LDAP Setup and Configuration Guide

How to Create a Client Profile

  1. Use ldap_gen_profile(1M) to create a client profile.

    # /usr/sbin/ldap_gen_profile \
    -P myprofile \
    -b dc=mkt,dc=mainstore,dc=com \
    -a simple -w mypasswd \
    -D cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=mkt,dc=mainstore,dc=com \

    The following example shows the profile generated:

    dn: cn=myprofile,ou=profile,dc=mkt,dc=mainstore,dc=com
    SolarisBindDN: cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=mkt,dc=mainstore,dc=com
    SolarisBindPassword: {NS1}xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    SolarisSearchBaseDN: dc=mkt,dc=mainstore,dc=com
    SolarisAuthMethod: NS_LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE
    SolarisTransportSecurity: NS_LDAP_SEC_NONE
    SolarisSearchReferral: NS_LDAP_FOLLOWREF
    SolarisSearchScope: NS_LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL
    SolarisSearchTimeLimit: 30
    SolarisCacheTTL: 43200
    cn: myprofile
    ObjectClass: top
    ObjectClass: SolarisNamingProfile
  2. Save the generated profile to a file (such as profile.ldif) and use ldapadd(1) to store the client profile file in the LDAP server.

    # ldapadd -h ldap_server_hostname -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
    -w nssecret -f profile.ldif

The ldap_cachemgr(1M) on every client machine automatically updates the content of the LDAP configuration files. This means changes need to be made only on the server and those changes automatically propagate to every client in the namespace. The periodic update is based on the TTL, time to live value specified in the profile SolarisCacheTTL.