Solaris 8 Installation Supplement

Installing Web Start Flash Archives With the Solaris Web Start 3.0 Installation Method

This section provides the procedure for using the Solaris Web Start 3.0 installation method on the Solaris 8 Installation CD to install Web Start Flash archives. This section supplements Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide and Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide.

The Solaris Web Start 3.0 installation method on the Solaris 8 Installation CD enables you to install Web Start Flash archives stored on the following:

How to Install a Web Start Flash Archive With the Solaris Web Start 3.0 Installation Method

  1. Begin the Solaris Web Start 3.0 installation as described in Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide and Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide.

  2. On the Specify Media panel, select the location of the Web Start Flash archive.

    The Solaris Web Start 3.0 installation prompts you to proceed, depending on the media you selected.

    Media Selected 



    Insert the CD where the Web Start Flash archive is located. 

    Network File System 

    Specify the path to the network file system where the Web Start Flash archive is located. 


    Specify the URL and proxy information needed to access the Web Start Flash archive. 

    Local tape 

    Specify the local tape device and the position on the tape where the Web Start Flash archive is located. 

  3. On the Select Flash Archives panel, select one or more Web Start Flash archives to install.

  4. On the Additional Flash Archives panel, you can select to install layered Web Start Flash archives by specifying the media where another archive is located. If you do not want to install additional archives, select None.

  5. On the Flash Archives Summary panel, confirm the selected archives and click Next to complete the installation.