KCMS CMM Reference Manual

Public Members

The KcsChunkSet class has the following public members.

Table 3-2 KcsChunkSet Public Members

Public Member 


virtual KcsStatus
createChunkId(KcsChunkId *aNewChunkId,
 	unsigned long aChunkSize = 0,
 	KcsLocationEnum aLocationEnum =
 	long aChunkOffset = KcsNoOffsetSpecified,
	KcsRegisterBoolean aRegister =

Allocates aNewChunkId for a chunk introduced to the data type. Puts a new entry into the chunk map. The size of the chunk can be specified, or by default equals 0. The chunk location can be specified in aLocationEnum and aChunkOffset or defaults can be used. Creates specific chunk ids with aRegister.

virtual KcsStatus
deleteChunk(const long aChunkId);

Deletes the chunk (and its chunk map entry) identified by a chunkId. You are required to check whether any other objects are using this chunk.

virtual unsigned long
getChunkSetLength(KcsStatus *aStatus);

Returns the length of the domain of the chunk set. 

virtual long
getChunkSetOffset(KcsStatus *aStatus);

Returns the offset of the beginning of the domain of the chunk set. 

virtual unsigned long
 getChunkSize(KcsStatus *aStatus,
 	KcsChunkId aChunkId);

Returns the chunk size identified by aChunkId. If the chunk is compressed, returns the uncompressed chunk size.

virtual KcsIO *

Returns the chunk set's I/O object. 

virtual KcsChunkId
 getTopChunkId(KcsStatus *aStatus,
 	unsigned long aSize = 0,
 	long aOffset = KcsNoOffsetSpecified);

Returns the chunk Id of the top chunk which stores information about other chunks. Read this chunk first because it tells what is contained in the other chunks. Or you can specify the size of the chunk and the chunk's offset; by default, aSize = 0 and aOffset = KcsNoOffsetSpecified. If no top chunk exists , call createChunkId().

virtual Boolean
isEqual(KcsChunkSet *aNotherCS);

Checks if this chunk set is the same as another chunk set. 

KcsChunkSet(KcsStatus *aStatus);

Constructor without an I/O object. 

KcsChunkSet(KcsStatus *aStatus,
 	KcsIO *aIoObj,
 	unsigned long aChunkSetLength = KcsUseEOF,
 	KcsSaveBoolean aSaveMapping =
 	int Format = 0);

Constructor of a chunk set instance based on an I/O object.  

aChunkSetLength can be set to the length of the static store managed by the chunk set if not equal to the length managed by the I/O object. Otherwise, by default, aChunkSetLength is set to the end of the static store managed by the I/O object.

When a particular file format does not allow writing out the chunk map, aSaveMapping is False; otherwise, aSaveMapping is, by default, True indicating that the chunk containing the chunk map should be saved.



readChunk(const KcsChunkId aChunkId, void *aChunk,
 	unsigned long *aSizeRead,
 	unsigned long aSizeWanted = 0);

Reads a chunk set. 

virtual KcsStatus
setChunkSetOffset(long aOffset);

Sets aOffset to the beginning of the domain of the chunk set.

virtual KcsStatus
setChunkSetPrivateOffset(const long aOffset)

Sets the chunk set's private offset.  

virtual KcsStatus
setIO(KcsIO *aIoObj);

Sets the chunk set's I/O object. 

virtual unsigned long
updateChunkUseCount(KcsStatus *aStatus,
    KcsChunkId aChunkId, long aDelta, 
    unsigned long aComparisonCount);

Calls the ChunkMap object to change the use count of a particular chunk. Compares the use count with an expected value, aComparisonCount.

writeChunk(KcsChunkId aChunkId,
    void *aChunk,
    const unsigned long aSize,
 	KcsCompressBoolean aCompress = KcsCompress,
 	KcsLocationEnum aLocationEnum =
 	long aOffset = KcsNoOffsetSpecified);

Writes a chunk set.