Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Enable a Slice in a Submirror (DiskSuite Tool)

Use this task to enable a slice in a submirror that is in the "Errored" state.

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites ("Prerequisites for Maintaining DiskSuite Objects"), and have read the overview ("Overview of Replacing and Enabling Slices in Mirrors and RAID5 Metadevices") and the preliminary information ("Preliminary Information For Replacing and Enabling Slices in Mirrors and RAID5 Metadevices").

  2. Double-click the errored Mirror object in the Objects list.

    The object appears on the canvas. The submirror displays the error status.

  3. Click inside the stripe rectangle of the submirror with status of "Critical." Then display the object's pop-up window and choose Info.

    The Stripe Information window appears.

  4. In the Stripe Info window, select the slice with the "Critical" status and click Enable. Then click Close.

    The slice status changes from Critical to Enabled. The submirror status changes from Critical (Errored) to Critical (Uncommitted).

  5. Click inside the Mirror object. Then click Commit.

    A mirror resync begins. The submirror status changes to "Component Resyncing."

  6. When the resync is done, verify that the status of the mirror is OK.

  7. Validate the data.

    Note -

    If DiskSuite still reports the slice in the "Errored" state after enabling the slice, refer to "How to Replace a Slice in a Submirror (DiskSuite Tool)".