KCMS Application Developer's Guide

Other Enums


icIlluminant is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Pre-defined illuminants, used in measurement and viewing
  * conditions type */
 typedef enum {
 	icIlluminantUnknown						= 0x00000000L,
 	icIlluminantD50						= 0x00000001L,
 	icIlluminantD65						= 0x00000002L,
 	icIlluminantD93						= 0x00000003L,
 	icIlluminantF2						= 0x00000004L,
 	icIlluminantD55						= 0x00000005L,
 	icIlluminantA						= 0x00000006L,
 	icIlluminantEquiPowerE		= 0x00000007L,	/* Equi-Power (E) */
 	icIlluminantF8						= 0x00000008L,	
 	icMaxEnumIluminant						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icIlluminant;


icMeasurementFlare is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Measurement Flare, used in the measurmentType tag */
 typedef enum {
 	icFlare0				= 0x00000000L,					/* 0% flare */
 	icFlare100				= 0x00000001L,					/* 100% flare */
 	icMaxFlare				= 0xFFFFFFFFL					/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icMeasurementFlare;


icMeasurementGeometry is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Measurement Geometry, used in the measurmentType tag */
 typedef enum {
 	icGeometryUnknown						= 0x00000000L,	/* Unknown geometry */
 	icGeometry045or450						= 0x00000001L,	/* 0/45 or 45/0 */
 	icGeometry0dord0						= 0x00000002L,	/* 0/d or d/0 */
 	icMaxGeometry						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icMeasurementGeometry;


icRenderingIntent is used in the icHeader structure.

/* Rendering Intents, used in the profile header */
 typedef enum {
 	icPerceptual						= 0,
 	icRelativeColorimetric						= 1,
 	icSaturation						= 2,
 	icAbsoluteColorimetric						= 3,
 	icMaxEnumIntent						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icRenderingIntent;


/* Different Spot Shapes currently defined, used for screeningType */
 typedef enum {
 	icSpotShapeUnknown							= 0,
 	icSpotShapePrinterDefault							= 1,
 	icSpotShapeRound							= 2,
 	icSpotShapeDiamond							= 3,
 	icSpotShapeEllipse							= 4,
 	icSpotShapeLine							= 5,
 	icSpotShapeSquare							= 6,
 	icSpotShapeCross							= 7,
 	icMaxEnumSpot						= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
} icSpotShape;

icSpotShape is used in the icScreening structure.


icStandardObserver is used in the icMeasurement structure.

/* Standard Observer, used in the measurementType tag */
 typedef enum {
     icStdObsUnknown							= 0x00000000L,				/* Unknown observer */
     icStdObs1931TwoDegrees		= 0x00000001L,									/* 1931 two degrees */
     icStdObs1964TenDegrees		= 0x00000002L,									/* 1961 ten degrees */
     icMaxStdObs							= 0xFFFFFFFFL	/* enum = 4 bytes max */
 } icStandardObserver;