Solaris DHCP Administration Guide

How to Configure a DHCP Server (dhcpconfig -D)

  1. Select the system you want to use as a DHCP server.

    Use the guidelines in Making Decisions for Server Configuration.

  2. Make decisions about your data store, lease policy, and router information.

    Use the guidelines in Making Decisions for Server Configuration.

  3. Become superuser or a user assigned to the DHCP Management profile.

  4. Type a command of the following format:

    #/usr/sbin/dhcpconfig -D -r datastore -p location

    datastore is one of SUNWfiles, SUNWbinfiles, or SUNWnisplus.

    location is the data-store-dependent location where you want to store the DHCP data. For SUNWfiles and SUNWbinfiles, this must be a UNIX absolute path name. For SUNWnisplus, this must be a fully specified NIS+ directory.

    The dhcpconfig utility uses the server machine's system and network files to determine values used to configure the DHCP server. See the dhcpconfig man page for information about additional options to the dhcpconfig command that enable you to override the default values.

  5. Add one or more networks to the DHCP service.

    See How to Add a DHCP Network (dhcpconfig) for the procedure to add a network.