Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide

Typing BoShiaMy Text

  1. Open a new Terminal (ASCII mode) and type echo.

  2. Type Control-spacebar to turn on TsangChieh mode.

    The mode appears in the status area.

  3. Press the F3 key to turn on BoShiaMy mode.

    The mode appears in the status area.

  4. Type the sets of radicals: uoo, ffl, and d. Press the spacebar after each set to convert it to its character.

    The BoShiaMy input converter finds only one matching character for each set of radicals. The character is displayed as the next radical is typed:

  5. Type edn.

    The input converter finds two matching characters and displays a lookup choice pop-up:

  6. Type a to select the appropriate character.

    The radical is converted and the correct character appears:

  7. Type kxx and midk. Press the spacebar after each set to convert it to its character.

    The input converter finds only one matching character for each set of radicals. The character is displayed as the next radical is typed:

  8. Type yryf.

    The input converter finds four matching characters and displays a lookup choice pop-up:

  9. Type a to select the appropriate character.

    The radical is converted and the correct character appears:
