ToolTalk User's Guide

Returned Value Status

The following sections describe the return value status of functions with natural return values and functions with no natural return value.

Functions with Natural Return Values

If a ToolTalk function has a natural return value such as a pointer or an integer, a special error value is returned instead of the real value.

Functions with No Natural Return Values

If a ToolTalk function does not have a natural return value, the return value is an element of Tt_status enum.

To see if there is an error, use the ToolTalk macro tt_is_err, which returns an integer.

If there is an error, you can use the tt_status_message function to obtain the character string that explains the Tt_status code, as shown in Example 14-1.

Example 14-1 Obtaining an Error Explanation

char *spec_id, my_application_name;
Tt_status tterr;

tterr = tt_spec_write(spec_id);
if (tt_is_err(tterr)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", my_application_name,