Korean Solaris User's Guide

Instructions for Running Networked Applications

You must follow the information and directions in Appendix C, "Networked Applications," in Solaris Advanced User's Guide, which you should read thoroughly. You must additionally make the following adjustments to enable operation of the Korean features of the Korean OpenWindows environment.

Setting Required Environment Variables

To run a networked application on a remote machine you must set your environment variables correctly, as follows:

Sample Command Sequences for Remote Operation

How to Display Remote OpenWindows V2.x on a Local OpenWindows V3.x System

The following sequence of commands is an example of starting up a Shell Tool on a remote Korean Solaris 1.x (including Korean OpenWindows 2.x) machine. In this example, your local machine is running Solaris 2.x, including Korean OpenWindows 3.x, and the remote machine, where you start up the Shell Tool, has Korean Solaris 1.x, including Korean OpenWindows 2.x:

  1. Type the following command.

    local_machine% xhost +remote_machine 
  2. Log in on the remote machine.

    local_machine% rlogin remote_machine 


    local_machine% telnet remote_machine 
  3. Set the language locale on the remote machine.

    remote_machine% setenv LANG korean
  4. Set the remote machine to display on your local machine.

    remote_machine% setenv DISPLAY local_machine:0.0 
  5. Set the OpenWindows environment home directory.

    remote_machine% setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin
  6. Set the path to the OpenWindows LD library.

    remote_machine% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $OPENWINHOME/lib
  7. Start up the OpenWindows application, for example Shell Tool:

    remote_machine% $OPENWINHOME/bin/xview/shelltool -lc_basiclocale \oldlocale -lc_inputlang oldlocale -lc_displaylang oldlocale

    To run a different application, use that application's command in place of shelltool.

How to Display Remote OpenWindows V3.x on a Local OpenWindows V2.x System

The following sequence of commands is an example of starting up a Shell Tool on a remote Korean Solaris 2.x (including Korean OpenWindows 3.x) machine from your local machine which is running Korean Solaris 1.x (including Korean OpenWindows 2.x). In this example, the remote machine, where you start up the Shell Tool, has only Korean OpenWindows 3.x.

  1. Make a directory on the Korean Solaris 2.x machine.

    local_machine% mkdir /home/fonts
  2. Change directory.

    local_machine% cd /home/fonts
  3. Create Compat.list and Families.list.

    local_machine% cat > /home/fonts/Compat.list
    -iso8859-1 /hnggthr _FontDirectorySYN
    local_machine% bldfamily
  4. Add directory to server font path.

    local_machine% xset +fp /home/fonts
  5. Allow server access from the remote machine.

    local_machine% xhost +remote_machine
  6. Log in on the remote machine.

    local_machine% rlogin remote_machine


    local_machine% telnet remote_machine
  7. Set the language locale on the remote machine.

    remote_machine% setenv LANG ko
  8. Set the remote machine to display on your local machine.

    remote_machine% setenv DISPLAY local_machine:0.0
  9. Set the OpenWindows environment home directory.

    remote_machine% setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin
  10. Set the path to the Korean OpenWindows LD library.

    remote_machine% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $OPENWINHOME/lib
  11. Start the htt X input method server.

    remote_machine% $OPENWINHOME/bin/htt &
  12. Start the OpenWindows application you want, for example, Shell Tool:

    remote_machine% $OPENWINHOME/bin/shelltool

    In XView-based applications you do not need to give an explicit font set definition.