KCMS Calibrator Tool Loadable Interface Guide

OWconfig Entry

Example 3-1 shows an OWconfig text file entry for a fictitious dynamically loadable calibration module.

Example 3-1 OWconfig File Entry

class="KCMS_CALIBRATE" name="mydriver"

Table 3-1 describes the meaning of each attribute=value pair in the OWconfig file entry.

Table 3-1 Calibration Module Attributes and Meanings




This value is a unique name for your OWconfig entries.


This value string is always KCMS_CALIBRATE, which uniquely identifies the class of loadable modules that interact with Calibrator Tool.  


This value is the name of the loadable module. It uniquely identifies the instance of the class object in the OWconfig file and must be different for each loadable module. This name string will appear in the Calibrator Tool Calibrator:Devices window. (See Figure 2-2 in Chapter 2, Calibrating A Monitor.)


This value is accessed when the end user chooses a particular device type to calibrate. It identifies the type of the device and is used to create a list of loadable modules for this device. The names of all the modules of the specified device type are displayed in the Calibrator:Devices window. (See Figure 2-1 in Chapter 2, Calibrating A Monitor.) There can be several device type entries. Each is uniquely identified by the name= value.


This value is the name of the shared object that will be loaded when the end user clicks on Load. It has all the information necessary to start its own application to measure the device data. The module is expected to be installed in the /usr/openwin/etc/devhandlers/ directory.