

!, 1, 2, 3

" ccc", 1, 2

",, 1, 2

#, 1

#>, 1

#line, 1

#out, 1

#s, 1

$find, 1, 2

$number, 1

%f0, 1, 2

%fsr, 1, 2

%g0, 1, 2

%i0, 1, 2

%L0, 1, 2

%npc, 1, 2, 3

%o0, 1, 2

%pc, 1, 2, 3, 4

%psr, 1, 2

%tbr, 1, 2

%wim, 1, 2

%y, 1, 2

(, 1, 2

( ccc ), 1, 2

(.), 1

(cr, 1, 2

(patch, 1, 2

(see), 1, 2

(u.), 1

), 1, 2

*, 1, 2

*/, 1, 2

*/mod, 1, 2

+, 1, 2, 3

+!, 1, 2

+bp, 1, 2, 3

+dis, 1, 2

+loop, 1, 2

+n, 1

,, 1, 2

., 1

.", 1, 2, 3

.(, 1, 2

.attributes, 1, 2, 3

.bp, 1, 2

.breakpoint, 1, 2

.calls, 1, 2

.d, 1, 2, 3, 4

.enet-addr, 1, 2

.fregisters, 1, 2

.h, 1, 2, 3

.idprom, 1, 2

.instruction, 1, 2

.locals, 1, 2

.mcr, 1

.mfsr, 1

.psr, 1, 2

.r, 1, 2

.registers, 1, 2

.s, 1, 2

.sfsr, 1

.sipr, 1

.step, 1, 2

.traps, 1, 2

.version, 1, 2

.window, 1, 2, 3

/, 1, 2

/c, 1

/c*, 1

/L, 1

/L*, 1

/mod, 1, 2

/n, 1

/n*, 1

/w, 1

/w*, 1

:, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

;, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

<<, 1

<w@, 1

=, 1, 2

>, 1, 2, 3

> =, 1, 2

>>, 1

>>a, 1, 2

>body, 1, 2

>r, 1, 2

?, 1, 2

???, 1

?do, 1, 2

?dup, 1, 2

?go, 1, 2

?leave, 1, 2

@, 1, 2, 3, 4

[, 1, 2

['], 1, 2

[compile], 1, 2

], 1, 2

|, 1

~., 1

", 1

', 1, 2, 3

,, 1, 2

·, 1, 2


0=, 1, 2, 3

0>, 1, 2

0>=, 1, 2

1-, 1, 2

1+, 1, 2

2-, 1, 2

2!, 1, 2

2*, 1, 2

2+, 1, 2

2/, 1, 2

2@, 1, 2

2constant, 1, 2

2drop, 1, 2

2dup, 1, 2

2over, 1, 2

2rot, 1, 2

2swap, 1, 2

3drop, 1, 2

3dup, 1, 2

n, 1


abort, 1, 2

abort", 1, 2

abs, 1, 2

acf, 1

adr, 1

adr16, 1

adr32, 1

adr64, 1

aerr!, 1

aerr@, 1

again, 1, 2

alias, 1, 2

aligned, 1, 2

alloc-mem, 1, 2, 3

allot, 1, 2

alternate address space commands, 1

and, 1, 2

arithmetic functions, 1, 2

ascii, 1, 2, 3

ASCII constants, 1

assembly language commands, 1

auto-boot?, 1, 2, 3

aux!, 1, 2

aux@, 1, 2

averr!, 1

averr@, 1


b (boot), 1, 2

banner, 1, 2, 3

base, 1, 2

baud rate, 1, 2

begin, 1, 2

begin loops, 1

bell, 1

between, 1, 2

binary, 1

binary executable programs, 1, 2, 3

bl, 1, 2

blank, 1, 2

bljoin, 1, 2

body>, 1, 2

boot, 1, 2, 3

boot command options, 1, 2

boot -h, 1

boot-device, 1, 2, 3, 4

boot-file, 1, 2, 3, 4

boot-from, 1, 2

boot-from-diag, 1, 2

booting failures, 1 to 2

bounds, 1, 2

-bp, 1, 2

--bp, 1, 2

bpoff, 1, 2

breakpoint commands, 1, 2, 3

bs, 1

buffer:, 1, 2

building bootable floppy disks, 1

bwjoin, 1, 2

byte b, 1

byte-load, 1, 2


c (continue), 1, 2

c!, 1, 2, 3

c,, 1, 2

c;, 1

c?, 1

c@, 1, 2, 3

ca+, 1

ca1+, 1

cache manipulation commands, 1

cacheable, 1

cache-off, 1

cache-on, 1

call opcode, 1

callback, 1

carriage-return, 1

case, 1, 2

catch, 1

cd, 1, 2, 3

cdata!, 1

cdata@, 1

changing the number base, 1

char, 1

clear, 1, 2

clear_colormap, 1

clear-cache, 1

cmove, 1, 2

cmove>, 1, 2

cnt, 1

code, 1

colon definitions, 1

command completion, 1

command security mode, 1

comments in Forth code, 1

comp, 1, 2

comparison commands, 1

compile, 1, 2

compiling data into the dictionary, 1

configuration parameter primitives, 1

configuration parameters

displaying, 1

resetting to defaults, 1

setting, 1, 2

constant, 1, 2, 3

context!, 1

context@, 1

conversion operators, 1

count, 1, 2

cpeek, 1, 2, 3

cpoke, 1, 2, 3

CPU data register, 1

cr, 1, 2

create, 1, 2


custom banner, 1

dictionary entries, 1

new commands, 1

new logo, 1

ctag!, 1

ctag@, 1

ctrace, 1, 2

cxr!, 1

cxr@, 1


d-, 1, 2

d!, 1, 2

d#, 1

d+, 1

d?, 1, 2

d@, 1, 2

dcontext@, 1

debug, 1, 2

debug-off, 1, 2

decimal, 1, 2, 3

default values, 1

defer, 1, 2, 3

defining words, 1, 2

depth, 1, 2

determining SCSI devices, 1, 2

devalias, 1, 2


aliases, 1, 2, 3

node characteristics, 1

path names, 1

tree display/traversal, 1, 2

device-end, 1, 2, 3

device-specifier, 1, 2

diag-device, 1, 2

diag-file, 1, 2, 3, 4


boot from device, 1

boot from file, 1

routines, 1

switch setting, 1

diagnostic test commands, 1, 2

diag-switch?, 1, 2, 3

dictionary of commands, 1

digit, 1

dis, 1, 2

disassembler commands, 1

displaying current parameter settings, 1

displaying registers, 1

dl, 1, 2

dlbin, 1, 2

dload, 1, 2

do, 1, 2

do loops, 1

does>, 1, 2

drop, 1, 2

dump, 1, 2, 3, 4

dup, 1, 2, 3


editing NVRAMRC contents, 1

eeprom utility, 1, 2

eject-floppy, 1, 2

else, 1, 2

emergency keyboard commands, 1, 2

emit, 1, 2

enable!, 1

enable@, 1

endcase, 1, 2

end-code, 1

endof, 1, 2

erase, 1


displaying the address, 1

testing the controller, 1

eval, 1, 2, 3, 4

execute, 1, 2

exit, 1, 2

exit?, 1, 2

expect, 1, 2


fakeboot, 1

false, 1, 2

FCode interpreter, 1

FCode programs, 1, 2, 3

fcode-debug?, 1, 2

field, 1, 2

file loading commands, 1, 2

fill, 1

find, 1, 2

finish-loop, 1, 2

firmware-version, 1

flag, 1, 2

flip, 1, 2

flush-cache, 1

forget, 1, 2

formatted output commands, 1


command format, 1

programs, 1, 2, 3

reference material, 1

Source-level Debugger, 1, 2

forth, 1

Forth Monitor, 1

frame buffer, 1

free-mem, 1, 2

free-virtual, 1, 2

ftrace, 1, 2

full security mode, 1


get-msecs, 1

go, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

gos, 1, 2


h#, 1, 2

hardware-revision, 1, 2

help, 1, 2

here, 1, 2

hex, 1, 2, 3

history mechanism, 1

hold, 1

hop, 1, 2

hops, 1, 2


i, 1, 2, 3


if, 1, 2

immediate, 1, 2

init-program, 1, 2

input, 1, 2

input devices, 1

input-device, 1, 2, 3, 4

interrupt-enable!, 1, 2

interrupt-enable@, 1, 2

io, 1, 2, 3

iomap?, 1

iomap-page, 1

iomap-pages, 1

iommu-ctl!, 1

iommu-ctl@, 1

iopgmap!, 1

iopgmap@, 1

is, 1


j, 1, 2

jmp opcode, 1


key, 1, 2

key?, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

keyboard, 1, 2

keyboard-click?, 1, 2

keymap, 1, 2


L!, 1

l!, 1

L,, 1

l,, 1

L?, 1

L@, 1

l@, 1, 2

La+, 1

La1+, 1

label, 1

last-hardware-update, 1, 2

lbsplit, 1, 2

lcc, 1, 2

leave, 1, 2

left-parse-string, 1, 2

len, 1

lflips, 1, 2

line editor commands, 1, 2

literal, 1, 2

load, 1, 2

load-base, 1, 2

loading/executing files

FCode/Binary over serial port A, 1

Forth over serial port A, 1

over Ethernet, 1

over hard disk/floppy/Ethernet, 1

local-mac-address?, 1, 2

long L, 1

loop, 1, 2


conditional, 1

counted, 1

lpeek, 1, 2, 3

lpoke, 1, 2, 3

ls, 1, 2, 3

lwsplit, 1, 2


manipulating text strings, 1

map?, 1

map-page, 1

map-pages, 1

map-region, 1

map-regions, 1

map-segments, 1

max, 1, 2

mcr!, 1

mcr@, 1

memmap, 1


accessing, 1, 2

mapping primitives, 1

testing, 1

mfg-switch?, 1, 2, 3

mfsr!, 1

mfsr@, 1

min, 1, 2

miscellaneous operations, 1

mod, 1, 2

module-info, 1

move, 1, 2

ms, 1

msafar@, 1

msafsr!, 1

msafsr@, 1

multiprocessor commands, 1


n, 1

n (enter Forth Monitor), 1, 2

na+, 1

na1+, 1

negate, 1, 2

nip, 1, 2

nodefault-bytes, 1, 2

noop, 1

noshowstack, 1, 2

not, 1, 2

null modem cable, 1

number display, 1

numeric output primitives, 1

nvalias, 1, 2, 3

nvedit, 1, 2, 3, 4

nvedit keystroke commands, 1, 2

nvquit, 1, 2



availability, 1

editor commands, 1, 2

nvramrc command, 1, 2, 3

nvrecover, 1, 2

nvrun, 1, 2

nvstore, 1, 2

nvunalias, 1, 2, 3


o#, 1

obio, 1

obmem, 1

octal, 1, 2

oem-banner, 1, 2, 3

oem-banner?, 1, 2, 3, 4

oem-logo, 1, 2, 3, 4

oem-logo?, 1, 2, 3, 4

of, 1, 2

off, 1, 2

old-mode, 1, 2

on, 1, 2

or, 1, 2

origin, 1, 2

output, 1, 2

output devices, 1

output-device, 1, 2, 3, 4

over, 1, 2


p", 1, 2

pack, 1, 2

pagesize, 1

parentheses, 1, 2

password, 1, 2

patch, 1, 2, 3

pgmap!, 1

pgmap?, 1

pgmap@, 1

phys, 1

physical address, 1

pick, 1, 2

plug-in device drivers, 1

power cycle, 1, 2

power-on banner, 1, 2

power-on initialization sequence, 1

printenv, 1, 2, 3

probe-scsi, 1, 2, 3, 4

probe-scsi-all, 1, 2, 3, 4

program counter, 1

program execution control commands, 1

PROM version and date, 1

prompt, 1

pstr, 1

pwd, 1, 2, 3


quit, 1, 2


r>, 1, 2

r@, 1, 2

ramforth, 1

reading/writing registers

Sun-4C machines, 1

Sun-4D machines, 1

Sun-4M machines, 1

recursive, 1, 2

redirecting input/output, 1

repeat, 1, 2

reset, 1, 2, 3, 4


parameter defaults, 1

the system, 1

restoring color tables, 1

Restricted Monitor commands, 1

resume, 1, 2

return, 1, 2

returnL, 1, 2

rmap!, 1

rmap@, 1

roll, 1, 2

romforth, 1

-rot, 1, 2

rot, 1, 2

running extended diagnostics, 1


saving data after a system crash, 1

sbus, 1

sbus-probe-list, 1, 2

screen, 1, 2

screen-#columns, 1, 2, 3

screen-#rows, 1, 2, 3

scsi-initiator-id, 1, 2

sd-targets, 1, 2

searching the dictionary, 1


command, 1

full, 1

none, 1

password, 1

security-#badlogins, 1, 2, 3

security-mode, 1, 2, 3

security-password, 1, 2, 3

see, 1, 2, 3

segmentsize, 1

selftest-#megs, 1, 2, 3

serial ports, 1, 2, 3

serr!, 1

serr@, 1

set-default, 1, 2, 3

set-defaults, 1, 2, 3

setenv, 1, 2, 3

setenv security-mode exception, 1

set-pc, 1, 2


default input/output devices, 1

firmware security, 1

security password, 1

sfar!, 1

sfar@, 1

sfsr!, 1

sfsr@, 1

show, 1

show-devs, 1, 2, 3, 4

show-sbus, 1, 2, 3

showstack, 1, 2, 3, 4

sift, 1, 2

sifting, 1, 2

sign, 1

size, 1

skip, 1, 2

skip-vme-loopback?, 1, 2

smap!, 1

smap?, 1

smap@, 1

Space, 1, 2

space, 1, 2

spacec!, 1

spacec?, 1

spacec@, 1

spaced!, 1

spaced?, 1, 2

spaced@, 1

spaceL!, 1

spaceL?, 1

spaceL@, 1

spaces, 1, 2

spacew!, 1

spacew?, 1

spacew@, 1

span, 1, 2

SPARC register commands, 1, 2

specifying auto-booting from Ethernet, 1


description, 1

diagram, 1

item notation, 1

manipulation commands, 1

state, 1, 2

step, 1, 2

stepping, 1, 2

steps, 1, 2

Stop, 1, 2

Stop-A, 1, 2, 3, 4

Stop-D, 1, 2, 3, 4

Stop-F, 1, 2, 3

Stop-N, 1, 2, 3

strings, manipulating, 1

struct, 1, 2

st-targets, 1, 2

sunmon-compat?, 1, 2

sverr!, 1

sverr@, 1

swap, 1, 2

switch-cpu, 1

symbol table, 1

sync, 1, 2, 3

See configuration parameters

system information display commands, 1


terminal, 1

test, 1, 2, 3

test-all, 1, 2

testarea, 1, 2


clock, 1, 2, 3

diskette drive, 1, 2, 3

memory, 1, 2, 3

network connection, 1, 2, 3

SBus devices, 1, 2

text input commands, 1, 2

text output commands, 1, 2

then, 1, 2

throw, 1

till, 1, 2

time utilities, 1

TIP problems, 1

TIP window, 1

to, 1, 2, 3, 4

Tokenizer, 1

tpe-link-test?, 1, 2

tracing, 1, 2

-trailing, 1, 2

true, 1, 2

ttya, 1, 2

ttya-ignore-cd, 1, 2

ttya-mode, 1, 2, 3, 4

ttya-rts-dtr-off, 1, 2

ttyb, 1, 2

ttyb-ignore-cd, 1, 2

ttyb-mode, 1, 2, 3, 4

ttyb-rts-dtr-off, 1, 2

type, 1, 2


u*x, 1

u., 1, 2

u.r, 1, 2

u/mod, 1, 2

u>, 1, 2

u>=, 1, 2

u2/, 1, 2

um*, 1

unaligned-L!, 1, 2

unaligned-L@, 1, 2

unaligned-w!, 1, 2

unaligned-w@, 1, 2

until, 1, 2

upc, 1, 2

use-nvramrc?, 1, 2, 3

User Interface

command line editor, 1 to 2


value, 1, 2

variable, 1, 2, 3

version2?, 1, 2

virt, 1

virtual address, 1


w, 1, 2

w!, 1, 2

w,, 1, 2

w?, 1

w@, 1, 2, 3

wa+, 1

wa1+, 1

watch-clock, 1, 2, 3

watchdog-reboot?, 1, 2

watch-net, 1, 2, 3, 4

ways to enter Forth Monitor, 1

wbflip, 1

wbsplit, 1, 2

wflip, 1

wflips, 1, 2

while, 1, 2

within, 1, 2

wljoin, 1, 2

word, 1, 2, 3

words, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

wpeek, 1, 2, 3

wpoke, 1, 2, 3


x-, 1

x+, 1

xor, 1, 2

xu/mod, 1

Copyright © 2001, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.