Solaris DHCP Administration Guide

Configuring DHCP Servers

When you configure a DHCP server, DHCP Manager starts the DHCP Configuration Wizard, which prompts you for information needed to configure the server. The initial screen of the wizard is shown in the following figure.

Figure 3–2 DHCP Configuration Wizard's Initial Screen


When you finish answering the wizard prompts, DHCP Manager creates the items listed in the following table.

Table 3–1 Items Created During DHCP Server Configuration




Service configuration file, /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf

Records keywords and values for server configuration options. 

Data store type and location, options used with in.dhcpd to start the DHCP daemon when system boots.

dhcptab table

DHCP Manager creates a dhcptab table if it does not already exist.

Macros and options with assigned values. 

Locale macro, optional

Contains the local time zone's offset in seconds from Universal Time (UTC). 

UTCoffst option

Server macro, named to match server's node name 

Contains options whose values were determined by input from the administrator who configured the DHCP server. Options apply to all clients that use addresses owned by the server. 

The Locale macro, plus the following options:

  • Timeserv, set to point to the server's primary IP address

  • LeaseTim, and LeaseNeg if you selected negotiable leases

  • DNSdmain and DNSserv, if DNS is configured

  • Hostname, which must not be assigned a value. The presence of this option indicates that the hostname must be obtained from the name service.

Network address macro, whose name is the same as the network address of client's network 

Contains options whose values were determined by input from the administrator who configured the DHCP server. Options apply to all clients that reside on the network specified by the macro name. 

The following options:

  • Subnet

  • Router or RDiscvyF

  • Broadcst, if the network is a LAN

  • MTU

  • NISdmain and NISservs, if NIS is configured

  • NIS+dom and NIS+serv, if NIS+ is configured

Network table for the network. 

Empty table is created until you create IP addresses for the network. 

None, until you add IP addresses.