Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide
 file, naming conventions ( Index Term Link )
 focus area ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 focus management
  example description ( Index Term Link )
  focus area ( Index Term Link )
  international text input ( Index Term Link )
  XMbLookupString or XwcLookupString ( Index Term Link )
 font-encoded text, definition ( Index Term Link )
 font list entries, creating ( Index Term Link )
 font lists ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  element tags as compound string components ( Index Term Link )
  internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
  relationship to compound strings ( Index Term Link )
  setting in resource files ( Index Term Link )
  structures ( Index Term Link )
  Text widgets ( Index Term Link )
  TextField widgets ( Index Term Link )
 font lists in UIL, creating functions for ( Index Term Link )
 font management
  choosing correct fonts ( Index Term Link )
  listing of functions ( Index Term Link )
 font selection algorithm, displaying text with font sets ( Index Term Link )
 font sets
  creating with Xlib ( Index Term Link )
  drawing text ( Index Term Link )
  internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
  metrics, obtaining with Xlib interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  programming for international UIL ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  specifying ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  specifying base name list ( Index Term Link )
  character code values ( Index Term Link )
  for Motif-based applications ( Index Term Link )
  glyphs contained in ( Index Term Link )
  limitations with internationalized programs ( Index Term Link )
  matching to character sets ( Index Term Link )
  name tags ( Index Term Link )
  organization ( Index Term Link )
  rendering for an X Windows client ( Index Term Link )
  resource specifications ( Index Term Link )
  syntax for a fontset ( Index Term Link )
 fonts, creating ( Index Term Link )