Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

Example -- Adding Additional Drives to a Diskset

red# metaset -s relo-red -a c2t5d0
red# metaset
Set name = relo-red, Set number = 1
Host                Owner
  red                Yes
Drive               Dbase
  c1t2d0             Yes
  c1t3d0             Yes
  c2t2d0             Yes
  c2t3d0             Yes
  c2t4d0             Yes
  c2t5d0             No

This example adds drive c2t5d0 to diskset relo-red.

Note -

If you add or delete drives to a diskset while DiskSuite Tool is running, a dialog box appears stating that the configuration has changed. Either reload the configuration by selecting Rescan Configuration from the File menu, or exit DiskSuite Tool then restart it.