Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide

Typing ChuYin Text

The following example uses ChuYin mode to enter Chinese characters representing the statement "Taipei's weather is very hot."

  1. Open a new Terminal (ASCII mode) and type echo.

  2. Type Control-spacebar to turn on TsangChieh mode.

    The mode appears in the status area.

  3. Press the F5 key to turn on ChuYin mode.

    The mode appears in the status area.

  4. Type w96.

    The ChuYin input converter finds several matching characters and displays a lookup choice pop-up:

  5. Press a to select the appropriate character.

    The radicals are converted and the correct character appears.

  6. Type 1o3.

    The input converter finds only one matching character for this set of radicals. The character is displayed as the final radical is typed

  7. Type 2k7.

    The input converter finds two matching characters, so a lookup choice pop-up is displayed:

  8. Press a to select the appropriate character.

    The radicals are converted and the correct character appears.

  9. Type wu0.

    These are not immediately converted and the lookup selection is not displayed because the last character is not the tone character.

  10. Press the spacebar to open the selection of lookup choices.

  11. Type a to select the appropriate character.

    The radicals are converted and the correct character appears.

  12. Type fu4.

    The input converter finds several matching characters, so a lookup choice pop-up is displayed:

  13. Type f to select the appropriate character.

    The radicals are converted and the correct character is displayed.

  14. Type cp3.

    The input converter finds two matching characters, so a lookup choice pop-up is displayed:

  15. Type a to select the appropriate character.

    The radicals are converted and the correct character appears.

  16. Type bk4.

    The input converter finds three matching characters, so a lookup choice pop-up is displayed:

  17. Type a to select the appropriate character.

    The radicals are converted and the correct character appears.
