Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

Example -- Releasing a Diskset

red# metaset -s relo-red -r
red# metaset -s relo-red
Set name = relo-red, Set number = 1
Host                Owner
Drive               Dbase
  c1t0d1             Yes
  c1t2d0             No 
  c1t3d0             No 
  c1t4d1             No 
  c2t2d0             Yes
  c3t0d1             Yes
  c3t2d0             No 
  c3t3d0             No 
  c3t4d1             No 

This example releases the diskset relo-red. Note that there is no owner of the diskset. Viewing status from host red could be misleading. A host can only determine if it does or does not own a diskset. For example, if host blue were to reserve the diskset, it would not appear so from host red; only host blue would be able to determine the reservation in this case.