Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Check the Status of State Database Replicas (DiskSuite Tool)

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites ("Prerequisites for Maintaining DiskSuite Objects").

  2. Check the status of the MetaDB object by displaying the object's Information window.

    For other ways of checking status, see "Using DiskSuite Tool to Check Status".

  3. Refer to Table 3-1 for explanations of the Status fields of the MetaDB object, and possible actions to take.

    Table 3-1 MetaDB Object Status Keywords





    The MetaDB object (state database) has no errors and is functioning correctly.



    The number of good state database replicas is less than three, or at least one replica is broken. 


    This status is also displayed if the metadevice state database replicas have been created on fewer than three different controllers. 

    Add more replicas, preferably spread across different controllers, or fix the broken replicas. 


    If possible, add another controller and create state database replicas on drives attached to the new controller. 


    See "How to Create Additional State Database Replicas (DiskSuite Tool)" to add more state database replicas. See "How to Enable a State Database Replica (DiskSuite Tool)" to fix broken replicas.


    The number of good state database replicas is less than two, or one or more state database replicas are broken. 

    Add more replicas, preferably spread across different controllers, or fix the broken replicas. 


    See "How to Create Additional State Database Replicas (DiskSuite Tool)" to add more state database replicas. See "How to Enable a State Database Replica (DiskSuite Tool)" to fix broken replicas.


    There are no good state database replicas. 

    Create at least three state database replicas from scratch, before rebooting. Otherwise the system will not boot properly. See "How to Create Initial State Database Replicas From Scratch (DiskSuite Tool)".