e10 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e11;		/* e11 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number	e12;		/* e12 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e20;		/* e20 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e21;		/* e21 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number	e22;		/* e22 in the 3 * 3 */
     icUInt8Number	data[icAny];	/* Data follows see spec for size */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  *  icUInt8Number	inputTable[inputChan][256];	* The input table
  *  icUInt8Number	clutTable[icAny];		* The clut table
  *  icUInt8Number	outputTable[outputChan][256];	* The output table
 } icLut8;


/* lut16 */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt8Number	inputChan;	/* Number of input channels */
     icUInt8Number	outputChan;	/* Number of output channels */
     icUInt8Number	clutPoints;	/* Number of clutTable grid points */
     icInt8Number	pad;		/* Padding for byte alignment */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e00;		/* e00 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e01;		/* e01 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number	e02;		/* e02 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e10;		/* e10 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e11;		/* e11 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number	e12;		/* e12 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e20;		/* e20 in the 3 * 3 */
     icS15Fixed16Number	e21;		/* e21 in the 3 * 3 */   
     icS15Fixed16Number	e22;		/* e22 in the 3 * 3 */
     icUInt16Number	inputEnt;	/* Number of input table entries */
     icUInt16Number	outputEnt;	/* Number of output table entries */
     icUInt16Number	data[icAny];	/* Data follows see spec for size */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  *  icUInt16Number	inputTable[inputChan][icAny];	* The input table
  *  icUInt16Number	clutTable[icAny];		* The clut table
  *  icUInt16Number	outputTable[outputChan][icAny];	* The output table
 } icLut16;


typedef struct {
 	icStandardObserver						stdObserver;				/* Standard observer */
 	icXYZNumber						backing;				/* XYZ for backing material */
 	icMeasurementGeometry						geometry;				/* Measurement geometry */
 	icMeasurementFlare						flare;				/* Measurement flare */
 	icIlluminant						illuminant;				/* Illuminant */
 } icMeasurement;

Each field in icMeasurement is an enumerated type. For details on each field, see the following:


  * icNamedColor2 takes the place of icNamedColor, approved at the
  * SIGGRAPH 95, ICC meeting.
 typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number									vendorFlag;									/* Bottom 16 bits for IC use */
     icUInt32Number									count;										/* Count of named colors */
     icUInt32Number									nDeviceCoords;										/* Number of device coordinates */
     icInt8Number									prefix[32];										/* Prefix for each color name */
     icInt8Number									suffix[32];										/* Suffix for each color name */
     icInt8Number									data[icAny];										/* Named color data follows */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  * icInt8Number									root1[32];									* Root name for first color
  * icUInt16Number									pcsCoords1[icAny];									* PCS coordinates of first color
  * icUInt16Number									deviceCoords1[icAny];									* Device coordinates of first color
  * icInt8Number									root2[32];									* Root name for second color
  * icUInt16Number									pcsCoords2[icAny];									* PCS coordinates of first color
  * icUInt16Number									deviceCoords2[icAny];									* Device coordinates of first color
  *									:
  *									:
  * Repeat for name and PCS and device color coordinates up to (count-1)
  * NOTES: 
  * PCS and device space can be determined from the header.
  * PCS coordinates are icUInt16 numbers and are described in the ICC
  * specification. Only 16 bit CIELAB and CIEXYZ are allowed. The number of
  * coordinates is consistent with the headers PCS.
  * Device coordinates are icUInt16 numbers where 0x0000 represents
  * the minimum value and 0xFFFF represents the maximum value.
  * If the nDeviceCoords value is 0, this field is not given.
 } icNamedColor2;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt32Number				count;			/* Number of descriptions */
 	icUInt8Number				data[icAny];			/* Array of description struct */
 } icProfileSequenceDesc;


typedef struct {
 	icUInt32Number						screeningFlag;				/* Screening flag */
 	icUInt32Number						channels;				/* Number of channels */
 	icScreeningData						data[icAny];				/* Array of screening data */
 } icScreening;


typedef struct {
 	icS15Fixed16Number						frequency;			/* Frequency */
 	icS15Fixed16Number						angle;			/* Screen angle */
 	icSpotShape						spotShape;			/* Spot Shape encodings */
 } icScreeningData;


typedef struct {
 	icInt8Number					data[icAny];				/* Variable array of chars */
 } icText;


typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number									count;						/* Description length */
     icInt8Number									data[icAny];						/* Descriptions follow */
  *  Data that follows is of this form
  * icInt8Number									desc[count]	* NULL terminated ascii string
  * icUInt32Number									ucLangCode;	* UniCode language code
  * icUInt32Number									ucCount;				* UniCode description length
  * icInt16Number									ucDesc[ucCount];* The UniCode description
  * icUInt16Number									scCode;		* ScriptCode code
  * icUInt8Number									scCount;	* ScriptCode count
  * icInt8Number									scDesc[67];	* ScriptCode Description
 } icTextDescription;


typedef struct {
     icInt8Number								data[icAny];						/* The Ucr BG data */
  *  Data that follows is of this form. UcrBg is a icInt8Number
  *  to avoid problems with a compiler as
  *  these are variable-length arrays.
  * icUcrBgCurve								ucr;				* Ucr curve
  * icUcrBgCurve								bg;				* Bg curve
  * icInt8Number								string;				* UcrBg description string
 } icUcrBg;


/* Structure describing either a UCR or BG curve */
 typedef struct {
     icUInt32Number						count;				/* Curve length */
     icUInt16Number						curve[icAny];	/* The array of curve values */
 } icUcrBgCurve;


typedef struct {
 	icXYZNumber				illuminant;	/* In candelas per metre sq'd */
 	icXYZNumber				surround;			/* In candelas per metre sq'd */
 	icIlluminant				stdIluminant;	/* See icIlluminant defines */
 } icViewingCondition;


typedef struct {
 	icXYZNumber						data[icAny];			 /* Variable array of XYZ numbers */
 } icXYZArray;


typedef struct {
     icS15Fixed16Number							X;
     icS15Fixed16Number							Y;
     icS15Fixed16Number							Z;
 } icXYZNumber;