KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

External Entry Points

The KCMS framework uses external entry points to load your derivative as an executable. The mandatory and optional entry points are described.


When you derive from a KcsProfile class and create a KcsProfile instance you must provide these mandatory external entry points:


long KcsDLOpen ProfCount; KcsProfile * KcsCreateProf(KcsStatus *sStat, KcsIO

*aIO); KcsProfile * KcsCreateProBlnk(KcsStatus *aStat, KcsId aCmmID, 

	KcsVersion aCmmVersion, KcsId aProfId,  	KcsVersion


The KcsCreateProf() entry point creates an instance of a KcsProfile derivative that is determined by the profile's CMM Id within aIO.

The KcsCreateProfBlnk() entry point creates an instance of a KcsProfile derivative that is determined by aCmmID and aCmmVersion. This is how an empty profile is created from scratch. The aProfId argument specifies which KcsProfileFormat derivative to use.


When you derive from a KcsProfile class, the optional entry points are:


KcsInitProf(); KcsStatusId



Example 5-1 shows you how to use the entry points when creating a KcsProfile instance.

Example 5-1 KcsProfile Class Entry Points Example

/* Required entry points

*/ extern long KcsDLOpenProfCount = 0;  /* Construct a profile object using

KcsIO */ KcsProfile * KcsCreateProf(KcsStatus *aStat, KcsIO *aIO) { 	//Create

the new derivative 	return (new KcsProfileKCMS(aStat, aIO)); } /* Construct an

in-memory profile object using the ids */ KcsProfile *

KcsCreateProfBlnk(KcsStatus *aStat, KcsId aCmmId,  	KcsVersion aCmmVersion,

KcsId aProfId,  	KcsVersion aProfVersion) { 	//Create the new derivative

	return(new KcsProfileKCMS (aStat, aCmmId, aCmmVersion,  		aProfId,

aProfVersion)); } /* Optional entry points */ KcsStatus KcsInitProf(long

libMajor, long libMinor, long *myMajor,  		long *myMinor) { 	// Set up the

return values 	*myMajor = KCS_MAJOR_VERSION; 	*myMinor = KCS_MINOR_VERSION; 

	//Check the major version 	if (libMajor != KCS_MAJOR_VERSION) 		return

(KCS_CMM_MAJOR_VERSION_MISMATCH);  	//Currently, if minor version of library

is less than the KCMS  	// minor version, return an error. 	if (libMinor !=


guarantees if your minor version number is greater than 	//KCMS minor version

number, it will handle it. No more init. 	return(KCS_SUCCESS); }  KcsStatus

KcsCleanupProf() { 	/* Clean up is performed in the destructor */ 	return;
