KCMS CMM Developer's Guide
 associative array ( Index Term Link )
 attach() ( Index Term Link )
 attachXXXX() method ( Index Term Link )
 attribute sets ( Index Term Link )
 base class identifiers ( Index Term Link )
 calibration ( Index Term Link )
 characterization ( Index Term Link )
  derivable, descriptions of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 class descriptions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 cleanup ( Index Term Link )
  create, how to steps ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  filename convention ( Index Term Link )
   version number must match note ( Index Term Link )
  load, how to ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  makefile ( Index Term Link )
  makefile location ( Index Term Link )
  runtime derivative, how to create ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 compiling programs ( Index Term Link )
 complete-forward transform ( Index Term Link )
 complete-gamut transform ( Index Term Link )
 complete-reverse transform ( Index Term Link )
 complete-simulate transform ( Index Term Link )
 compose() ( Index Term Link )
 connect() method ( Index Term Link )
 createEmptyProfile() ( Index Term Link )
 createProfile() ( Index Term Link )
 createXXXX() method ( Index Term Link )
 development environment requirements ( Index Term Link )
 dlsym(3X) ( Index Term Link )
 evaluation, optimized versus unoptimized diagram ( Index Term Link )
 external entry points
  base-class specific, definition of ( Index Term Link )
  class mnemonics note ( Index Term Link )
  definition of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  mandatory, definition of ( Index Term Link )
  optional, definition of ( Index Term Link )
 external entry points, mandatory ( Index Term Link )
 external entry points, optional ( Index Term Link )
 findErrDesc() ( Index Term Link )
 findWarningDesc() ( Index Term Link )
 forward-RCS-effect ( Index Term Link )
 gamut-test-RCS ( Index Term Link )
 getNewValidProfileIndex() method ( Index Term Link )
 getObject() ( Index Term Link )
 ICC profile format
  CMM Id location note ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
  do not create, extend note ( Index Term Link )
 initialization ( Index Term Link )
 instantiation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  attachXXXX() method ( Index Term Link )
  createXXXX() method ( Index Term Link )
  new() method ( Index Term Link )
 into-RCS ( Index Term Link )
 isSupported() ( Index Term Link )
 KCMS development environment requirements ( Index Term Link )
 KCMS framework
  API calls to KcsProfile member functions, mapping of ( Index Term Link )
  architecture ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  architecture diagram ( Index Term Link )
  connecting profiles example ( Index Term Link )
  evaluating data with optimization example ( Index Term Link )
  evaluating data without optimization example ( Index Term Link )
  flow examples ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  freeing a profile example ( Index Term Link )
  getting an attribute example ( Index Term Link )
  getting attributes example ( Index Term Link )
  primary operations examples ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  profile, loading example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  profile format, description of ( Index Term Link )
  relates to KcsProfile class ( Index Term Link )
  relates to KcsProfileFormat class ( Index Term Link )
  relates to KcsXform class ( Index Term Link )
  relats to KcsAttributeSet class ( Index Term Link )
  saving a profile ( Index Term Link )
  setting an attribute example ( Index Term Link )
 KCS_END_OF_XFORMS ( Index Term Link )
  use of ( Index Term Link )
 KCS_SUCCESS ( Index Term Link )
 KcsAttributeSet class
  alias to KcsTags class note ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  KcsAttribute object, using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  object use ( Index Term Link )
  relates to KCMS framework ( Index Term Link )
 KcsChunkSet class
  and ICC profile format ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KcsCleanupXXXX() ( Index Term Link )
 KcsConnectProfiles() ( Index Term Link )
 KcsCreateXXXX() ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KcsDLOpenStatCount ( Index Term Link )
 KcsDLOpenXXXXCount() ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KcsFile class, description ( Index Term Link )
 KcsFreeProfile() ( Index Term Link )
 KcsGetAttribute() ( Index Term Link )
 KcsInitXXXX() ( Index Term Link )
 KcsIO class
  creating a derivative ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  derivative, KcsSolarisFile source files as example ( Index Term Link )
  derivative information ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  external entry points ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  member function override rules ( Index Term Link )
 KcsIO object
  create diagram ( Index Term Link )
  create example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KcsLoadable class
  derivatives ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  sharing ( Index Term Link )
 KcsLoadable classes, UIDs ( Index Term Link )
 KcsMemoryBlock class, description ( Index Term Link )
 KcsProfile class
  attribute sets ( Index Term Link )
  characterization and calibration ( Index Term Link )
  connect() method ( Index Term Link )
  constructors and destructors ( Index Term Link )
  creating a derivative ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creators ( Index Term Link )
  derivative information ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  examples ( Index Term Link )
  external entry points ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  KcsProfileFormat instance ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  member function override rules ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  member functions to KCMS API calls, mapping of ( Index Term Link )
  must derive if using ICC profile note ( Index Term Link )
  printer RCS transformation examples ( Index Term Link )
  relates to KCMS framework ( Index Term Link )
  save methods ( Index Term Link )
  sequences sharing xforms diagram ( Index Term Link )
  transforms ( Index Term Link )
 KcsProfile object
  create diagram ( Index Term Link )
  create example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KcsProfileFormat class
  attributes ( Index Term Link )
  base class support ( Index Term Link )
  creating a derivative ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  derivative information ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  error protocols ( Index Term Link )
  external entry points ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  loading ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  member function override rules ( Index Term Link )
  member override rules ( Index Term Link )
  protected derivatives ( Index Term Link )
  relates to KCMS framework ( Index Term Link )
  retrievable objects ( Index Term Link )
  transforms ( Index Term Link )
 KcsProfileFormat object
  create diagram ( Index Term Link )
  create example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  load diagram ( Index Term Link )
  load example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KcsProfileKCMS derivative ( Index Term Link )
 KcsProfileType ( Index Term Link )
 KcsShareable class
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KcsSolarisFile class
  description ( Index Term Link )
  source files, use as an example ( Index Term Link )
 KcsSolarisFile object, load example ( Index Term Link )
 kcssolmsg_strings.po file ( Index Term Link )
 KcsStatus class
  creating an extension ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
  extension information ( Index Term Link )
  header file ( Index Term Link )
  localizing messages ( Index Term Link )
 KcsStatusId ( Index Term Link )
 KcsXform class
  composition ( Index Term Link )
  creating a derivative ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  derivative information ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  evaluation ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  evaluation helper methods ( Index Term Link )
  external entry points ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  load and minimization mechanism ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  loading ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  optimization ( Index Term Link )
  relates to KCMS framework ( Index Term Link )
  save type example ( Index Term Link )
  save types ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   private ( Index Term Link )
   universal ( Index Term Link )
   universal as private ( Index Term Link )
  saving ( Index Term Link )
  technology ( Index Term Link )
  Xform attributes ( Index Term Link )
 KcsXformSeq class ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  composition ( Index Term Link )
  connections ( Index Term Link )
  constructors and destructors ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  evaluation ( Index Term Link )
  list of xforms ( Index Term Link )
  loading ( Index Term Link )
  optimization ( Index Term Link )
  saving ( Index Term Link )
  validation ( Index Term Link )
 KcsXWindow class, description ( Index Term Link )
 load() ( Index Term Link )
 localizing messages ( Index Term Link )
 makefile, CMM ( Index Term Link )
 naming derived classes ( Index Term Link )
 new() method ( Index Term Link )
 optimization ( Index Term Link )
 out-of-RCS ( Index Term Link )
 OWconfig file
  insert entry ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  KcsIO class example ( Index Term Link )
  KcsProfile class example ( Index Term Link )
  KcsProfileFormat class example ( Index Term Link )
  KcsStatus class example ( Index Term Link )
  KcsXform class example ( Index Term Link )
  structure of ( Index Term Link )
  version numbering ( Index Term Link )
 OWconfigGetAttribute() ( Index Term Link )
 private saving ( Index Term Link )
  filename suffixes ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  naming convention ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  supported device ( Index Term Link )
 RCS transformations examples ( Index Term Link )
 reverse-RCS-effect ( Index Term Link )
 RGB-to-CIE Lab profile ( Index Term Link )
 runtime derivation
  allocating objects ( Index Term Link )
  code examples ( Index Term Link )
  external entry points ( Index Term Link )
  initialization and cleanup ( Index Term Link )
  instantiation ( Index Term Link )
  using wrapper functions ( Index Term Link )
 runtime derivation requirements ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 simulation-RCS ( Index Term Link )
 static store ( Index Term Link )
  definition of ( Index Term Link )
  generation ( Index Term Link )
  regeneration ( Index Term Link )
 technology ( Index Term Link )
 transforms ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  complete-forward transform ( Index Term Link )
  complete-gamut transform ( Index Term Link )
  complete-reverse transform ( Index Term Link )
  complete-simulate transform ( Index Term Link )
  forward-RCS-effect ( Index Term Link )
  gamut-test-RCS ( Index Term Link )
  into-RCS ( Index Term Link )
  KcsForward() ( Index Term Link )
  KcsGamutTest() ( Index Term Link )
  KcsProfileFormat class ( Index Term Link )
  KcsReverse() ( Index Term Link )
  KcsSimuate() ( Index Term Link )
  methods ( Index Term Link )
  out-of-RCS ( Index Term Link )
  reverse-RCS-effect ( Index Term Link )
  simulation-RCS ( Index Term Link )
  types, logical ( Index Term Link )
 updating OWconfig ( Index Term Link )
 wrapper functions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 wrapper functions, using to allocate objects ( Index Term Link )
 XformType values ( Index Term Link )
 xgettext() ( Index Term Link )